Lydia Peak [2791]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: After Apr 1821 832 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. Calaham [2797] ( - ) 832 [MRIN:937] Marriage: Status: Children: 1. James Calaham [2798] ( -After 1821) 832 2. *Stephen Hodges [2790] ( - bet April-Dec 1821) 832,833 [MRIN:935] Marriage: 20 Apr 1812 - Norfolk Co., Virginia 832,2194 Status: Children: 1. William B. Hodges [2792] ( -After 1821) 832 2. Louisa Hodges [2793] ( -After 1821) 832 3. Mary Hodges [2794] ( -After 1821) 832H. V. Pearsons [1903]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Girl Sparkman [1902] ( - After Jul 1950) 1562 [MRIN:654] Marriage: Status:Charles Seldon Pedigo [110]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: 2341 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Lillie Louise Ross [111] ( - ) [MRIN:36] Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Jessie Ross Pedigo [65] (1888-1984) 186,187 2. Daughter Pedigo [2111] ( -After 1984) 187 3. Ester Pedigo [2113] ( -After 1984) 187
Death Notes:
Ernest Mayhew's farm near Fincastle
Daughter Pedigo [2111]
Sex: FAKA: "Foofie" 2341
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: After 1984 187 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Residence 187, 1984 in Fincastle, Botetourt, Virginia, USA
Father: Charles Seldon Pedigo [110] ( - ) [MRIN:36] Mother: Lillie Louise Ross [111] ( - )
Spouses and Children
1. *Ernest Mayhew [2112] ( - ) 187 [MRIN:709] Marriage: Status:Ester Pedigo [2113]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: After 1984 187 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Residence 187, 1984 in Salem, Virginia
Father: Charles Seldon Pedigo [110] ( - ) [MRIN:36] Mother: Lillie Louise Ross [111] ( - )
Spouses and Children
1. *Pulliam [2114] ( - ) 187 [MRIN:710] Marriage: Status:Jessie Ross Pedigo [65]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 5 Jun 1888 - Vinton, Roanoke, Virginia, USA 187,2993 Baptism: Death: 15 Apr 1984 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 187 Burial: 17 Apr 1984 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 187 Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Social Security Number, 225-74-9991
2. Residence 2993, 1914 in Roanoke, Roanoke (city), Virginia, USA
3. Census 2902, U.S., Jan 1920 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
*living with husband, Matthew S. Matthews & children4. Obituary 3230, 16 Apr 1984 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Portsmouth--Jessie Pedigo Mathews of 6 Fiarway Drive, a native of Roanoke and the widow of M. Steward mathews Sr., died Sunday in her home.5. Residence 187, 6 Fairway Drive, 1984 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
She was a member of St. Andrew's United Methodist Church, Portsmouth Woman's Club and Miriam Chapter 94, Order of the Eastern Star.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Harry L. Hopewell of Portsmouth, a son, M. Steward Mathews Jr., also of Portsmouth; two sisters, Mrs. Ernest Mayhew of Fincastle and Ester Pulliam of Salem; 10 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be conducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday at graveside in Olive Branch Cemetery by the Rev. Clifton C. Blythe. Loving & Gay Funeral Home, Churchland Chapel, is in charge of arrangements. The family will be at her home.
6. Religion 187, member of St. Andrew's United Methodist Church in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
7. Organizations 187, member of Portsmouth Women's Club in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA
Miriam Charpter 94, Order of the Eastern Star
Father: Charles Seldon Pedigo [110] ( - ) [MRIN:36] Mother: Lillie Louise Ross [111] ( - )
Spouses and Children
1. *Mathew Stewart Mathews [146] (18 Nov 1893 - 7 Aug 1974) 113,186,1548,1925,2341,2342 [MRIN:35] Marriage: 31 Jan 1914 - Roanoke, Roanoke (city), Virginia, USA 2993 Status: Children: 1. Charlotte Ross Mathews [75] (1914- ) 185,186,187,714 2. Mathew Stewart Mathews Jr. [148] (1917-2002) 185,186,187
Death Notes:
Interview with author in 1976,Marriage Notes (Mathew Stewart Mathews)
She was born in Vinton, Virginia and moved to Roanoke and lived at 1617 Wise Avenue. Dr. Petticord lived next door. At age ten, she moved to the Edgewater section of Norfolk. Her father worked at the Norfolk and Western shops. Later they moved to Portsmouth and had a house on Prentice Place across from her future husband.
Then moved to Park View. She tried school, but the boys were mean to her. At age 20 she attended business school in Portsmouth for three months. She became engaged to Stewart Mathews and went back to Roanoke to work for her brother Carl in the wholesale fruit and produce business. He was known as the "apple king." Jessie kept books.
Stewart wanted to move to Roanoke, but his boss gave him a raise to keep him from going. They were married in Roanoke at the Green Memorial Methodist Church. Her brother Carl gave the wedding.
They came back to Portsmouth and lived in an apartment at 700 Armstrong Street; then on B. Street; and then bought the house at 301 Webster Avenue. [the Northeast corner of Webster and Ann Streets in the Park View section of Portsmouth.]
After her children were born, her parents moved back to Roanoke. Her parents died on Ernest Mayhew's (her sister "Foofie's" farm near Fincastle. They are buried in the Vinton Cemetery.
Rosa B. Pendelton [964]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Jul 1883 - Arizona 593 Baptism: Death: 4 Dec 1943 - Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA 177 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Bio 590, interview with Pat Barclay
Rosa Pendleton was the daughter of Alexander G. & Rosa Pendleton. She moved to California because she got a very good job, but doesn't remember what kind of job it was. She was very wealthy and never married. Rosa was very active in her church.2. Census 593, living w/parents, Alexander & Rosa Pendleton, Jun 1900 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
3. Education 683, high school graduate
4. Residence 683, lives at home, 1916 in Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
Father: Alexander G. Pendleton [1935] (1848-1904) 571,682 [MRIN:592] Mother: Rosa Dickson Barclay [414] (1850-1933) 177,682
Death Notes:
Barclay bible:
Died December 4, 1943 in Berkley California, Rosa Pendlenton daughter of Alexander G. and Rosa Barclay Pendlenton
Selina D. Pendelton [1931]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1844 - Virginia 1720,3231 Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Inherit 1723, from mother, Selina C. Pendleton, Apr 1884 in Montgomery Co., Maryland
I give devise and bequeath to my daugher, Selina D. Wilson, free from the control of her husband, the north one of my houses, and the one acre of land attached thereto located on the Burnt Mills road, in Montgomery County in the state of Maryland, for and during her natural life and at her death I give devise and bequeath said property to my granddaughter and namesake Selina Pendleton Wilson.2. Residence 683, 1916 in Maryland
Father: Alexander G. Pendleton [2257] (Abt 1819-1865) 682,683 [MRIN:204] Mother: Selina Christiana Dickson [519] (Abt 1821-Between 1885) 650,682
Spouses and Children
1. *John C. Wilson [1932] (Abt 1834 - ) 1723 [MRIN:666] Marriage: Bef 1884 Status: Children: 1. Rose Wilson [1933] (1870- ) 1723,3231 2. Selina Pendleton Wilson [1934] (Abt 1866- ) 1723Alexander G. Pendleton [1935]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Mar 1848 - Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia, USA 593,682,1720 Baptism: Death: Mar 1904 - Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA 683 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #: 22NJ-MMN
1. Alt Birth 683, 1852 in Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia, USA
2. Census 3232, U.S., 1860 in Montgomery Co., Maryland
Alexander Pendleton, age 41, male, professor of mathematics, value of real estate: 7,600, value of personal property: 250, born in Virginia3. Education 683, graduated from Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, 1872 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA
Selina Pendleton, age 39, female, born in Va.
Selina Pendleton, age 16, female, born in Va.
Rose Pendleton, age 14, female, born in Va., attends school
Conway Pendleton, age 13, male, born in Va., attends school
Frances Pendleton, age 10, female, born in D.C., attends school
Alexander Pendleton, age 8, male, born in D.C., attends school
William Pendlton, age 5, male, born in D.C., attends school
Douglas Pendlton, age 2, male, born in D.C.
Selina Barclay, age 67, female, value of real estate: 5,000, value of personal property: 3,000, born in England
Charles Fletcher, age 18, male, born in Maryland
4. Miliary 683, entered the United States coast survey service, 1872-1875
5. Residence 682, 1875 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
6. Occupation 682, U.S. coast surveyor, 1875 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
7. Residence 683, came to Arizona and settled in Globe, 1876 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
His wife followed him three years later.8. Occupation 683, employed by Colonel Tiffany, the Indian agent, of San Carlos reservation, 1880 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
He helped to lay out farms and to provide irrigation canals on the reservation.9. Occupation 683, laid out the town site of Globe in order to obtain patent from the U.S., 1883 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
10. Inherit 1723, from mother, Selina C. Pendleton, Apr 1884 in Montgomery Co., Maryland
To my son, Alexander G. Pendleton, I give and bequeath a chronometer watch, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of three hundred dollars and I hereby authorize, and direct the executors of this my will to purchase said watch out of the personal effects, and cash left by me, and deliver the same to him.11. Politics 3233, listed on voter's registration, 1890 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
**As I am unable to change my will it is my request that each of my children should give to Alex G. from the amount left them instead of the watch enough to make his legacy equal to them.--Selina C. Pendleton
12. Occupation 683, part owner of stock business with brother-in-law, George D. Barclay, 1892-1902 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
13. Occupation 593, civil engineer, Jun 1900 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
14. Census 3234, 8 Jun 1900 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
Alexander Pendleton, head of household, white, male, born March 1848, age 52, married 24 years, born in D.C., father born in Va., mother born in Va., occupation: civil engineer, can read & write, speaks English, rent house15. Occupation 683, opened a livery, feed & sales stable with George D. Barclay, 1902 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
Rosa B. Pendleton, wife, white, female, born Nov 1849, age 50, married 24 years, mother of 7 children w/5 children living, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va., can read & write, speaks English
Rosa Pendleton, daughter, white, female, born July 1883, age 16, single, born in Arizona, father born in D. C., mother born in Va., occupation: school girl, can read & write, speaks English
Anna Pendleton, daugther, white, female, born Aug. 1884, age 15, singel, born in Arizona, father born in D.C., mother born in Va., occupation: school girl, can read & write, speaks English
E. Conway Pendleton, son, white, male, born March 1892, age 8, single, born in Arizona, father born in D.C., mother born in Va., occupation: school boy, can read & write, speaks English
John Walton Pendleton, son, white, male, born Nov 1897, age 2, single, born in Arizona, father born in D.C., mother born in Va., speaks English
George D. Barclay, brother in law, white, male, born Dec 1865, age 36, single, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va., occupation: salesman, can read & write, speaks English
Selina C. Riell, sister in law, white, female, born Jan 1852, age 48, widowed, mother of 1 child w/1 chlld living, born in Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va., can read & write, speaks English
Robert B. Riell, nephew, white, male, born May 1880, age 20, single, born Va., father born in Va., mother born in Va., occupation: bookkeeper, can read & write, speaks English
Joel Nelson, lodger, white, male, born in Jan. 1864, age 36, single, born in Sweden, father born in Sweden, mother born in Sweden, immigrated to U.S. in 1871, 29 years in U.S., naturalized: no, occupation: miner, can read & write, speaks English, rents
16. Occupation 683, United States mineral surveyor until his death, Mar 1904 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
Built the government road between Rice and Fort Apache.17. Miliary 3235, U.S. Navy
18. Occupation 683, took up profession of civil engineering in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
19. Occupation 683, surveyed the railroad from Flagstaff to Glove, known as the Mineral Belt Railroad in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
This project was never completed, owing to the lack of funds. Later he was connected with the survey for the Roosevelt dam and its canals and wagon roads. His last work was the Fish Creek road, which he built.20. Occupation 562, built for Apache Trail in Arizona
21. Poltics 683, republican & held office of county surveyor in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
22. Religion 683, Episcopalian
23. Death notice 3236, 16 Feb
Died--Suddenly at the home of a neighbor on his way home, on Thursday, February 16th, at half past 4 p.m., Prof. A. G. Pendleton, U.S. Navy, in the 46th years of his age.24. Bio 3237, 1916 in Globe, Gila, Arizona, USA
The friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from the New Jerusalem Temple, North Capital street, at 11 o'clock a.m. , Saturday, 18th inst.
A. G. Pendleton--The late A. G. Pendleton, who passed away in Globe, Arizona, in March 1904, was one of the foremost pioneers of this state. He was connected with a number of important surveying projects and engineering works, was also engaged in the stock business and was prominent in other affairs which have made Arizona the prosperous state that it now is.
Mr. Pendleton was born in Washington, D.C. in 1852, a son of Alexander G. and Selina Pendleton, natives of Virginia. Both the father and mother died in Washington. The former was connected with the United States coast survey service, having his office at the naval observatory in Washington. A. G. Pendleton is one of a family of eight children, of whom four are living; E. C. Pendleton, who now lives in Philadelphia, being a retired admiral of the United States navy; Mrs. Wilson, a resident of Maryland; Mrs. Darrell, of Washington; and Mrs. Read, the wife of Dr. W. M. Read, of Clarence, Missouri.
A. G. Pendleton received his education at Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, and while there became a member of the Alpha Kappa Epsilon fraternity. He was graduated in 1872 and immediately entered the United States coast survey service, continuing in that connection for three years. In 1875 he married Miss Rosa B. Barclay, of Norfolk county, Virginia, who survives him and now makes her home in Berkeley, California. She is a daughter of S. T. and Johanna Barclay, lifelong residents of Virginia. Her father was a paper manufacturer and book binder in early days, his plant being located at Richmond, Virginia, where he continued in business until his health failed and he bought land in Norfolk county, that state. He operated this plantation until his demise. His death occurred in 1873, and his wife passed away in 1880. Mrs. Pendleton is one of twelve children and the third oldest in her family.
Mr. Pendleton came to Arizona and settled in Globe in 1876. His wife followed him three years later. Here he took up the profession of civil engineering and was retained in various capacities. In 1880 he was in the employ of Colonel Tiffany, the Indian agent of the San Carlos reservation, to lay out farms and to provide irrigation canals on the reservation. He later surveyed the railroad from Flagstaff to Glove, known as the Mineral Belt Railroad. This project, however, was never completed, owing to the lack of funds. Later he was connected with the survey for the Roosevelt dam and its canals and wagon roads. His last work was the Fish Creek road, which he built. Up to the time of his death mr. Pendleton was a United States mineral surveyor and in 1883 laid out the town site of Glove in order to obtain the patent from the United States. He built the government road between Rice and Fort Apache, and in this work, as in many other enterprises which he undertook for the government, he used Indian helpers and found them entirely satisfactory.
Although busily engaged in his profession, Mr. Pendleton found time to devote to other lines and was engaged as a part owner in the stock business with his brother-in-law, Mr. Barclay, as his partner. This connection lasted ten years and he sold out his interests in 1902, when he opened a livery, feed and sale stable with Mr. Barclay, in Globe, Arizona. He continued to engage in civil engineering until his death in 1904.
Mr. Pendleton was a republican and for many years held the office of county surveyor. His first position of this kind was in Gila county. At the time of his demise he owned both residential and business property in Globe, and his widow still retains her interest in the livery business although she now resides in her find residence at 2139 Stuart street, Berkeley, California. She is also owner of vacant property in Globe.
Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton had seven children, five of whom survive. Alexander G. was born i 1882, He was graduated from West Point in 1906 and is now stationed at Fort Adams, Rhode Island, where he is instructor in mathematics. In January, 1916, he was promoted to a captaincy in the United States army. Rosa, a high school graduate, is at home, Anna is a graduate of the University of California and teaches in Yuma. Conway is yet at home, attending school. Walton also attends school. The two children who have passed away were: Alexander G., who died at the age of ten months, in October 1881; and Barclay, who died when eleven years of age, in 1898.
Mr. Pendleton was an Episcopalian and his family also attend that church. He was one of the pioneer engineers of Arizona and did much toward opening up this country to civilization. His name will go down in the history of the state.
Father: Alexander G. Pendleton [2257] (Abt 1819-1865) 682,683 [MRIN:204] Mother: Selina Christiana Dickson [519] (Abt 1821-Between 1885) 650,682
Spouses and Children
1. *Rosa Dickson Barclay [414] (15 Nov 1850 - 2 Dec 1933) 177,682 [MRIN:592] Marriage: 30 Dec 1875 - Norfolk Co., Virginia 537,682,683 Status: Children: 1. Alexander G. Pendleton [2411] (Abt 1880-1881) 683 2. Alexander G. Pendleton [2410] (1882- ) 683 3. Rosa B. Pendelton [964] (1883-1943) 177,683 4. Anna Pendleton [2374] (1884- ) 593,683 5. Barclay Pendleton [2412] (1887-1898) 683 6. E. Conway Pendleton [2375] (1892- ) 593,683 7. John Walton Pendleton [2376] (1897- ) 593Alexander G. Pendleton [2410]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1882 683 Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Education 683, graduated from West Point, 1906
Is now stationed at Fort Adams, Rhode Island, where he is instructor in mathematics.2. Miliary 683, promoted to captain in U.S. army, Jan 1916
Father: Alexander G. Pendleton [1935] (1848-1904) 571,682 [MRIN:592] Mother: Rosa Dickson Barclay [414] (1850-1933) 177,682
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