Rose Hannah Dickson [524]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 2 Nov 1811 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 655,664 Baptism: 1 Jan 1812 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 664 Death: 17 Jun 1882 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 664 Burial: Jun 1882 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 664 Cause of Death: AFN #: 1BB5-XBB
1. Deed 549, sold 1/6 interest to half-brother George W. Dickson, 21 Mar 1881 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
That Rose Hannah Barclay wife of Robert Barclay, after the death of her said husband, and Sarah Emma Boutwell who married Louis Boutwell, after the death of her husband, both united in a deed conveying their one sixth interest each to Geo. W. Dickson Sr. by deed of B & S dated March 21, 1881 which deed is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Va. in Deed Book No. 13, page 90 which deed is filed herewith as an exhibit marked "C" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill.
Father: Capt. John Dickson [430] (1779-1826) 650,664 [MRIN:199] Mother: Sarah White [454] (1780-1817) 664,1650,1660
Spouses and Children
1. *Robert Charles Barclay [592] (19 Oct 1810 - 19 Aug 1855) 361,541,648 [MRIN:208] Marriage: 18 Oct 1837 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA 665,666 Status:
Named after her grandmother.
Sarah Emma Dickson [527]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1815 - Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia 664 Baptism: Death: 3 Oct 1892 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 664 Burial: Oct 1892 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 664 Cause of Death: AFN #: 1X26-B9K
1. Deed 549, sold 1/6 interest to half-brother George W. Dickson, 21 Mar 1881 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
That Rose Hannah Barclay wife of Robert Barclay, after the death of her said husband, and Sarah Emma Boutwell who married Louis Boutwell, after the death of her husband, both united in a deed conveying their one sixth interest each to Geo. W. Dickson Sr. by deed of B & S dated March 21, 1881 which deed is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Va. in Deed Book No. 13, page 90 which deed is filed herewith as an exhibit marked "C" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill.2. Petition 1719, 1888 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
In the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Virginia
William G. Pendleton, et als vs. R. C. Barclay, et als
In equity--
To the Honorable Judge of the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth,
Your petitioner, Sarah Emma Boutwell, humbly complaining, prersents this her case, to wit: That she is the holder of two certain promissory notes dated march 3rd 1881, and for the sum of three hundred dollars each. Both of said notes are payable five years after date; one paysble to said petitioner with six per cent interest and the other payable to Rosa H. Barclay. Both of said notes are made by G. W. Dickson, he being the George W. Dickson whose heirs are, according to the allegations of the bill filed in this cause & entitled to eight -twenty-fourths of the property, the partition of which is therein prayed.
YOur petitioner is a creditor of the said George W. Dickson to the extent of the face value of the said notes and the interest thereon, which said notes were given by the said George W. Dickson in part payment for the respective interests of the said Rosa H. Barclay and your petitioner in the said property, partition of which is prayed in said bill and which was sold by Norman Cassell, special commissioner on the 27th day of April 1888, under a decree entered in this cause on the 13th day of April 1888.
Your petitioner, therefore prays that she may be made a party, planitiff in the above entitled cause and that the same may be referred to one of the commissioners in chancery of this court to take and report an account showing as follows:
1. The amoun to which the heirs or estate of George W. Dickson is entitled to receive from the proceeds of the sale of the property described in said bill.
2. The debts and liabilities of the estate of George W. Dickson, together with the amounts and priorities thereof, and to whom they are payable.
3. All other matters and things which may be deemed pertinent by the commissioner or required by any party to be stated.
That a decree may be entered directing such sum as may be found to be due to your petitioner from the estate of said George W. Dickson, to be paid to her out of such portion of the proceeds of sale of said property as may be assigned to the heirs of said George W. Dickson.
And your petitioner further prays that she may be accorded such other, further and general relief as the nature of her case requires and to equity may seem meets.
And your petitioner will ever pray etc.
Sarah Emma Boutwell
by Watts & Hatton
her counsel
Father: Capt. John Dickson [430] (1779-1826) 650,664 [MRIN:199] Mother: Sarah White [454] (1780-1817) 664,1650,1660
Spouses and Children
1. *Lewis W. Boutwell [593] ( - Bef 1881) [MRIN:209] Marriage: 26 Jan 1836 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 758 Status:
Marriage Notes (Lewis W. Boutwell)
American beacon and Norfolk and Portsmouth daily advertiser (Norfolk, Va. : 1827) Married- on Tuesday, Jan. 26, by Rt. Rev. Bishop Meade, Lewis W. Boutwell, to Miss Sarah Emma Dickson, third daughter of the late Capt. John Dickson, of Gosport. (p. 2, c. 6) Thursday, January 28, 1836. Henley Papers, LOV.
*referenced under marriage event 3
Selina Christiana Dickson [519]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1821 - Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia 650,1720 Baptism: Death: Between Apr 1885 and Jul 1885 - Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia, USA 683,1721 Burial: in Georgetown, Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia, USA 1721 Cause of Death: AFN #: 1X26-DCB
1. Will 549,1722, 12 Apr 1884 in Montgomery Co., Maryland
In the name of God, Amen: I, Selina C. Pendleton, of Montgmery County, State of Maryland, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, and considering the uncertainlty of this life, do therefore make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my last will and testament--that is to say,2. Residence 1721, Apr 1884 in Montgomery Co., Maryland
First, After all my lawful debts are paid, and discharged, I give, devise, bequeath and dispose of all my property and estate as follows, to wit:
Second, I give devise and bequeath to my grand daughter Rose Wilson, the south one of my houses, and the one acre of land connected therewith located on the Burnt Mill road in Montgomery County in the state of Maryland, I also give and bequeath to my said grand daughter Rose Wilson all of my bed room furniture, my piano and all of my plated ware.
Third--I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Selina D. Wilson, free from the control of her husband, the north one of my houses, and the one acre of land attached thereto located on the Burnt Mills road, in Montgomery County in the state of Maryland, for and during her natural life and at her death I give devise and bequeath said property to my grandaughter and namesake Selina Pendleton Wilson, I also give and bequeath to my said grandaughter Selina Pendleton Wilson, my watch and chain. IN case of the death of my grandaughter Rose Wilosn, during her minority, then the estate hereinbefore conveyed to her shall go to my namesake Selina Pendleton Wilson, and in the event of the death of my said namesake Selina Pendleton Wilson during her minority, then the estate devised to her shall go to my other granddaughter, Rose Wilson.
Fourth--To my son, Alexander G. Pendleton, I give and bequeath a chronometer watch, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of three hundred dollars, and I hereby authorize, and direct the executors of this my will to purchase said watch out of the personal effects, and cash lfet by me, and deliver the same to him.
Fifth--I give, devise and bequeath to my son William G. Pendleton, all of my interest in a certain lot of ground located in Gosport, in the state of Virginia, said lot being located near the Navy Yard gate, this I give to my said son in rememberance of his many acts of generosity to me.
Sixth--I give, devise and bequeath to my five children Rose B. Darrell, Edwin Conway Pendleton, Frances P. Read, William G. Pendleton, and Douglas Pendleton, all of the rest of my real estate situated in the District of Columbia, as tenants in common to share and share alike, the interest of my said daughter, Frances P. Read, to be free from the control of her husband and to continue during her natural life, and at her death the interest hereby devised to her shall go to her son Nathaniel M. Read. It is further my desire and I hereby devise that in the event of the shares of my said five children just above named exceeding twelve hundred dollars each, then my daughter Selina D. Wilson, shall share equally with said five children in the fund in excess of said twelve hundred dollars each.
Seventh--I hereby nominate and appoint Rosa B. Darrell and Edwin Conway Pendleton, my son and daughter, Executors of this my last will, and testament.
In the event of the absence of my said son from the city at the time of my death, then, and in that event, I desire that no division shall be made of (unreadable) until her return, except, as to the houses in Montgomery County, and until his return my daughter Rose B. Darrell, shall collect the rents from my said property, pay taxes, repairs and insurance upon said property and divide the remainder annually between those entitled to receive the same.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this twelfth (12) day of April A. D. 1884.
Selina C. Pendleton
Subscribed by Selina C. Pendleton, the testatrix named in the foregoing will, in the presence of each us; and at the time of making such subscription, the above instrmt was declared by said testatrix to be her last will & testament; and each of us at the request of said testatrix and in her presence and in the presence of each other, signs his name as a witness thereto.
T.M. Hanson
R. R. Raplay
1315 E. St. N. W.
H. B. Moulton
15249th St. N. W.
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia
Holding a special term for Orphan's Court business
July 24th 1885
District of Columbia, to wit:
This day appeared Thomas M. Hanson one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last will and testament of Selina C. Pendleton, late of the District of Columbia, deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he did see the testatrix therein named sign this will; that she published, pronounced, and declared the same to be her last will and testament, that at the time of so doing she was to the best of his apprehension, of sound and disposing mind, and capable of executing a valid deed or contract; and that his name as witness to the aforesaid will was signed in the presence and at the request of testatrix and in the presence of Randolph R. Raplkey & Hosea B. Moulton the other subscribing witnesses thereto.
Test: H. J. Ramsdell
Register of wills
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia
Holding a special term for orphans's court business
July 25th 1885
District of Columbia, to wit:
This day appeared Randolph R. Raplay one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last will and testament of Selina C. Pendleton, late of the District of Columbia, deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he did see the testatrix therein named sign this will; that she published, pronounced, and declared the same to be her last will and testament; that at the time of so doing she was, to the best of his apprehension of sound and disposing mind, and capable of executing a valid deed or contract; and that his name as witness to the aforesaid will was signed in the presence and at the request of Testatrix and in the presence of Thomas M. Hanson and Hosea B. Moulton, the other subscribing witnesses thereto.
Test: H. J. Ransdell
Register of wills
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia
Holding a psecial term for orphan's court business
July 31st 1885
District of Columbia, to wit:
This day appeared Hosea B. Moulton one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last will and testament of Selina C. Pendleton, late of the District of Columbia, deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he did see the Testatrix, therein named sign this will; that she published, pronounced; and declared the same to be her last will and testament; that at the time of so doing she was, to the best of his apprehension, of sound and disposing mind, and capable of executing a valid deed or contract; and that his name as witness to the aforesaid will was signed in the presence and at the request of the Testatrix and in the presence of Thomas M. Hanson and Randolph R. Rapley, the other subcribing witnesses thereto
Test: H. J. Ramsdell
Register of wills
I, Selina C. Pendleton, the within named testatrix, being of sound and disposing mind, and memory do hereby make, and publish this codicil to be added to my last will and testament, bearing date the 12th day of April A.D. 1884, in manner following, to wit:
First--It is my desire, and I hereby direct that the executors appointed in my said will shall collect the rents and have the entire charge and control of the real estate, and property bequeathed and devised by me by my said will to my grandaughter Rose Wilson, until she shall become of age, and shall account to her for the same, and in the event of the death of my daughter, Selina D. Wilson, during the minority of my grandaughter, and namesake Selina Pendleton Wilson, then and in that event the executors appointed in my said will shall take charge of the property and estate left and devised to her by me, collect the rents, issues and profits arising therefrom; and account for the same to her when she becomes of age. I am thus careful to arrange for the care of the estate of my said two grandaughters, because it is my desire that their father John C. Wilson, shall in no way handle, control or interfere therewith
I further direct that when my executors shall have collected my claims against the United States for milage amounting to about twelve or thirteen hundred dollars, that they shall out of said funds,
First--First purchase a suitable monument and place the same in my burial lot at Oak Hill Cemetery, Georgetown D.C. of such design and cost as they may think best.
Second--One hundred and fifty dollars of said fund shall be placed in the hands of my daughter Mrs. Rose B. Darrell, to be used and expended by her as she thinksbest in defraying the school expenses of my grandaughter Rose Wilson.
Third--I give and bequeath to my daughter Mrs. Rosa Darrell, out of said fund the sum of two hundred dollars, in recognition of her kindness in nursing and caring for me.
Fourth--I give, and bequeath to Kate English, out of said fund the sum of twenty five dollars in recognition of her kindness to me.
The legacies included in this codicil are not to be paid until my claim against the United States for mileage shall have been collected by me executors.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of April A. D. 1885.
Selina C. Pendleton
Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Selina C. Pendleton, as and for a codicil to her last will and testament, in the presence of each of us, who in her presence, and in the presence of each other have at her request subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
H. B. Moulton
920 F. St. N. W.
Mrs. Henrietta Golder
1906-9th St. N.W.
C. Jackson
No. 1905, 9th St. North West
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia,
Holding a special term for orphan's court business
July 24th 1885
District of Columbia, to wit:
This day appeared Mrs. Henrietta Golder and Emanuel Jackson, two of the subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing codicil to the last will and testament of Selina C. Pendleton late of the District of Columbia, deceased, and severally made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the testatrix therein named sign this codicil; that she published, pronounced, and declared the same to be a codicil to her last will and testament; that at the time of so doing she was, to the best of their apprehension, of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding, and capable of executing a valid deed or contract, and that their names as witnesses to the aforesaid codicil, were signed in the presence and at the request of the testatrix and in the presence of Hosea B. Moulton the other subscribing witness thereto
Teste: H. J. Ramsdell
Register of wills
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia,
Holding a special term for orphans court business
July 31st, 1885
District of Columbia, to wit:
This day appeared Hosea B. Moulton one of the subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing codicil to the last will and testament of Selina C. Pendleton late of the District of Columbia, deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he did see the Testatrix therein named sign this codicil; that she published, pronounced and declared the same to be a codicil to her last will and testament; that at the time of so doing she was to the best of his apprehension, of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, and capable of executing a valid deed or contract, and that his name as witness to the aforesaid codicil, was signed in the presence and at the request of the testatrix, and in the presence of Mrs. Henrietta Golden and Emanuel Jackson, the other subscribing witnesses thereto
Test: H. J. Ramsdell
Register of wills
District of Columbia, to wit:
I, Dorsey Clagett, Register of wills for the District of Columbia do hereto certify that the foregoing is a (Note**seems to be a missing page)
Selina C. Pendleton, deceased, and the probates thereto, filed and recorded in the office of the Register of wills for the District of Columbia aforesaid; and also that the said will and codicil after having been proven by the witnesses whose names appear in the foregoing probates, was by order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term for orphans' court business, duly admitted to probate and record on the 31st day of July a. D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty five.
In testimony whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of the said Supreme Court special term for orphans court business, this twelfth day of January anno domicini 1888.
Dorsey Clagett
Register of wills for the District of Columbia
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia,
Special term for orphans' court business
District of Columbia, to wit:
I, Edward F. Bingham, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, do hereby certify that Dorsey Clagett Esquire, who executed the foregoing attestation, is the Register of wills in and for said District, duly commissioned and qualified, and that the said attestation is in due form of law and by the proper officer.
In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hands and seal this twelfth day of January anno domicini 1888
E. F. Bingham
Chief Justice
District of Columbia, to wit:
I, Dorsey Clagett, Register of wills in and for the District aforesaid do hereby certify that Edward F. Bingham, Esquire, whose genuine signature is attached to the foregoing certificate, is the chief justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, duly commissioned and qualified.
In testimony whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of the said Supreme Court, this twelfth day of January anno domini 1888
Dorsey Clagett
Register of wills for the District of Columbia
**As I am unable to change my will it is my request that each of my children should give to Alex K. from the amount left them instead of the watch enough to make his legacy equal to them.---Selina C. Pendleton
At the Court of Hustings for the city of Portsmouth, held on the 23rd day of January 1888. A duly authenticated copy of the last will and testament of Selina C. Pendleton, formerly of Montgomery County, State of Maryland, but at the time of her death residing in the District of Columbia, deceased, bearing date April 12, 1884, with the codicil annexed dated April 7, 1885, which said will and codicil have been proved in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, was this day offered for probate in this court; and it appearing from such copy and the certificate of probate thereof, that the said will and codicil was proved in the said foreign court of probate to have been so executed as to be a valid will of lands in this state by the laws thereof, it is ordered that said certified copy be and the same is hereby admitted to probate as a will of real estate.
Teste: C. T. Phillips, c.c.
By: A. W. Harvey, D.C.
A copy,
Teste: C. T. Phillips, c.c.
By: A. W. Harvey, D.C.
*Wm. G. Pendleton et als vs R. C. Barclay et als} chy
copy will & codicil of Selina C. Penleton
Exhibit "D" 1888
Febry. Rules filed
(That Selina Christiana Pendleton who married Alexander G. Pendleton died testate, she having survived her said husband, devising her interest in the said lot to her son Wm. G. Pendleton, which will together with codicil thereto was duly admitted to probate, in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term for Orphan's Court business on the 31st day of July 1885: and that said will and codicil was duly admitted to record as a will of lands, in the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Va. on the 25th day of Jany 1888. (A duly certified copy thereof is herewith filed as an exhibit marked "D" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill)
Father: Capt. John Dickson [430] (1779-1826) 650,664 [MRIN:170] Mother: Selina White [428] (1791-1887) 177,360,362,363,624,650,651,652,653
Spouses and Children
1. *Alexander G. Pendleton [2257] (Abt 1819 - 16 Feb 1865) 682,683 [MRIN:204] Marriage: 25 Sep 1840 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA Status: Children: 1. Selina D. Pendelton [1931] (Abt 1844- ) 1723 2. Rose D. Pendleton [1936] (Abt 1846- ) 3. Edwin Conway Pendleton [1938] (Abt 1847- ) 4. Frances Pendleton [1939] (Abt 1850- ) 5. Alexander G. Pendleton [1935] (1848-1904) 571,682 6. William G. Pendleton [1882] (Abt 1855-Bef 1916) 549 7. Douglas Pendleton [1941] (Abt 1857-Bef 1916)
American beacon and Norfolk and Portsmouth daily advertiser (Norfolk, Va. : 1827) Married- In Gosport, by Rev. Neil, Robert C. Barclay, of Norfolk, to Miss Rosa H. Dickson, eldest daughter of the late Capt. John Dickson of Gosport. (p. 2, c. 5) Thursday, October 19, 1837.
Son Dickson [606]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 7 Jan 1848 - Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA 1387 Baptism: Death: 9 Jan 1848 - Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA 1387 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #: 55G9-R5
Father: Mallory Todd Dickson [553] (1813-1881) 420,1387 [MRIN:218] Mother: Diana Todd Southall [599] (1818-1873) 451,841,842,1387,1655,1656,1657Son Dickson [1341]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: After 1832 418 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Father: Thomas Dickson [547] (1785-1832) 418,419,420 [MRIN:268] Mother: Unknown [558] ( -After 1832)Son Dickson [1342]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: After 1832 418 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Father: Thomas Dickson [547] (1785-1832) 418,419,420 [MRIN:268] Mother: Unknown [558] ( -After 1832)Son Dickson [604]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 8 Oct 1840 - Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA 1387 Baptism: Death: 9 Oct 1840 - Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA 1387 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #: 55G9-PS
Father: Mallory Todd Dickson [553] (1813-1881) 420,1387 [MRIN:218] Mother: Diana Todd Southall [599] (1818-1873) 451,841,842,1387,1655,1656,1657Son Dickson [1343]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: After 1832 418 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Father: Thomas Dickson [547] (1785-1832) 418,419,420 [MRIN:268] Mother: Unknown [558] ( -After 1832)Southall Dickson [610]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 6 Feb 1857 - Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA 1387 Baptism: Death: 1920 1387,1657 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #: 55G9-WT
1. Alt. Birth 1657, Alt. Birth, 6 Feb 1857 in Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
Father: Mallory Todd Dickson [553] (1813-1881) 420,1387 [MRIN:218] Mother: Diana Todd Southall [599] (1818-1873) 451,841,842,1387,1655,1656,1657
Spouses and Children
1. *Martha Norment [675] (Abt 1861 - ) 1657 [MRIN:243] Marriage: Bef 1890 1657 Status:Tazewell Taylor Dickson [609]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 4 Oct 1854 - Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA 1387 Baptism: Death: 1917 1387,1656 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #: 55G9-VN
1. Alt. Birth 1656, Alt. Birth, 4 Oct 1854 in Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
Father: Mallory Todd Dickson [553] (1813-1881) 420,1387 [MRIN:218] Mother: Diana Todd Southall [599] (1818-1873) 451,841,842,1387,1655,1656,1657
Spouses and Children
1. *Sophia Purse [643] (Abt 1858 - ) 1656 [MRIN:242] Marriage: 23 Feb 1875 1656 Status:
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