Rebecca Owen Barclay [261]
Sex: FAKA: Becky
Individual Information
Birth: 22 Mar 1951 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 537 Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Father: Dr. Charles Olds Barclay Jr [259] (1918- ) 177,180,181 [MRIN:127] Mother: Anne Lampkin [260] ( - ) 177,558
Spouses and Children
1. *William A. Paquette [707] ( - ) 609 [MRIN:278] Marriage: Status: Divorced
Birth Notes:
Barclay bible:
Children of Charles Old Barclay jr. and Ann Lamkin Barclay
Rebecca Owen Barclay--born March 22, 1951--Portsmouth, Va.
Captain Robert Barclay [424]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 18 Aug 1775 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA 541,610,611 Baptism: Death: 18 Oct 1847 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 177,610,612 Burial: Oct 1847 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 541,613 Cause of Death: AFN #: 22NJ-P7J
1. Bio 562, interview
Capt. Robert Barclay's picture hangs in the front entrance to Dr. Charles Old (Pat) Barclay's home at 404 Washington St., Portsmouth, Va.2. Residence 614, description of residence in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Capt. Barclay lived on a farm in the Craddock area near where Craddock School now stands. He also had a waterfront home on Crawford Street in Portsmouth. During the summer he lived on the farm and spent his winters in town at the house. He would watch the ship hands from the top widow of the house to make sure they were doing their jobs.
Annie E. Emmerson ("Old Homes")3. Occupation 548, English sea captain
South of this (Crawford St.) was Capt. Robert Barclay's residence, built in the days when a lot covered one forth of a square. Its. gable faces the street, and like so many of the old homes here, the entrance door was in the yard. Like many well-to-do families in Portsmouth, the Barclays owned a country home, and the Barclay's was on the site now occupied by Cradock. This house was sold some years ago for division, but has since been bought back by a member of the family, Hugh Barclay.
Settled on a large tract of land in Norfolk County. That tract developed into the community of Craddock.4. Religion 590, Capt. Dickson & Capt. Barclay got Trinity Church going again after the Revolutionary War, after 1776 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
5. Residence 590, built house on Crawford Street, 1801 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Capt. Robert built his own home.6. Ship 615, brig Elizabeth for charter, 12 Nov 1803 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Miscellany--November 12, 18037. Petition 616, signer of Nortolk County petition to lease out vacant lot, 17 Dec 1804 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
For charter, for the fall sailing, Brig Elizabeth, Robert Barclay, master, burthen 1300 bbls, apply. --John Davis
Norfolk County Petition, December 17, 18048. Ship 617, brig, Elizabeth for freight or charter, 21 Aug 1805 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
To the Honorable the Speakers and Members of the General Assembly,
The petition of the subscribers freeholdres and inhabintants of the town of Portsmouth respectfully represents,
Whereas William Crawford, in the year 1752 laid out a parcel of land, on the south side of Elizabeth River, opposite to the Town of Norfolk, into one hundred and twenty two lots, with commodious streets etc. and petitioned the then legislature to erect the aforesaid lots into a Town, by the name of Portsmouth, at the same time he give to the said Town, four lots of land, one for a Court House, one for a Jail, one for a Market House, and the fourth for a Church, for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the said Town which the legislature on his petition and grant established his lots etc a town by the name of Portsmouth. The inhabitants under the aforesaid grant, shortly after, built an Episcopal Church, The other three lots remained vacant, until the inhabitants of the aforesaid town, petitioned the legislature in December 1800--their seat of justice, from the town of Washington, to the Town of Portsmouth, where the Court House, and Jail now are and were built by subscription by the inhabitants, thereof, and on the third lot, are built the Jail and Clerk's Office--and that there now remains vacant, a considerable part of the lot, on which the Court House, is erected, and that it would tend greatly to the health and advantage of the inhabitants of the aforesaid Town, if the vacant land was leased out as the present situation of the land is a very great nuisance from the number of clay holes on the lot, holding stagnated water, your petitioners therefore pray that an act may pass authorizing the Trustees of the said Town of Portsmouth, to lease out a part of the aforesaid vacant lot, beginning at Patrick Robertson's line on High Stree, and running west on High Street, one hundred and thirty feet, thence north one hundred and thirteen feet, to James Blamire's line, thence east, binding on James Blamire's line, one hundred and thirty feet, to Patrick's Robertson's line, thence south binding on Patrick Robertson's line, one hundred and thirteen feet, to the first mentioned station on High Street, for ninety nine years, renewable forever, in four equal lots or parcels in the same manner as the law passed to lease out a part of the fourth lot called the Market Lot, passed on the fourth day of January 1803--a deference thereunto, will fully appear, which was passed on a petition from the inhabitants of the aforesaid town.
And your petitioners will ever pray etc. Portsmouth 12th December 1804.
James S. Mathews
Caleb Hodges
Solomon Hodges
Henry Dickson
Robert Barclay
and others
Gazette & Ledger--August 21, 18059. Occupation 618, Captain on the "Modoc", 1807 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
For freight or charter, the fast sailing brig, Elizabeth, Robert Barclay, master, 1300 bbls.--John Davis
10. Ship 619, brig John & Adeline, 11 Feb 1811 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
The Norfolk & Portsmouth Herald--11 February 181111. Ships 620, brigs, Cephalus, Jones, and John & Adeline bound for port, left at St. Ubes, 26 Jun 1812 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Brig John & Adeline, Robert Barclay, m, 1600 bbls--Jasper Moran, Holt Wilson, Cadiz
Gazette & Publick Ledger--June 26, 181212. Ship 621, brig, John & Adeline for sale, 31 Jul 1812 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
The Brigs Cephalus, Jones and John & Adeline, Barclay, of and bound for the port, were left at St. Ubes, May 12, to sail in 10 days.
Herald--July 31, 181213. Military 590, used a flintlock rifle at the battle of the Craney Island during the War of 1812, 1812 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
For Sale--Brig John & Adeline, lying about 4 miles above City Point, on the Appomattox River, with her cargo of 5000 bu. of St. Ubes salt.
Robert Barclay, Holt Wilson, Jasper Moran
Dr. Charles Old (Pat) Barclay now owns the rifle.14. Miliary 622, Battle of Craney Island during War of 1812, Feb 1813 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Battle of Craney Island: The town of Portsmouth and the Gosport Navy Yard narrowly averted capture and probable destruction in the War of 1812, when a large British landing force was defeated at the Battle of Craney Island. The habor had been blockaded since February 1813 by a squadron under Admiral Sir John B. Warren, who with 2600 troops under Brig. General Sir Sydney Beckwith, made his attack in June on the barren island which guarded Portsmouth at the mouth of the Elizabeth River. The island was defended by the state militia, regulars, and some seamen from the U.S. Frigate Constellation, a total of about 750 under the command of Brig. General Robert B. Taylor of Norfolk. The Portsmouth Light Artillery, later known as Grimes Battery, played a prominent part in this battle under the command of Captain Arthur Emmerson of Portsmouth.15. Military Service 547,623, enlisted in War of 1812, 22 Aug 1814 in Lamberts Point, near Norfolk, Virginia
Robert Barclay, Pvt., Capt. Arthur Emmerson's Co. of Art'y Mil. War of 1812 appears on Company Muster Roll for Aug. 22 to Oct. 25, 181416. Miliary Pension Application 624, War of 1812, 1814 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Roll dated: Lambert's Point near Norfolk Oct. 25, 1814
Commencement of Service: Aug. 22, 1814
Expiration of Service: Oct. 25, 1814
Present or absent: present
Robert Barkley, Pvt., Capt. Arthur Emmerson's Co. of Virginia Mil. Art'y, War of 1812 appears on Company Pay Roll for Aug. 22 to Oct. 25, 1814
Roll dated: Oct. 25, 1814
Commencement of Services or of this settlement: Aug. 22, 1814
Expiration of Service or of this settlement: Oct. 25, 1814
Term of Service charged: 2 months, 4 days
Pay per month: 8 dollars
Amount of pay: 17 dollars, 3 cents
Soldier: Robert Barclay17. Miltary Pension 625, War of 1812 pension, 22 Aug 1814-25 Oct 1814
Widow: Selina Barclay
Service: Pvt., Capt. Arthur Emmerson's Co., Va. Mil.
Enlisted: Aug. 22, 1814 Discharged: Oct. 25, 1814
Numbers: W. O. 13792 W. C. 7903
Bouty Land: 98517-40-50 33821-120-55
Residence of Widow: 1854, 1855: Washington, D.C.
1878: Montgomery Co., (P.O. Sligo) Md
1887: Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Va.
Maiden name of widow: Selina White (1st mar. Dickson
Marriage of Soldier & Widow: Dec. 25, 1833, Portsmouth, Va.
Death of Soldier: Oct. 18 or 19, 1847, Portsmouth, Va.
Death of Widow: July 1, 1887, Portsmouth, Va.
Remarks: See case of John Dickson, Pvt. Capt. McCandlish's Co., Va. Mil.
B. L. W. 98517-40-50
B. L. W. 51033-120-55
Service Pension, War of 1812, Widow's Brief18. Military Discharge 612, War of 1812, 25 Oct 1814 in Lamberts Point, near Norfolk, Virginia
Selina Barclay, widow of Robert Barclay
Rank: private
Captain: Arthur Emerson
Regiment: Militia
State: Virginia
Post Office: Sigo, County of Montgomery, State of Maryland
Attorney: none
Application file: April 4, 1878
Alleged Service: In Cap't Emerson's Co.
Record evidence of service: Robert Barckley served in Capt. Arthur Emerson's Co. Va. Mil. from Aug. 22 to Oct. 25, 1814; and rep. in B. L. case
Length of service: 65 days
Proof of identity: Testimony of identifying witnesses; general correspondence with B. L. case; similarity of signatures
Admitted: August 8, 1878, to a pension of eight dollars per month from March 9, 1878, the date of the act.
No pension previously applied for
John F. Miller, pension searcher
Warrant for Bounty Land claim 33.821--120, 55 issued
O'Briell, Bounty Land Searcher
M. C. Fosnes, Examiner
Summary of Proof
Marriage: Date: Dec. 25, 1835, of Robert Barclay to Selina Dickson, shown by certified copy of public record of the marriage. Marital cohabitation shown by testimony of Wm. P. Young, Rosa Barclay & S. E.Bontwell, swear they were present at the marriage.
Death of soldier: Date: (as alleged in B.L. case) Oct. 18, 1847
Fact of death shown by affidavits Rosa Barclay, S. E. Bontwell (who attended the funeral) and W. P. Young
Widowhood: Shown by affidavits of S. E. Bontwell and Selina D. Wilson
Service Pension War of 1812, Widow's Brief
Claim No. 12792
Act of March 9, 1878
Claimant: Selina Barclay
Soldier: Robert Barclay
Action: Admmitted
Examiner: M. C. Fosnes
Claim of Widow for Service Pension
State of District of Columbia, County of Washington
On this 3rd day of April, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, personally appeared before me, Clerk Sup. Ct. D.C., the same being a court of record within and for the county and State aforesaid, (1) Mrs. Selina Barclay age 86 years, a resident of Montgomery Co., in the State of Maryland, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Robert Barclay deceased, who was the identical Robert Barclay who served under the name of Robert Barclay as a (don't know) in the company commanded by Captain Emerson, in the Va. Regiment of Troops commanded by (don't know), in the war of 1812, that her said husband (don't know) at Craney Island on or about the (not known) day of (not known) A.D., for the term of ____, and continued in actual service in said war for the term of (not known), and whose services terminated, by reason of (not known), at Craney Island, on the (not known) day of (not known), A.D. ____. She further states that the following is a full description of her said husband at the time of his enlistment, viz: was not his wife at time of his enlistment. She further states that she was married to the said Robert Barclay, at the city of Portsmouth, Va. in the county of Norfolk, and in the State of Virginia, on the 25th day of December, A.D. 1834 she thinks by one Rev. Neill, who was a clergyman; and that her name before her said marriage was Mrs. Selina Dickson and she further states that her first husband's name was John Dickson died in Portsmouth date not remembered and that her said husband, Robert Barclay, died at Portsmouth in the State of Virginia on the date not remembered and that she has not again married; and she further declares that the following have been the places of residence of herself and her said husband since the date of his discharge from the Army, viz: that most of the time since her husbands death she has lived in Washington D.C. & Montgomery Co., Md. she makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the persion to which she may be entitled under Sections 4736 to 4740, Revised Statutes, and the Act of March 9th, 1878, and hereby appoints ________, her true and lawful attorney, to prosecute her claim; and she further declares that she has heretofore made an application for bounty land and received a warrant numbered 177257 in or near the early part of the year 1854 and that her residence is city of Sligo, county of Montgomery, State of Maryland, and that her post office address is Sligo, Montgomery Co., Md.
Selina Barclay
Also personally appears S. E. Bontwell, age 63 years, residing at No. 7th St. Road Montgomery Co., Md and Selina D. Wilson, aged 32 years, residing at No. 7th St. Road Montg Co. Md., persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being by me duly sworn, say that they have known the said Selina Barclay for many years and for many years, respectively; that they were present and saw her sign her name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and they further say that they are able to identify her as the person who was the wife of the identical ______ who rendered the service allaged in the above application.
S. E. Bontwell
Selina D. Wilson
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of April, A.D. 1878; and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing
R. J. Meigs
Clerk Sup. Ct. D.C.
P. R. Meigs, Jr Asst.
Deposition: Case of Salina Barclay No: 7903 War 1812
On this 1st day of August 1887, at Portsmouth, County of Norfolk, State of Va., before me, H. P. Maxwell, a special examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Rosa B. Pendleton, who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propunded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 37 years of age. Residence No. 112 Crawford St., Portsmouth, Va.
I am the granddaughter of Selina Barclay, the widow of Robert Barclay a soldier in the War of 1812, on whose account shw was pensioned under certificate No. 7903. I know her to have been the lawful widow of the said Robert Barclay, and that she died at this place on the 1st day of July 1887, and that she is the identical person whose name appears with certificate of death hereto attached.
Rosa B. Pendleton, deponent
Sworn and subscribed before me this 12th day of August 1887, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
H. P. Maxwell, Special Examiner
Norfolk, Va.
August 12th, 1887
Hon. John C. Black
Comm'r of Pensions
Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to submit the following report of an inquiry made in the case of Mrs. Selina Barclay, dec'd, late a pensioner under Certificate No. 7.903 as widow of Robert Barclay, dec'd, late a soldier in the war of 1812.
I find that the pensioner died at her late residence No. 112 Crawford St. Portsmouth, Va. July 1st 1887, as is shown by the certificate of death, and the deposition of Mrs. Rosa B. Pendleton hereto attached. pension was paid at the Washington D.C. agency.
The records of death for the City of Portsmouth, Va. are kept by the Commissioner of the Revenue instead of by the Board of Health. Here's his certificate.
In my opinion the name of Salina Barclay may properly be droped from the pension rolls and I so recommend.
Very respectfully,
H. P. Maxwll, Special Examiner
No. 7.903 War 1812
Name: Salina Barclay
late, P. O. Address: Portsmouth
County: Norfolk State: Va.
Recommendation: Have to be dropped from rolls
H. P. Maxwell, Special Examiner
Reference: Died July 1, 87
To the Hon'r J. A. Bently
Yesterday I was informed a Bill was out relating to acres of Pensions, my certificate is dated 9th of March 1878, No. 7903. I wish to be informed if I am to recieve, acres. I am the widow of Robert Barclay, who was in the War of 12.
Very respectfully,
Selina Barclay
Portsmouth, Va.
October 11th, 1879
I Mrs. Selina D. Wilson state that I am Mrs. Selina Barclay's granddaughter and have lived with her nearly all the time since the death of Robert Barclay her husband have never been far enough separated from him not to be well aware of her continued widowhood.
Mrs. L. E. Boutwell, Mrs. Barclay's step-daughter is qualified to make the same statement.
I have known Mrs. Barclay for the past 20 years during that period she has been known as the widow of Robert Barclay.
Mary Thomas
S. E. Boutwell
I certify on this twentieth day of July 1878, came before me Selina D. Wilson, Mary Thomas and S. E. Boutwell and made oath in due form of law to the writtin statement that it is correct and true.
Sworn before
Causon Condict, J.P.
for 5 District of Montgomery County, Maryland
We, Mrs. Emma Boutwell & Mrs. Selina Wilson testify under oath, that we are personally and well acquainted with Mrs. Selina Barclay, widow of Robert Barclay, who is an applicant for pension under the Act of March 9, 1878, that we have known her for 63 and 30 years repectively, and know that she has never remarried since the death of the said Robert Barclay, and that we have no pecuneary interest in the claim of Selina Barclay for pension.
L. E. Boutwell
Selina D. Wilson
Subscribed & sworn before me Aug. 7, 1878
R. J. Meigs, Ck. S. C. D.C.
P. R. J. Meigs, Jr. Asst.
U. S. Pension Agency, Washington, D.C.
Sept. 5th, 1887
John C. Black, Commissioner of Pensions
I hereby report that the name of Selina Barclay, who was a pensioner on the rolls of this Agency, under Certificate No. 7903, and who was last paid at $12, to 4 June , 1887, has been dropped
Very Respectfully,
S. L. Ninson, Pension Agent
Department of the Interior, Pension Office
Norfolk, Va.--Febry 12, 1887
Hon. John C. Black
Commr of Pensions
Washington, D.C.
In obedience to the requirements of office circular letter dated January 19th 1887 (just received) relation to pensioners of the war of 1812. I have the honor to submit the following report in the case of Salina Barclay of 112 Crawford St., Portsmouth, Va. a pensioner under Ct. # 7.903 as widow of Robt. Barcaly, War of 1812.
The pensioner and her history are familiar to me and from traditional reports and her own statements I have no doublt of her right to pension. She is now 95 years old and is the honored mother of honorable descendants, among whom are Hom. H. H. Garland, Prof. B. K. Pendleton of Bethany College W. Va. and Lieut. Barclay U.S.N
It is with pleasure I make this report.
Very respectfully,
H. P. Maxwell, Special Examiner
Department of the Interior, Pension Office
Washington, D.C.
July 16th, 1876
In your claim for service pension under the act of March 9.18.78, No. 13,792, you are required to show, by the affidavits of two or more witnesses who have known you during all that period, whether you have remained in continuous widowhood since the death of the soldier, Robert Barclay.
S. E. Boutwell and Selina D. wilson, identifying witnesses in your declaration for pension, fail to state by what facts or circumstances they identify you as the widow of Robert Barclay, soldier in the war of 1812, and this omission should be supplied by a supplemental affidavit.
Return this letter with the evidence.
Very respectfully,
O.P.G. Clarke
Acting Commissioner
Mrs. Selina Barclay
Sligo, Montgomery Co., Md.
No. 7.903, Act of 1878
War of 1812--Widow's Pension
Selina Barclay, widow of Robert Barclay
Rank: pivate
Company: Capt. Arthur Emerson's
Regiment: Va. Vol.
Washington Agency
Ret per month: eight dollars
Commencing March 9, 1878
Certifcate dated: Aug. 21, 78 and sent to Pension Agent 26 Aug. 78
Van Heuser, Clerk
Oct. 25/79--Claimt the arreas act of Jany. 25/79 makes no provision for soldiers War of 1812 or their widows
Sept. 3rd, 87--Pens. died July 1, 87. Pen. Agt. to drop. 3rd Aud. advised
Treasury Department, third Auditor's Office
8th of February 1854
With regard to your application in relation to the service of Robert Barckley, a private in Captain Arthur Emerson's Company of Virginia Militia, during the late war with England, I have to inform you, that on examination, it appears, he served from 22nd August, to the 25th of October 1813, for which service he was paid in full by Paymaster Jno. B. Cooper.
It does not appear that a Captain Herbert had the command of a company of Virginia Militia, during War of 1812. The letter of J. B. Gibb is herewith returned.
Very Resp'ly Y'r Ob't Sv't
F. Burt, 3rd Auditor
Mrs. Selina Barckley
Care of Judge Peters
2nd Street, East Capital Hill
Washington City, D.C.
Selina Barclay, widow of Robert Barclay dec., private
Capt. Arthur Emerson's Vols. Virginia Mil. 1812
Enl: 22 Aug. 1814
Dis: 25 Oct 1814
See set 3rd Aug. enclose
40 acres
J. H. Peters, present
19. Ship 626, Prince Madoc, 1 Jan 1816 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
American Beacon--January 1, 181620. Religion 627, meeting of the vestry & renting of pews, 4 Jul 1822 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Ship Prince Madoc, Robert Barclay, master
Trinity Vestry21. Religion 628, meeting of the vestry, 5 Apr 1823 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
At a meeting of the Minister and Vestry of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Portsmouth Parish at their house of worship on Thursday the 4th day of July 1832
Present: The Revd. John H. Wingfield, Arthur Emmerson, George Webb, John Dickson, Robert Barclay, Mordecai Cooke, Richard Baugh, Robert B. Butt, John Cocke, Wm. Langhorne
The Vestry proceeded, agreeable to appointment, to rent out the pews which have been repaired, when the following persons being the highest bidders became the renters of the said pews agreeable to the numbers, and at the prices annexed to their names respectively, vz
Mr. John Cock--No. 1 at $21.00
Mssrs R. Barclay & D---No. 1 at $20.00.....
Trinity Vestry--182322. Religion 629, elected to the vestry, 19 Apr 1824 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
At a meeting of the pew holders of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Portsmouth Parish, at the church in Portsmouth on the 5th day of April 1823
Present: The Revd. John H. Wingfield, John Cox, George Webb, John Dickson, John Thompson, John Cocke, James Rudder, Arthur Emmerson, Swepson Whitehead, Holt Wilson, Robert Barclay, William Langhorne, Samuel A. Browne, Enoch Cheate, Henry Bell, Jethro Howland, David A. Reynolds, Richd Blow, Wm. Dyson, Charles A. Grice, Robert B. Butt, Benj. Spratley, Alexander Leckie, John Wilson & Mordecai Cooke.
John Cox, John Thompson, Robert Barclay, George Webb, John Dickson, John Cocke, Arthur Emmerson, & William Langhorne were appointed vestry men for the ensuing twelve months.
Robert Barclay & Arthur Emmerson were appointed church wardens.
Monday the 25th August 1823--John Thompson and Robert Barclay who were appointed to examine state & settle an account of the receipts & disbursements on account of this church, having failed to perform that duty, resolved that Arthur Emmerson, John Cocke & William Langhorne be appointed in their stead, and that they, or any two of them proceed to examine state & settle the said accounts, and return to the next meeting of the vestry if practicable, if not, as soon thereafter as may be a statement of all moneys received & disbursed on account of the repairs to the said church and for other purposes, and that they set forth in said account what balance may be due to or from the said church.
Trinity Vestry--182423. Religion 630, elected as vestryman, 4 Apr 1825 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
At a meeting of the Minister and congregation this 19th day of April 1824. Present for the purpose of electing a new vestry: Revd. John H. Wingfield, Mr. John Thompson, Arthur Emmerson, John Cox, John Dickson, James Rudder, Sol. A. Browne, John Cocke
Elected as vestrymen for the ensuing year John Cox, Jno. Dickson, John Thompson, Robert Barclay, James Rudder, Holt Wilson, William Langhorne, and Arthur Emmerson, and as church wardens Holt Wilson and Jno. Dickson.
At a meeting of the minister and congregation this 4th day of April 1825 for the purpose of electing a vestry for the ensuing year. Present: Revd. John H. Wingfield, Mr. John Thompson, John Cox, Jas. Rudder, George Webb, Holt Wilson.24. Religion 631, elected to the vestry, 28 Mar 1826 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Elected as vestrymen: Arthur Emmerson, John Thompson, Robt. Barclay, John Cox, John Dickson, R. B. Butt, Jas. Rudder, Holt Wilson, Jno. Cocke, & Arthur Emmerson and Holt Wilson as church wardens.
Resolved that the vestry of the last year be again elected for the present vestry viz: Arthur Emmerson, John Thompson, John Cox, John Dickson, Robert Barkley, John Cocke, Robert B. Butt, James Rudder, & Holt Wilson.25. Religion 632, elected to the vestry, 12 May 1827 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
The vestry then proceeded to elect out of their own body two members as church wardens. Whereupon they resolved that Arthur Emmerson and Holt Wilson be appointed to that office.
Vestry: Arthur Emmerson, John Cox, John Thompson, George Webb, Robert Barkley, James Rudder, Holt Wilson, John cocke, John W. Murdaugh & Ed Hatton.26. Politics 633, meeting of the anti-Jackson committee, 18 Apr 1828 in Webb's Tavern, Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Wardens: Holt Wilson and J. Rudder
Beacon--18 April 182827. Religion 634, elected to the vestry, 22 Apr 1828 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
At a meeting of the Anti-Jackson Committee of Norfolk County, held at Capt. Webb's Tavern, in Portsmouth, on Tuesday, the 15th day of April 1828, the number of the said Committee was increased to two hundred--the following persons now composing it:
Geo. M. Bain, William Benthall, Beverly Bayton, Robert Barclay, Francis Benson, Isaac Bagley...
John Collins, John A. Chandler, John Cox, William Collins....
John Day....
Lion Esdras, Arthur Emmerson....
John Foreman, Peter Heron, John Hodges, William Holmes....
John Nash, Jesse Nicholson......
Robert Peed.....
David A. Reynolds, John Rutter......
John Thompson, John Talbot......
Holt Wilson, Tapley Webb...
J. Nicholson, Chariman
Trinity Vestry--182828. Religion 635, elected to vestry, 1829 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Easter Monday 1828
Vestry elected: John Cox, James Reed, Arthur Emmerson, John Thompson, R. Barkley, Holt Wilson, Dr. R. B. Butt, Henry Young, Charles A. Grice, and John Cocke.
April 22, 1828
At a called meeting of the above named persons elected to serve as vestrymen of this parish for the incoming year, the following were present, and qualified to their office according to the direction of the 10th canon of the Protestant Episcopal Church, by subscribing severally to the following form:
"I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation: and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in these United States.
Jno. Cox, Arthur Emmerson, J. Thompson, Holt Wilson, Chas. A. Grice, Henry A. F. Young, James Reed, John Cocke
The vestry then proceeded to select our of their own body two members as church wardens: Whereupon they resolved that Arthur Emmerson and Holt Wilson be apoointed to that office.
Trinity Vestry--182929. Inherits 636, from his son, Andrew Barclay, 14 Dec 1830 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Easter Monday, 1829--Vestry elected: John Cocke, John G. Pinner, Esq., Holt Wilson, John Cox, James Reed, Charles A. Grice, Dr. Robert B. Butt, Arthur Emmerson, John Thompson, Henry A. F. Young, R. Barkley, and Mordecai Cooke.
"Qualifiec 5/11/29"--John Cox, Arthur Emmerson, Holt Wilson, M. Cooke, Henry A. F. Young, J. Thompson.
inherits from his son, Andrew Barclay, 1/7 th of net balance and all of his books and surgical instruments.30. Property 637, house for rent, 20 Sep 1831 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Beacon--20 September 183131. Religion 638, elected to the vestry, 1834 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
For Rent--The two story house, forty by twenty-four feet, three rooms on a floor, near the Ferry Wharf, in Crawford street, in Portsmouth, and now occupied by Mr. Holmes. Possession given the first of January 1832, and perhaps one month sooner. For terms apply to Robt. Barclay
Trinity Vestry--183432. Religion 639, elected to the vestry, 1835 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Vestry: Arthur Emmerson, Holt Wilson, S.M. Latimer, Wm. D. Young, Robert Barkley, Dr. Robt. B. Butt, John Cocke, Charles A. Grice, C. L. Cocke, D. Nash, Henry A. F. Young, and T. Webb. Wardens: A. Emmerson and Holt Wilson.
Trinity Vestry--183533. Town meeting 640, town meeting for a memorial to the Legislature and to the incorporation of a bank, 23 Sep 1835 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Vestry: Arthur Emmerson and Holt Wilson, 11 votes each; Charles L. Cocke, S. M. Latimer and Charles A. Grice, 9 votes each; John Thompson, John Cocke and Robert Barkley, 8 votes each; and Tapley Webb and Robt. B. Butt, 7 votes each.
Herald--23 September 1835 Town Meeting34. Religion 641, elected to vestry, 1837 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
At a meeting of the citizens of Portsmouth, Va. held in the Court House on Saturday evening, the 19th of September, pursuant to public notice, for the purpose of conferring on the subject of a memorial to the Legislature, praying the incorporation of a Bank, to be located in the Town, and for other purposes--the Meeting haveing been called to order by Arthur Emmerson, Esq. on motion of that gentlemen, Dr. Wm. Collins was called to the Chair, and John T. Hill appointed Secretary.
After an explanation from the chairman of the first object of the meeting, the following resolutions, prefaced by some brief remarks, were offered by John A. Chandler, Esq. and after an address in their support by John W. Murdaugh and Samuel Watts Esq'rs were unanimously adopted.
Resolved: 1. That the general interest of the Commonwealth renders an enlargement of Banking Capital highly expedient.
2. That a Banking Institution to be located here, is absolutely essential to the proper growth of this town; and that strict and impartial justice requires this to be done.
3. That a Committee of seven gentlemen, to draft a Memorial to the Legislature, expressive of the foregoing views be appointed by the Chair:
Whereupon the following gentlemen were so appointed: John A. Chandler, Samuel Watts, Arthur Emmerson, Wm. P. Young, Robert B. Butt, James H. Langhorne, and Stephen Cowley.
On motion of John B. Levy, Esq. it was then
Resolved, that the Chair appoint a Committee of thirty-one gentlemen to obtain to the memorial the signatures of the citizens of Portsmouth.
Whereupon the following were appointed:
John B. Levy, Isaac R. Bagley, Chas. Grice, Joames Jarvis, Dempsey Nash, David Griffith, Thomas B. Hopkins, Benjamin Reynolds, James Toomer, John Collins, Wm. G. Micks, Samuel Happer, Edward Blamire, George M. Bain, Overton Bernard, John Accinelly, John Talbot, Henry V. Niemeyer, Joseph A. Bilisoly, Thomas C. Godwin, Charles Etheridge, Bernard O'Neill, Benjamin Spratley, Robert Barclay, John Wilson, John H. Nash, John Lane, Levin Gayle, Henry Bell and Winchester Watts......
Trinity Vestry--183735. Religion 642, elected to vestry, 1838 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Vestry: Arthur Emmerson, Sen., Holt Wilson, Sen., John Cocke, Chas. L. Cocke, Saml. M. Latimer, Chas. A. Grice, John Thompson, Geo. Webb Sen., Robt. B. Butt, Thos. Williamson, Robt. Barkley, Wm. H. Doggett.
Trinity Vestry--183836. Will 643, 22 Dec 1846 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Vestry: Arthur Emmerson, Sr., Holt Wilson, Robt. Barkley, Chas, A. Grice, and Wm. H. Doggett.
In the Name of God, Amen, I, Robert Barclay being sound in mind and memory, but knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, Do make and declare this instrument of writing to be my last will and testament, written with my own hand.37. Obituary 644, 19 Oct 1847 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
first--I give or return to moving wife Selina Barclay at my death all her negroes that came unto my possession by our marriage if alive and under my control of the following names viz:Miles and Henry men and women Nelly and Martha and their increase, likewise give up all right to five hundred dollars received for girl Sally sold and the amount loaned to Alexander G. Pendleton for which my wife Selina Barclay has his note also her plate and furniture, provieded the said Selina Barclay relinquished or does not claim any part of my estate as dower or in any other way. Secondly--I give unto my son Robert Charles Barclay my part of lot of land No. 32 on Crawford street in the town of Portsmouth with the houses thereon forever, likewise, a silver tea pot, sugar dish and milk pot and one share in the Capital stock of the Jersey Little Falls Manufacturing Company of the State of New Jersey and negro man George.
Thirdly, I give to my Solomon T. Barclay my land which I bought John Nivison on Paradise Creek and that on the road leading to Deep Creek bought of Arthur Emmerson as trustee also my eight day clock a sliver soup ladle five table spoons six silver sppons and sugar tongs and negro men Joe and john and one share with above stock.
Fourthly I give to my daughter Sarah Jane Riell negro man Jim and woman Sarah also I give all my right and title to lot of land and house on King and Dinwiddie Streets on Portsmouth given to her by her mother's will; also all articles of household furniture in her possession and five silver table sppons six silver tea spoons a easy chair and washstand a looking glass with gilt framted and one share in the Capital stock of the Jersey Little Falls Manufacturing Company of the State of New Jersey.
Fifthly I desire that all my debts be paid and the balance of my personal property disposed of as follows to my wife Selina Barclay I give one feather bed bed room carpet front room carpet and passage carpet the new sopha and mantle looking glass.
And I do hereby appoint my sons Robert Charles Barclay and Solomon T. Barclay or either of them executes or executors to this my last will and testament without giving security. In witness I have here unto set my hand and seal in Portsmouth Norfolk County this twenty second day of dear one thousand eight hundred and forty six 1846.
Robert Barclay
At a Court held for Norfolk County the 15th day of November 1847. A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Robert Barclay decd was produced in Court and their being no subscribing witnesses thereto Lewis Boutwell and Chas. Etheredge were sworn and severally deposed that they were well acquainted with the testator's handwriting and verily believe the said writing and the name thereto subscribed to be wholly written by the Testator's own hand. Whereupon the said writing is ordered to be recorded as the true last will and testament of the said Robert C. Barclay dec'd and on the motion of Robert C. Barclay one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto and entered unto and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $8.000 with condition according to law without security agreeably to the directions of the will, the Court being satisified that the personal estate of the testator is more than sufficient to pay his debts. Certificate is granted the said Robert C. Barclay for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form.
Teste: Arthur Emmerson,c.c.
Beacon--19 October 184738. Land 612, Bounty land, 1850
Died--In Portsmouth yesterday morning after a short illness, in the 73rd year of his age, Capt. Robert Barclay, for many years a highly respectable shipmaster of this port.
The friends and acquaintences of the family are invited to attend the funeral from his late residence on Crawford street, this morning at 11 o'clock.
39. Bounty Land 547, Bounty land claim, 27 Feb 1854
Bounty Land Claims40. Land 612, Bounty Land, 1855
City of Washington, District of Columbia
On this 27th day of February A.D. 1854 personally appeared before me B. B. French a Justice of the Peace within & for the county of Washington in the District of Columbia Mrs. Selina Barclay, aged sixty two years a resident of the City of Washington, who being duly sworn according to law, declares, that she is the widow of Robert Barclay deceased, who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Arther Emerson in the Regiment of Cavalry commanded by ___ in the War of 1812; being a privt. of the Virginia militia. That her said husband Robert Barclay served at Norfolk in the State of Virginia on or about the 22nd day of August A.D. 1814 for the term of two months, and continued in actual service in said War for the term of two months and three days and was honorably discharged at Norfolk on the 25th day of October A.D. 1814, as will appear by the records of the proper department at Washington there being no regular milita discharge in her possession.
She further states that she was married to the said Robert Barclay in Portsmouth Virginia on the 25th day of December A.D. 1833 by Rev. Mr. R. C. Cleveland a clergyman, & that her name before her said mariage was Selina Dickson, that her said husband died at Portsmouth on the 19 day of October A.D. 1847 and that she is still a widow; in the substantiation of which fact, in the absence of the proper record evidence she relies upon the affidavit herewith presented and in addition to the actual service above described, she claims for ___ miles from Norfolk at which place her husband volunteered to where he was mustered into service, & also for ___ miles from at which place he was discharged to Norfolk the place of his home.
She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the Bounty Land to which she may be entitled, for her husband, military service under the "Act granting Bounty Land to the widows of certain officers & soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the United States:, passed September 28th, 1850 & 22nd March 1852, she never having received, or knowing that she is entitled to land under any former act of Congress.
Selina Barclay
Sworn to & subscribed before me the day and year above written
P. B. French
F. H. Peters
Power of Attorney
Know all men by these presents, that I Selina Barclay, of the City of Washington and District of Columbia, do herewith constitute & appoint John H. Peters of the same place my true & lawful attorney inevocably, (with powers of substitution) for me & in my name & stead to ask, & receive from the Department of the Interior of the United States such certificate or land warrant, as I may be entitled to for my husband's military services in the War of 1812, under the provisions of any act of Congress granting Bounty Land for military services rendered the United States. And also to apply for and ask & receive of the proper Department of Government any other claims, claims or monies to which I may be entitled. Hereby retifying & confirming whatsoever my said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done or set forth in these premises, and by virtue of this Power of Attorney, as though I were personally present, and acting for myself.
In witness whereof, I have hereto set my hand & seal this 27th day of February 1854.
Selina Barclay
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of B.B. French
City of Washington, District of Columbia
On this 27th day of February 1854 before me B. B. French a Justice of the Peace in & for said District, authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared Selina Barclay above mentioned, and acknowledged the foregoing Power of Attorney to be her act for act & deed as specified.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year last aforesaid.
B.B. French
Justice of the Peace
City of Washington, District of Columbia
I, clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States in & for the City & District aforesaid do hereby certify, that _____ whose genuine signature appears to the foregoing declaration & affidavit is & was, at the time of signing the same, a Justice of the Peace and commissioned & sworn that all his offical acts as such an entitled to full faith & credit, & that the aforesaid Circuit Court is in Court of Record having general jurisdiction.
Given under my hand & seal of my office at Washington City this day of February A.D. 1854
The District of Columbia
County & City of Washington
On this 13th day of March A.D. 1855 personally appeared before me C. W. C. Dunnington a Justice of the Peace in & for the County and District aforesaid Selina Barclay, widow of Robert Barclay deceased, aged 63 years a resident of Washington City aforesaid, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Robert Barclay deceased, who was a private in the Company commanded by Captain ____ in the regiment of _____, commanded by ____ in the War with Great Britain, declared by the United States on the 18th day of June 1812, that her said busband was drafted at Norfolk, on or about the ___ day of ____ A.D. 181__, for the term of ___ and continued in active service in said War for the term of ____ and was honorably discharged at ____ on the ___ day of ____ A.D. 181__.
She further states that she was married to the said Robert Barclay in Gosport, Va. in the State of Virginia on the 25th day of December A.D. 1833 by one Mr. Cleveland a minister of the Gospel, and that her name before her said marriage was Selina Dickson, that her said husband died at Portsmouth, Va. on the 18th day of October A.D. 1847 and that she is now a widow, all which is now on file in the office of Commissioner of Pensions, in her previous application for bounty land.
She further declares, that she has heretofore made application for bounty land under the act approved September 28th, 1850 and obtained a land warrant for forty acres No. ____ which she has legally disposed of and it cannot be now returned.
She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which she may be entitled under the Act approved March 3rd, 1855.
S. Barclay
We, Thomas P. Trott and Richard M. Hanson, residents of the City of Washington & district of Columbia, upon our oaths declare, that the foregoing declaration was signed and acknowledged by Mrs. Selina Barclay in our presence, and that we believe form the appearance and statements of this applicant that she is the identical person she represents herself to be.
Thomas P. Trott
Richard m. Hanson
The foregoing declaration and affidavit were sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and year above written, and I certify that I know the affiant to be credible person, that the claimant is the person she represents herself to be, and that I have no interest in this claim.
C. W. C. Dunnington, J. P.
District of Columbia
County of Washington
Personally appeared before me Thomas Dunn a notary Justice of the Peace in & for the County of Washington, Mrs. Selina Barclay widow of Robert Barclay, late of Norfolk County, Virginia, deceased & a soldier in the War of 1812 who being duly sworn say that she is yet the widow of said Robert Barclay. That she was married to him on the 25th day of December 1834 & that there is no record evidence of said marriage, so far as she knows, except the certificat heretofor filed in her applicaton for the Bounty Land under the Act of 1850 (of Congress) that she had in her family Bible a written entry of her said marriage, & the date thereof, but that some time since that said record was destroyed by the mutilation of her Bible & that she has no other record of the same to produce of her marriage or know of the existence of any record thereof.
Selina Barclay
Sworn to before me this 8th day of Nov. 1855
T. C. Dunn, J.P.
The District of Columbia
County of Washington
Personally appeared before me Thomas C. Dunn an acting Justice of the Peace, in & for the County aforesaid, Mrs. Rosa Barclay of the County of Norfolk, in the State of Virginia, aged 44 years, who being duly sworn says that she was personally acquainted with the late Robert Barclay of Norfolk County aforesaid, who was the father of the husband of deponent, that she was present when the marriage was solemnized between the said Robert, deceased and the said Selina Barclay, his widow who is now applying for bounty land as his widow, which said marriage was solemnized on the 25th day of December 1834. Deponent is also personally acquainted with Mrs. Selina Barclay aforesaid, and has known her for sixty years maybe more, that the said Selina is now the widow of the said Robert never having married since his death so for as deponent knows & believes. Deponent also knows personally that the said Robert Barclay is dead, having attended his funeral aos. Deponent has no interest whatever in the said Selina obtaining said land warrant.
Rosa Barclay
Sworn to before me this 8th day of November 1855
T. C. Dunn, J.P.
District & County Washington
Personally appeared before me W. Thompson, a Justice of the Peace in & for the County of Washington and District of Columbia, Mrs. S. E. Boutwell, who being duly sworn deponent & says that she is personally acquainted with Mrs. Selina Barclay & has known her for thirty years past. That she was also personally acquainted with the late Riobert Barclay of Norfolk County, Virginia, now deceased. Deponent further says that she was present at the marriage of the said Robert Barclay deceased with the aforesaid Selina Barclay who was previous to her marriage Selina Dickson & that she is the identical person now applying for bounty land, and is still the widow of the said Robert not having, so far as deponent knows & believes, been married since his death. Deponent also knows personally that the said Robert Barclay is dead having been present at his funeral. The marriage of the said Robert & Selina was solemnized at Portsmouth, Va. on the 25th of December 1834 by the Reverend Mr. Cleveland of said town.
S. E. Boutwell
Sworn to & subscribed before me this 2nd day of November 1855
W. Thompson, J. P.
Act of March 3, 1855
Pension Office
Oct. 27th, 1855
Before the application of Mrs. Selina Barclay widow of Robert Barclay dec'd No. 81.875 for Bounty Land under the Act of 3d March, 1855, can be allowed, satisfactory evidence must be produced that she was the lawful wife of said Robert Barclay that he is dead, and that she was a widow at the time of making her said application, and is now a widow.
Very respectfully,
F. J. Minot
Commissioner of Pensions
J. H. Peters, present
No. 81875
Act of Mch. 3, 1855
Received April 19, 1855
Selina, widow of Robert Barclay, private
Capt. Emmerson Va. Mil. War of 1812
Warrant No. 33,821 for 120 acres.
41. Residence 645, WPA historical inventory, 19 Nov 1937 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Captain Robert C. Barclay Home
Location: 112 Crawford Street, on west side of street, between Glasgow and North Streets, Portsmouth, Virginia
Date: 1770
Colonel William Crawford 1770-1772
Francis Miller 1772
John Agnew 1772-1776
Josiah Parker 1775-1799
John Day 1779-1825
Captain Robert C. Barclay 1825-1867
Solomon T. Barclay 1867-1881
Laura Barclay & children 1881-1904
Virginia B. & Hugh C. Barclay 1904-1937
Description: This is one of the oldest homes in Portsmouth. It is very simple, but still is in good condition. It is a frame structure with a brick cellar which is about four feet above ground and has two rooms which no doubt were used as kitchen and dining room. Later there was a cistern for water supply in a part of the cellar and evidence of it stills remains. The beaded weatherboarding is unusually wide. The nails are hand made and the nail heads are over half inch broad. All timbers are morticed and tenoned. The gable faces Crawford Street and is now the front entrance, but the original entrance was a small one-story porch which was at the south side of the structure and faced Glasgow Street. The house stands in about the center of the blocik. From the position of the entrance it is apparent that it was the first home built on this square. There is now a small room built on the second story just over the original entrance which spoils the appearance to some extent. The stairway is an unattractive closed-in one.
Historical Significance: JOhn Agnew, who once owned the house, according to one deed, was clerk of Nansemond county. Another deed speaks of him as Rev. John Agnew, of Nansemond county. Colonel Josiah Parker, who purchased this property after the Revolutionary War, was at one time aide to Genreral Washington. He was the first representative from this district in Congress.
Robert C. Barclay, who purchased the property in 1825, was a sea captain. Many of his descendants are still living in Portsmouth and some are prominent lawyers. The house was once used as a post office and was once occupied by the Masonic Lodge.
Deed book # 26, page 5 of Norfolk county records recites that Francis Miller sold to John Agnew, a British subject, and then leased the house with a part of the lot at the back for his natural life for one pepper corn to be paid on each Lady's Day.
Art: photograph
Sources of Information:
Informant: R. C. Barclay, 400 Hatton Street, Portsmouth, Virginia
"Recollections of Portsmouth" by J. A. Foreman
Norfolk county court records: Deed book # 20, page 231
Deed book # 26, page 5
Deed book # 38, page 39
Deed book # 39, page 15
Portsmouth City court records: Deed book # 4, page 227
Deed book # 13, page 182
Deed book # 15, page 130-131
Deed book # 47, page 572
Deed book # 99-A, page 169
Architectural Description of Building: Captain Robert C. Barclay home
Building Plan: originally square, now "L" Cellar (x)
No. of stories: 2 1/2 Attic classed as 1/2 story
Material: Brick & frame
If brick, state what bond: Flemish
Kind of roof: gabled
Roof material: metal
Chimneys: 2 brick Location: center & west
Weatherboarding: very wide beaded
Cornices: plain wood
Windows: 27 Size & number of panes: 18 & 15 panes, 8" x 8"
Shutters: hand-made slat blinds
Dormers: none
Porch: Originally a small one-story 5' x 8' porch was on south side. There is now a one-story porch across entire front of house.
Type of entrance: six-panel door with transom
Colomns: square
No. of rooms: 10 large Ceiling height: 11 feet
Stairway: closed string--boxed in type: one flight
Cellar:four feet above ground and dug out, six windows, six panes each, 8" x 8"
Doors: six-panel painted, wood unknown
Walls: plastered & papered
Interior cornices: none
Hardware: plain iron locks and hinges, marble knobs
Floors: original wide boards, 5" -6"-7", pine
Mantels: wood mantels
Present condition: good condition, spoiled to some extent
Does occupant seem to appreciate old architectural features: no
Your name: Sarah F. Moore
1035 North Street, Portsmouth, Virginia
Spouses and Children
1. *Catherine Tatem [433] (26 Feb 1781 - 19 Sep 1833) 360,361,362,363 [MRIN:172] Marriage: 21 Feb 1802 - Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia 646,647 Status: Children: 1. Eliza Ann Barclay [595] (1805-1834) 361,541,581 2. Andrew Barclay M.D. [594] (1807-1830) 361,541 3. Robert Charles Barclay [592] (1810-1855) 361,541,648 4. Sarah Jane Barclay [596] (1813-1849) 539,541,649 5. Susan Ballard Barclay [597] (1816-1840) 539,541 6. Solomon Tatem Barclay [411] (1818-1874) 177,539 2. Selina White [428] (30 Dec 1791 - 1 Jul 1887) 177,360,362,363,624,650,651,652,653 [MRIN:201] Marriage: 25 Dec 1833 - Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia 547,654 Status:
Birth Notes:
Born on his father's ship the "Modoc" in the Boston Harbor. His father later gave him the ship.Death Notes:
Barclay bible:Burial Notes:
Died in Portsmouth, Va. on the 18th Oct 1847 at 3 o'clock a.m. Robert Barclay--aged 73 years
Barclay Family CemeteryMarriage Notes (Catherine Tatem)
Paridise Creek
Robert Barclay
Born Aug 18, 1775
Died Oct 18, 1847
Norfolk herald (Norfolk, Va. : 1798) Married- On Thursday, at Portsmouth, by Rev. Young, Capt. Robert Barclay, to Miss Catharine Tatem, both of that place. (p. 3, c. 3) Saturday, February 27, 1802.Marriage Notes (Selina White)
*referenced under events
Thursday would have been the 25th.
Capt. Dickson died and Capt. Barclay's wife died, so Capt. Robert Barclay and Selina White Dickson got married. The joke was that all the ancestors went to their mother & father's wedding. 590
Robert Charles Barclay [592]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 19 Oct 1810 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 361,541,655 Baptism: Death: 19 Aug 1855 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 361,541 Burial: Aug 1855 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 361,541 Cause of Death: AFN #: 22NJ-MHT
1. Inherits 636, from brother, Andrew Barclay, 14 Dec 1830 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
inherits from his brother, Andrew Barclay, 1/7th net balance to be paid when he reaches age 21 and my gold watch2. Occupation 656, owns book store, 16 Dec 1835 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Herald--16 December 18353. Occupation 657, lithographed & published by Robert C. Barclay, 2 Dec 1836 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
"The Portsmouth Times & Commercial Advertiser" is arranged to be issued in Portsmouth this day. The published, Mr. Theodorick J. Bland, solicits of the advertising public in Norfolk & Portsmouth, a share of patronage. A box for manuscript advertisements and communications from Norfolk, is left at the Bookstore of Mr. R. C. Barclay.
Herald--2 December 18364. Occupation 658, owns book store, 8 Mar 1837 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Norfolk Centennial March, composed by Signor George, and performed by the scientific band under his direction, at the Centennial Celebration of our Borough, has been handsomely lithographed and published by R. C. Barclay......
Norfolk Centennial March, composed by Signor George, and performed by the scientific band under his direction, at the Centennial Celebration of our Borough, has been handsomely lithographed and published by R. C. Barclay. To those who heard it performed on the above occasion, it is unnecessary for us to speak of its merits.
Signor George was, or had been bandmaster at Fortress Monroe. His band accompanied the more elaborate steamboat excursions, and on occasion he gave recitals in Norfolk and Portsmouth. In 1856 he composed the "Ocean House Schottisch," for the opening of that hotel in Portsmouth, and now the Hotel Monroe.
Beacon--8 March 18375. Deed 659, sells to Sarah J., Susan B., & Solomon T. Barclay, 9 Feb 1839 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
Signor G. George--Professor of Instrumental & Vocal Music & Theacher of the Piano-Forte & Guitar.
Returns his sincere thanks to the public for the great encouragement he has received during the past year, and having removed his residence from Bank street to Church street, flatters himself with a continuation of the same, as no pains will be spared on those who may honor him with their patronage.
His method of teaching is one that has been much approved of, being in the best Italian style.
Order may be left at Mr. R. C. Barclay's book store.
Grantors: Robert C. Barclay & his wife Residence: Norfolk Co.6. Occupation 660, debt collector, 4 Jul 1844 in Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA
Grantees: Sarah J. Barclay, Susan B. Barclay & Solomon T. Barclay
Residence: Norfolk Co.
Date: 9 Feb 1839 Date Recorded: 14 Feb 1839
Consideration: $375.00
Signatures or Marks: R. C. Barclay Rosa H. Barclay
Witnesses: William Boushall, Robt Peed Jr., Rob. Barclay
Description: All our interest being one fourth in a certain piece or parcel of land with a brick house thereon lying being and situated in the Town of Portsmouth, Norfolk County, State of Virginia being part of a lot on Court Street beginning at the north east corner of the brick house on said lot, or the line of Mrs. Elliott, so called when sold to Solomon Tatem by Sheldon Toomer and wife, thence running and binding on Court Street, sourth ffity feet, thence west one hundred and thirteen feet, thence north fifty feet, thence east one hundred and thirteen feet to the beginning
Beacon--4 July 18447. Occupation 661, tickets of admittance to Feast sponsored by ladies of the Presbyterian Church, 25 Aug 1845 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
The undersigned will undertake the collection and bonding of debts in Norfolk and Portsmouth and their surrounding country on reasonable terms, and pledge himself to those who may confide their business to his care, to use the utmost diligence and promptness. He begs to refer to the individuals whose names are hereto subjoined.
Norfolk: Drs. Baylor & Tunstall, Mr. A. Tunstall, Messrs. C. & G. Reid, Col. Wm. Etheridge, R. C. Barclay, Wm. Reid, Nash & Co.
Portsmouth: John A. Chandler, John Nash, Jethro A. Jenkins, Col. J. H. Langhorne, Jas. Murdaugh, Arthur Emmerson
Any communication left with Drs. Baylor and Tunstall, Nash & Company, Col. Wm. Etheridge, in Norfolk; and John Nash, Esq. in Portsmouth, will be promptly attended to
Stephen S. Barrett
Beacon--25 August 18458. Inherits 662, from father, Robert Barclay, 22 Dec 1846 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
A Feast--The ladies of the Presbyterian Congregation of Portsmouth, intend giving a Feast, to commence of Tuesday evening next, 26th inst. and to be continued every evening during the week. The proceeds to be applied to repairs, etc. of the Presbyterian Church. Supper, with refreshments, will be served up each evening, and several ladies and gentlemen have kindly volunteered their services to add music to the other attractions of the occasion. Many articles, both useful and ornamental, will be offered for sale.
Tickets of admittance 25 cts. each--to be had at the book stores of Messrs. Hodges & Company, Portsmouth, and Mr. R. C. Barclay, Norfolk.
Inherits from his father, Robert Barclay, lot of land no. 32 on Crawford St, with the houses thereon. Also a silver tea pot, sugar dish and milk pot and one share in the Capital stock of the Jersey Little Falls Manufacturing Company of the State of New Jersey and negro man George.9. Census 663, U.S., 1850 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
Robert C. Barclay, age 38, male, occupation: book seller, value of real estate: 4,000, born in Va.10. Occupation 655, bookseller, 1850 in Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA
Rosa H. Barclay, age 35, female, born in Va.
Emma S. Boutell, age 13, female, born in Va.
Frances Smith, age 23, female, black, born in Va.
Father: Captain Robert Barclay [424] (1775-1847) 362,547,548 [MRIN:172] Mother: Catherine Tatem [433] (1781-1833) 360,361,362,363
Spouses and Children
1. *Rose Hannah Dickson [524] (2 Nov 1811 - 17 Jun 1882) 539,648,664 [MRIN:208] Marriage: 18 Oct 1837 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 665,666 Status:Robert Clifford Barclay Sr. [413]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 8 Apr 1849 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 180,362,537 Baptism: Death: 4 Nov 1933 - Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia 567,667 Burial: 6 Nov 1933 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 537,566,668 Cause of Death: Pneumonia--developed from a fall 566,669 AFN #: 22NJ-MQ9
1. Military 590, rode with Mosby's men during the Civil War
According to Dr. Charles Old "Pat" Barclay, granddaddy, Robert C. Barclay rode with Mosby's men during the Civil War. He supposedly has no Civil War record. He went on raids and then came home. He was quite a horseman. Pat Barclay has 2 pistols from his grandfather, as well as a "Harper Ferry" rifle. The rifle was acquired from killing a Yankee. After the war, there was a price on his head and he couldn't come home, so he went out west and joined the Calvary under a false name. Was not at the battle of the Little Big Horn, but did run raids against the Indians while out west. Came back home, after the Northern occupation ended. Pat Barclay doesn't know the false name that his grandfather used.2. Occupation 669, carpenter in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
3. Census 670, U.S., 1880 in Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
R. C. Barclay, white, male, age 31, married, occupation: farmer, cannot read & write, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va.4. Occupation 671, farmer, 1880 in Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Nellie Barclay, white, female, age 30, wife, married, occupation: housekeeper, cannot read or write, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va.
Robert Bereal, (misspelled--should be Riell), white, male, age 35, occupation: bookkeepr, deaf & dumb, cannot read or write, born in Va., father born in N.Y., mother born in Va.
Selina Barclay, white, female, age 28, sister, cannot read or write, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va.
Bereal, ___, white, male, age 1/48, born M (is this March or May), nephew, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va.
Rosa Faulk, black, female, age 21, servant, single, occupation: cook, cannot read or write, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va.
5. Land 549, lots 18 & 19--entitled to 2/24 th, 1888 in Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia
That R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Slina Riell (widow of Robt. B. Riell), John W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Sol. T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay, Rosa Pendleton, wife of A. G. Pendleton and George D. Barclay are entitled to two twenty-fourths as the heirs at law of Solomon T. Barclay, dec'd.6. Residence 672, living in retirement, 1916 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
7. Occupation 669, farmer & dairy business, 1923-1933 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
8. Census 568, U.S., 1930 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Robert C. Barclay, head of household, owns home, value of house: 3,000, owns radio, male, white, age 80, married, married at age 34, born in Va., father born in Mass., mother born in Va., speaks English, occupation: none, not a veteran9. Residence 567, 1015 Washington Street, 1933 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Nellie E. Barclay, wife, female, white, age 79, married, married at age 30, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va., speaks English, occupation: none
Hugh P. Barclay, son, white, male, age 47, single, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va.
10. Cemetery 326, Oak Grove cemetery, 4 Nov 1933 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Record of Graves Oak Grove Cemetery11. Obituary 668, 5 Nov 1933 in Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA
Lot No. 528 Avenue E
H. P. Barclay, owner Transferred to: L. M. Silvester
Robert Clifford Barclay 11-4-1933
Robert C. Barclay, Sr., a lifelong resident of the city, died yesterdday morning at 12:10 o'clock in a local hospital. He was 84 years old.12. Funeral 673, 6 Nov 1933 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
He is survived by her wife, Mrs. Nellie Old Barclay; three sons, H. P. Barclay, Charles O. Barclay and City Attorney R. C. Barclay; two brothers, George D. Barclay,of Globe, Ariz. and S. T. Barclay of Portsmouth; a sister, Mrs. Rosa D. Pendleton, of Berkeley, Calif.; three grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
The body was removed to the Sturtevant-Padgett Funeral Home to be prepared for burial. Funeral services will be held at the residence, 1015 Washington Street, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Burial will take place in Oak Grove Cemetery.
Robert S. Barclay, Sr., who died Friday night was buried yesterday afternoon in Oak Grove Cemetery. Funeral services were conducted in the residence, 1015 Washington Street, at 3 o'clock, Dr. William A. Brown, rector of St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church officiating.13. Alt. Death 537, 3 Nov 1933 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
The services, both at the residence and the grave, were largely attended.
The casket was covered with a spray of lillies and there were designs from the Supervisors' Shops No. 26 and 56; Plumbing Shop and Welders' Shop, No. 26, Norfolk Navy Yard; Kiwanis Club and friends from the Elks Home.
Pallbearers were L. B. Barclay, Shelton T. Barclay, W. C. Barclay, W. W. Old, Jr., Dr. R. Marshall Codd, George E. Parker and Comdr. J. S. Barleon, U.S.N.
Barclay bible:14. Death notice 674 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Died November 3, 1933 at 11:45 p.m. in Kings Daughters Hospital Portsmouth, Va, Robert Clifford Barclay age 84 years 6 months 26 days. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Portsmouth, Va.
Father of City Attorney Succumbs at Hospital
Robert C. Barclay, father of City Attorney R. C. Barclay, of Portsmouth, died at midnight last night in a Portsmouth hospital. Mr. Barclay, a native of Portsmouth and who resided at 1015 Washington street, was 84 years old. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Nellie Old Barclay, sons, H. P. Charles and R. C. Barclay; brothers, George D. Barclay, of Globe, Ariz.; and S. T. Barclay, of Portsmouth; sister, Mrs. Rosa B. Pendleton, of Berkley, Cal.; three grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will take place Sunday from the residence, hours to be announced later.
Father: Solomon Tatem Barclay [411] (1818-1874) 177,539 [MRIN:169] Mother: Johanna Dickson [410] (1826-1880) 177,540
Spouses and Children
1. *Nellie Eleanor Old [254] (Abt Dec 1850 - 17 Nov 1943) 177,558,568,569,570,571 [MRIN:119] Marriage: 28 Apr 1880 537 Status: Children: 1. Charles Old Barclay [225] (1884-1955) 177,557 2. Hugh Powell Barclay [509] (1881-1962) 572,596,597 3. Robert Clifford Barclay Jr. [1686] (1887-1983) 177,548
Birth Notes:
Barclay bible:Death Notes:
Robert Clifford, son of Solomon T. & Johnanna Barclay born in Norfolk Co. Sunday April 8, 1849, 11 o'clock p.m.
Name: Robert Clifford Barclay, Sr.Burial Notes:
Residence: 1015 Washington St.
Place of Death: King's Daughters Hospital, Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Date of Death: November 4, 1933
Sex: male Color: white Marital status: married
Spouse: Nellie Old Barclay
Date of Birth: April 8, 1849 Age: 84 years, 6 months, 27 days
Profession: carpenter, by trade
Business: Last 10 yrs. engaged in farming & dairy business
Birthplace: Norfolk county
Father's name: Solomon T. B. Barclay Birthplace: Portsmouth, Va.
Mother's name: Johanna Dickson Birthplace: Portsmouth, Va.
Burial: Oak Grove cemetery Date: Nov. 5, 1933
Undertaker: Sturtevant & Padgett Address: Portsmouth, Va.
I hereby certify that I attended deceased from Nov. 1st to Nov 3rd, 1933. I last saw him alive on Nov. 3rd, 1933. Death is said to have occurred on the date stated above at 12:10 a.m.
Cause of death: trama & pneumonia
Contributory cause: fall
Name of operation: none Date of injury: 10/30/33
Cedar Grove Cemetery.Medical:
Name: R. C. Barclay
Age: 84 years, 6 months
Died: Nov. 4, 1933
Buried: Nov. 6, 1933
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Undertaker: Sturtevant & Padgett
Born: Norfolk Co.
Residence: K. D. Hospital
Interment: Oak Grove Cemetery, Avenue E, lot 508
* inflammation of the lungs 675
Robert Clifford Barclay IV [1689]
Sex: MAKA: Rob 537
Individual Information
Birth: 26 Jul 1960 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 537 Baptism: Death: After 1983 548 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Residence 548, 1983 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Father: Robert Clifford Barclay III [1688] (1922-After 1983) 548,676 [MRIN:579] Mother: Estelle Lorraine Eason [1922] ( - ) 177
Birth Notes:
Barclay bible:
Child of Robert Clifford IV (Rob) born July 26, 1960 at 10:48 p.m. in Portsmouth General Hospital, Portsmouth, Va.
Robert Clifford Barclay Jr. [1686]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1 Dec 1887 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 537,548,677 Baptism: Death: 3 Jan 1983 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 537,548 Burial: 6 Jan 1983 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 326,537,548 Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Organizations 548, member of Raven & Jefferson societies of University of Virginia Law School
2. Occupation 548, director of Norfolk Co. Building and Loan in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
now known as Virginia Federal Savings and Loan3. Orgainzations 548, honorary life member of Virginia Bar Association
4. Orgainzations 548, member of Portsmouth Bar Association in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
5. Religion 548, oldest member of St. John's Episcopal church in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
6. Orgainzations 548, member of Portsmouth Kiwanis Club in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
7. Orgainzations 548, member of Sons of American Revolution in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
8. Organizations 548, member of Washington-Lafayette Lodge 176 & Mount Horeb Lodge 11-Shrine Khedive Temple in Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA
9. Orgainzations 548, member of Portsmouth Commandery 5, Knights Templar in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
10. Organizations 548, member & past Master of America Lodge of Masons
11. Orgainzations 548, past Virginia state president of Woodmen of the World
12. Orgainzations 548, member of Order of the Redmen, Montauk Tribe
13. Birth 678, 1 Dec 1887 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Name: R. C. Barclay Race: white Sex: male alive14. Occupation 548, delivered The Public Ledger newspaper, 1895 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Date of Death: 1 Dec 1887 Place of Birth: Portsmouth
Father: R. C. Barclay Father's Occupation: carpenter
Father's Residence: Portsmouth
Mother: Nellie Barclay How Many Children at Birth: 1
Name of Informant: Nellie Barclay, mother
15. Education 548, received law degree from University of Virginia Law School, 1910
16. Census 679, U.S., 1930 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Robert C. Barclay, head of household, rent house for $52 month, rents, does not live on a farm, male, white, age 42, married, age 33 when married, did not attend school within past year, can read & write, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va., speaks English, occupation: lawyer in general practice, not a veteran17. Occupation 680, lawyer in general practice, 1930 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Alice J. Barclay, wife, female, white, age 38, married, age 29 when married, did not attend school within past year, can read & write, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va., speaks English, occupation: none
Robert C. Barclay Jr., son, male, white, age 7, single, attends school, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va., occupation: none
18. Residence 680, 208 Middle Street, 1930 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
19. Occupation 548, city attorney for 37 years, 1955 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Appointed to position on July 1, 192120. Residence 557, 1955 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
21. Obituary 7, 5 Jan 1983 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Portsmouth--Robert Clifford Barclay Jr., 95, of 216 Hatton St., a native of Portsmouth, died Monday in a hospital.22. Funeral Home 548, Sturtevant Funeral Home, Jan 1983 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Barclay was Portsmouth city attorney for 37 years and was associated in his law practice with his son until October 1980.
He received his law degree from the University of Virginia Law School in 1910. He was a member of the Raven and Jefferson societies of the university.
In 1911 he became associated with Capt. John W. Happer, then Portsmouth city attorney, and July 1, 1921, was appointed to the position.
Barclay began working at the age of seven as one of three boys delivering The Public Ledger in Portsmouth.
He worked his way up to director of Norfolk County Building and Loan, now known as Virginia Federal Savings and Loan.
His great-grandfather, Robert Barclay, was an English sea captain who settled on a large tract of land in Norfolk County. That tract developed into the community of Craddock.
Barclay was an honorary life member of the Virginia Bar Association and a member of the Portsmouth Bar Association.
He was the oldest member of St. John's Episcopal church. He was a member of Portsmouth Kiwanis Club, Sons of the American Revolution, Washington-Lafayette Lodge 176 and Mount Horeb Lodge 11, and was a 50-year member of Shrine Khedive Temple, Norfolk, and Portsmouth Commandery 5, Knights Templar.
Barclay was a member and past Master of America Lodge of Masons and a past Virginia state president of Woodmen of the World. He was a former member of Order of the Redmen, Montauk Tribe, an organization of old-time politicians.
Survivors include his wife, Alice Jones Barclay; a son, Robert C. Barclay III; and a grandson, Robert C. Barclay IV, all of Portsmouth.
A funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at St. John's Episcopal Church by the Rev. Joseph Kerr. Burial with Masonic rites will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. Sturtevant Funeral Home is in charge.
The family will be at the residence. Memorial donations may be sent to the St. John's Episcopal church building fund.
23. Residence 548, 216 Hatton Street, 1983 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Father: Robert Clifford Barclay Sr. [413] (1849-1933) 177,566,567 [MRIN:119] Mother: Nellie Eleanor Old [254] (Abt 1850-1943) 177,558,568,569,570,571
Spouses and Children
1. *Alice Jones [1687] (14 Jun 1895 - Oct 1983) 6,7 [MRIN:578] Marriage: 11 Jun 1921 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 537 Status: Children: 1. Robert Clifford Barclay III [1688] (1922-After 1983) 548,676
Birth Notes:
Barclay bible:Death Notes:
Sons of Robert C. and Nellie Old Barclay born in Norfolk County and Portsmouth, Va.
Robert Clifford Jr. born Dec. 1, 1887
Barclay bible:Burial Notes:
Died January 3, 1983 in Portsmouth, Va.-Portsmouth General Hospital, Robert Clifford Barclay Jr.--age 95 years, 1 month, 2 days. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Portsmouth, Va. (Masonic rites)
Record of Graves Oak Grove Cemetery
Lot No. 528 Avenue E
H. P. Barclay, owner Transferred to: L. M. Silvester
Robert C. Barclay, Jr. 1-6-1983
Robert Clifford Barclay III [1688]
Sex: MAKA: Bobby 537
Individual Information
Birth: 11 Apr 1922 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 537,680 Baptism: Death: After Jan 1983 7 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Census 680, U.S., 1930 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
*living with parents, Robert C. & Alice J. Barclay2. Residence 548, 1983 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
3. Graduation 681, graduate with a B. A. degree from University of Virginia, Jun 1942 in Charlottesville, Charlottesville (city), Virginia, USA
Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Clifford Barclay, Jr., of Portsmouth, have left for Charlottesville to attend the graduation on Monday of their son, Robert Clifford Barclay, 3d, who will receive his B. A. degree from the University of Virginia. After a short vacation, Mr. Barclay will return to the university to resume his law courses.
Father: Robert Clifford Barclay Jr. [1686] (1887-1983) 177,548 [MRIN:578] Mother: Alice Jones [1687] (1895-1983) 6,7
Spouses and Children
1. *Estelle Lorraine Eason [1922] ( - ) 177 [MRIN:579] Marriage: 16 Feb 1957 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 537 Status: Children: 1. Robert Clifford Barclay IV [1689] (1960-After 1983) 177,548
Birth Notes:
Barclay bible:
Child of Robert Clifford Jr and Alice Jones Barclay
Robert Clifford Barclay III (Bobby) born April 11, 1922 at Kings Daughters Hospital, Portsmouth, Va.
Rosa Dickson Barclay [414]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 15 Nov 1850 - Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia 362,537 Baptism: Death: 2 Dec 1933 - Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA 537 Burial: in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA 537 Cause of Death: AFN #: 22NJ-MRH
1. Alt Birth 593, Nov 1849 in Virginia
2. Alt Birth 682, 1853 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
3. Residence 682, 1875 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
4. Residence 683, followed her husband, to Globe, Arizona, 1879 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
5. Land 549, lots 18 & 19--entitled to 2/24 th, 1888 in Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia
That R. C. Barclay, Lauara Barclay, Selina Riell (widow of Robt. B. Riell), John W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Sol. T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay, Rosa Pendleton, wife of A. G. Pendleton and George D. Barclay are entitled to two twenty fourths as the heirs at law of Solomon T. Barclay, dec'd6. Census 593, living w/husband Alexander Pendleton & children, Jun 1900 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
7. Occupation 683, became part owner of livery business after death of husband, 1904 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
8. Residence 434, 2139 Stuart Street, 1916 in Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
9. Property 683, owns vacant property in Globe, 1916 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
10. Residence 567, 1933 in Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
11. Occupation 562, first white shcool teacher in Arizona territory & taught English to the Apaches in Arizona
When she died, the Indains came to her funeral in full regalia and gave her an Indian burial. There were so many there, it looked like an Indian uprising.
Father: Solomon Tatem Barclay [411] (1818-1874) 177,539 [MRIN:169] Mother: Johanna Dickson [410] (1826-1880) 177,540
Spouses and Children
1. *Alexander G. Pendleton [1935] (Mar 1848 - Mar 1904) 571,682 [MRIN:592] Marriage: 30 Dec 1875 - Norfolk Co., Virginia 537,682,683 Status: Children: 1. Alexander G. Pendleton [2411] (Abt 1880-1881) 683 2. Alexander G. Pendleton [2410] (1882- ) 683 3. Rosa B. Pendelton [964] (1883-1943) 177,683 4. Anna Pendleton [2374] (1884- ) 593,683 5. Barclay Pendleton [2412] (1887-1898) 683 6. E. Conway Pendleton [2375] (1892- ) 593,683 7. John Walton Pendleton [2376] (1897- ) 593
Birth Notes:
Barclay bible:Death Notes:
Rosa Dickson, daughter of S. T. & J. Barclay, born in Norfolk Co., Friday Nov. 15th 1850, 12 o'clock p.m.
Barclay bible:
Died December 2, 1933 at 6 p.m. in Berkley California, Rosa Dickson (Barclay) Pendleton age 83 years 17 days. Buried in Globe Arizona
Sarah Jane Barclay [596]
Sex: FAKA: Catherine 549
Individual Information
Birth: 1813 - Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia 361,684 Baptism: Death: 19 Aug 1849 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 361,685 Burial: Aug 1849 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 361,684 Cause of Death: Pulmonary consumption 686 AFN #: 22NJ-PDK
1. Inherits 636, from her brother, Andrew Barclay, 14 Dec 1830 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Inherits from her brother, Andrew Barclay, 1/7th of net balance to be paid on her marriage day and the gold chain attached to his watch2. Inherits 687, from her mother, Catherine Barclay, 3 May 1833 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Inherits from her mother, Catherine Barclay, the west part of her house & lot on King and Dinwiddie Streets3. Inherits 662, inherits from father, Robert Barclay, 22 Dec 1846 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Inherits from her father, Robert Barclay, the lot & house on King and Dinwiddie Streets given to her by her mother's will, also all articles of household furniture in her possession and five silver table spoons, six silver tea spoons, a easy chair, washstand, looking glass, and one share of Capital stock of the Jersey Little Falls Manufacturing Company of the State of New Jersey.4. Death 688, 21 Aug 1849 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Argus--August 21, 1849--Died in Portsmouth, on Sunday evening, after a lingering illness of pulmonary consumption, which she bore with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Sarah J. Reill, consort of Lt. Robert B. Reill, United States Navy.
Father: Captain Robert Barclay [424] (1775-1847) 362,547,548 [MRIN:172] Mother: Catherine Tatem [433] (1781-1833) 360,361,362,363
Spouses and Children
1. *Lt. Robert B. Riell U.S.N. [650] (1820 - 5 Feb 1869) 475,551,552 [MRIN:645] Marriage: 13 Sep 1841 - New York, New York, New York, USA 689 Status: Children: 1. Serena Catherine Reill [1885] (Abt 1843- ) 690 2. Robert B. Riell Jr. [1856] (1843-1880) 549
Burial Notes:
Barclay Family CemeteryGeneral:
Paridise Creek
Sarah J.
Wife of Lt. Robert Riell
Born 1813
Died Aug. 19, 1849
Age 36 yrs.
* In loose papers from the Chancery case # 409 Pendleton vs Reill--seperate documents give the name of mother to children Robert B. Reill & Serena C. Reill as Cathereine Reill & as Sarah Jane Reill, sister to Robert C. Barclay. Which name is right? Catherine or Sarah Jane?
Selina Catherine Barclay [415]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 25 Jan 1852 - Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia 362,537,691 Baptism: Death: 13 Mar 1908 - Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA 537,692 Burial: Mar 1908 - Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA 692 Cause of Death: cancer 692 AFN #: 22NJ-MSP
1. Obituary 693 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
(only part of obituary)2. Bio 562
Riell will be pained to learn of her death, which occurred in Globe, Arizona, yesterday. Mrs. Riell was formerly Miss Selina Barclay, of Nortolk county, and was a sister of Messrs. John W. Barclay, R. C. Barclay, L. B. Barclay, S. T. Barclay, Virginius B. Barclay and a sister-in-law of W. C. Corbitt.
Selina Catherine Riell, wife of Robert B. Riell was a spunky lady. After the Civil War, she went to Washington and put in a claim for lumber lost during the war and got paid for it.3. Residence, Living with her brother Robert Charles Barclay, 1880 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
4. Deed 694, 21 Jun 1881 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
This Indenture made this 21st day of June A. D. 1881, between V. O. Cassell special commissioner of the first part, and Laura Barclay, Selina L. Reill who was formerly Selina Barclay, and Anna Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt of the second part: Whereas on the 2nd day of April 1881, it was decreed by the Circuit Court of Norfolk County in a certain cause then depending on the chancery side of said court between R. C. Barclay complainant and Laura Barclay, A. G. Pendleton and Rosa B. his wife and other defendants which said decree confirmed a report made to said Court by Beverly A. Armistead and others commissioners to make partition, in which report they the said commissioners stated that they had assigned to said Laura Barclay, Selina C. Reill and Anna Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, jointly the lot with its improvements situate in the city of Portsmouth hereinafter described and to be paid in owelty of partition from other heirs $440.76 (see statement filed in said cause) and whereas the Court by said decree did appoint said V. O. Cassell as special commissioner to make conveyance to the parties of the land assigned them with speical warrenty. Now this Indenture witnesseth, that the said V. O. Cassell speical commissioner as aforesaid and party of the first part of this indenture, to carry into effect said decree and the report of said commissioners confirmed by said decree, in consideration of the premises and of the said sum of $440.76 to them in hand paid by L. B. Barclay, Dickson & Virginius Barclay in owelty of partition as will appear by reference to the proceedings in said cause at or before the sealing and delivery of this Indenture the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, doth grant with special warranty unto the said parties of the second part jointly the following property with its appurtenances to wit: that certain lot piece or parcel of land with its appurtenances lying and being on the west side of Crawford street in the city of Portsmouth between Glasgow and North streets being a part of lot no. 32, in a plan of said city of Portsmouth and adjoining the land of John Day's heirs and fronting on said Crawfor street thirty four feet seven inches and running back one hundred and eighty feet and of the same width on the back as on the front, and is the same lot of land with its appurtenances of which Sol. T. Barclay owned one half in his own right and the other two fourths he acquired by deeds from Wm. C. Sawyer and Serena Catharine his wife to said Sol. T. Barclay and Robt. B. Reill Jr. by deed dated May 20, 1867 and from said Robt. B. Reill Jr. by deed dated Augt. 26th 1871, all of records in the Clerk's Office of the Court of Hustings for the city of Portsmouth, and assigned to said Laura Barclay, Selena C. Reill and Anna Corbitt by said decree in said cause. Witness the following signature and seal.5. Land 549, lots 18 & 19--entitled to 2/24 th, 1888 in Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia
V. O. Cassell, Special Commissioner
State of Virginia
City of Portsmouth, to wit:
I, Norman Cassell a notary public for the city aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, do certify that V. O. Cassell special commissioner whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date on this 21st day of June 1881, has acknowledged the same before me in my city aforesaid. Given under my hand this 9th day of July A. D. 1881.
Norman Cassell, Notary Public
In the Clerk's Office of the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth on the 24th day of October 1881: This Deed was received in said office with the certificate annexed and thereupon admitted to record.
Teste: Wm. N. Portlock, D.C.
for Geo. O'N. Palmer, c.c.
**Definition: "Owelty of partition"--a sum of money paid by one of two coparceners or co-tenants to the other, when a partition has been effected between them, but, the land not being susceptible of division into exactly equal shares, such payment is required to make the portions respectively assigned to them of equal value. The power to grant owelty has been exercised by the courts of quity from time immemorial.
***Henry Campbell Black, M.A., "Black's Law Dictionary" (St. Paul, Minnesota: West Publishing Co., 1990), 1105.
That R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Slina Riell (widow of Robt. B. Riell), John W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Sol. T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay, Rosa Pendleton, wife of A. G. Pendleton and George D. Barclay are entitled to two twenty-fourths as the heirs at law of Solomon T. Barclay, dec'd.6. Residence 695, 112 Crawford, 1888-1890 in Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA
Name: Selina C. Riell7. Census 593, living w/brother in law & sister, Alexander & Rosa Pendleton, Jun 1900 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
Location: 112 Crawford
Occupation: widow Robert B.
Name: Selina C. Riell
Location: boards 112 Crawford
Occupation: widow Robert
8. Religion 692, member of Episcopal Church, 1908 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
9. Obituary 696, Mar 1908 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
Mrs. Selina C. Riell (1852-1908)
Mrs. Selina Riell was a widowed, 56 years old housewife when she died on 13 March 1908 at her residence in Globe of cancer. She had lived in Gila County for 12 years, coming from Virginia. In her religion, Mrs. Riell followed the Episcopal Church. Her funeral expenses were charged to Robert Riell. (Record of Funeral, Vol. II, page 134)
Father: Solomon Tatem Barclay [411] (1818-1874) 177,539 [MRIN:169] Mother: Johanna Dickson [410] (1826-1880) 177,540
Spouses and Children
1. *Robert B. Riell Jr. [1856] (20 Nov 1843 - 16 Sep 1880) 549 [MRIN:631] Marriage: 23 Sep 1879 - Alexandria, Alexandria (city), Virginia, USA 537 Status: Children: 1. Robert Barclay Riell [1887] (1880-1972) 176,177
Birth Notes:
Barclay bible:Death Notes:
Selina Catherine daughter of Solomon Tatem and Johnanna Barclay born in Norfolk County on Sabbath Day January 25, 1852, 6 o'clock p.m.
Barclay bible:
Died in Globe, Arizona on the 13th day of March 1908 Selina C. Riell aged 56 years
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