William G. Pendleton [1882]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1855 - Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia, USA 1720 Baptism: Death: Bef 1916 683 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Land 549, entitled to 4/24 th, 1888 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Wm. G. Pendleton is entitled to four twenty fourths as devisee of his mother Selina Christiana Pendleton deceased2. Chancery suit 549, Wm. G. Pendleton et al vs. Robert C. Barclay et al, 1888 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
In the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Va.3. Cause 3241, Wm. G. Pendleton et al vs. R. C. Barclay et al, Feb 1888 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
To the Honorable C. W. Maurdaugh judge of the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Virginia
Your complainants Wm. G. Pendleton, Geo. D. Barclay, Rosa Pendleton, wife of A. G. Pendleton & A. G. Pendleton of Globe, Gila County, Arizona, Geo. W. Dickson of Osteen, Florida, Thomas D. Voudy of Jersey City, N. J. and Forence D. Voudy his wife of Jersey City, N. J. show to your Honor.
That John Dickson died testate on or about June 10th 1826; that by his will dated April 2nd 1825 a copy of which is herewith filed marked exhibit "A" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill, he lends to his beloved wife Selina Dickson "during her natural life one third part of all my lands and real estate"; and by said will he "devises and bequeaths all the rest and residue of his estate, real and personal, to his five children to wit: Rose Hannah, Elenor Sarah, Sarah Emma, by my first marriage, and Selina Christiana and George Washington Dickson, by my present wife Selina, to be equally divided between my said five children, to them and their heirs forever"; And that by Codicil to said will he says: " I wish to add that the child which my wife now bears, to be considered as co-heir with my five children before mentioned. Said will and codicil was duly admitted to probate in the county court of Norfolk county Va. on the 18th day of July 1826.
That John Dickson left surviving him, his widow, Selina Dickson, and six children viz: Rose Hannah who married Robert Barclay, Elenor Sarah who married Caleb M. Herbert, Sarah Emma who married Louis Boutwell, Selina Christiana who married Alexander G. Pendleton, George Washington Dickson, and Johnanna (the child mentioned in the codicil) who married Solomon T. Barclay.
That in the early part of the year 1833, a friendly suit in chancery was instituted in the county court of Norfolk county, Va. which had for its object a partition of the estate of John Dickson, among his heirs and devisees above named and to assign the widow her dower: and in said suit there was assigned to Selina Dickson, widow of John Dickson all those pieces or parcels of land situated in that part of the town of Portsmouth called Gosport, designated and known on the plan thereof by the numbers "eighteen" and "nineteen" being the lot purchased by the said William Davis of Oliver Pollock as per deed recorded in Norfolk county court will appear, which said lots of land were purchased by the said Oliver Pollock at the sale of the Gosport lands made by the Commissioners appointed by the State of Virginia for that purpose. The said lot of land was purchased by John Dickson from William Davis & wife. In said suit the land above described was assigned to Selina Dickson as and for her dower interest in the estate of John Dickson deceased, for and during her life. The style of said suit was Dickson vs Dickson, in which a final decree was entered at June term 1833 of the county court of Norfolk county, Va.
[A copy of the deed from Wm. Davis & wife to John Dickson is herewith filed as an Exhibit marked "B" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill] That said Selina Dickson doweress as aforesaid afterwards married Capt. Robt Barclay & that she departed this life on or about July 1, 1887 and that the object of this suit is for the partition of the said land assigned to her for her life as her dower.
That Rose Hannah Barclay wife of Robert Barclay, after the death of her said husband, and Sarah Emma Boutwell who married Louis Boutwell, after the death of her husband, both united in a deed conveying their one sixth interest each to Geo. W. Dickson Sr., by deed of B & S dated March 20th, 1881which deed is duly recorded in the Clerk's office of the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Va., in Deed Book No. 13, page 90 which deed is filed herewith as an Exhibit marked "C" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill.
That Selina Christiana Pendleton who married Alexander G. Pendleton died testate, she having survived her said husband, devising her interest in the said lot to her son Wm. G. Pendleton, which will together with codicil thereto was duly admitted to probate, in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term for ophan's court business on the 31st day of July 1885: and that said will and codicil was duly admitted to record as a will of lands, in the court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Va. on the 25th day of Jany. 1888. [A duly certified copy thereof is herewith filed as an exhibit marked "D" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill]
That George Washington Dickson conveyed to Robert C. Barclay his one sixth interest as devisee of John Dickson dec'd in and to the lots herein before mentioned, by deed of B & S dated Augt. 6, 1847; the said deed is duly recorded in the Clerk's office of the county court of Norfolk Co., Va. in deed book No. 74, p. 425 [a copy is herewith filed as exhibit "E" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill.
That Elenor Sarah wife of Caleb M. Herbert and Caleb M. Herbert conveyed to D. J. Godwin and J. F. Crocker the interest of the said Elenor Sarah Herbert the same being an undivided one sixth in and to the lots above described by deed dated Feby 6, 1867, which deed is duly recorded in the Clerk's office of the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth, Va. in Deed Book No. 4, p. 79 [An office copy thereof is herewith filed marked Exhibit "F" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill.]
That Johnanna Barclay survived her said husband Solomon T. Barclay. She died about May 1, 1880. She left a will which was probated in the County court of Norfolk county on the 3rd July 1880. Thereby she divised all her interest in the said lots to her two children Laura Barclay and Virginius Barclay to be equally divided between them. [A copy of said will is marked "G" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill.]
That Robert C. Barclay died intestate leaving as his heirs and next of kin, Solomon T. Barclay his brother and a sister Catharine Reill wife of Robt. B. Reill, that Catharine Reill died leaving surviving her as her heirs and next of kin a daughter Kate Riell who married Wm. C. Sawyer, and a son Robt. Reill. Said Catharine Riell died intestate.
That Kate Sawyer & Wm. C. Sawyer her husband by deed of B & S. dated Jany 18th 1870 conveyed to D. J. Godwin & J. F. Crocker the interest of the said Kate Sawyer wife of Wm. C. Sawyer in the real estate above mentioned. [A copy of which deed is herewith filed as an exhibit marked "I" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill.]
That D. J. Godwin & Lucrece P. his wife and J. F. Crocker and Margaret J. his wife by deed of B & S dated Feby 13th 1878 conveyed to R. T. K. Bain, all their interest in the above described real estate, the same being 5/24 interest in the same [A copy of which deed is herewith filed as an Exhibit marked "H" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill.]
That R. T. K. Bain conveyed his 5/24 interest in the above described real estate to John T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old, & John B. Jenkins, trustees upon certain trusts. [A copy of said deed is herewith filed and marked Exhibit "I" & prayed to be taken as part of this bill.]
That Robert B. Reill died intestate about day of Augt 1880 leaving surviving him a widow Selina C. Reill and a son Robert B. Reill who is an infant.
That Solomon T. Barclay died intestate leaving surviving him a widow Johnanna Barclay & children R. C. Barclay, Rosa Barclay who married A. G. Pendleton, Laura Barclay, Selina Barclay who married Robert Riell, John W. Barclay, Nanie Barclay who married W. C. Corbett, George D. Barclay, Louis Barclay, Sol. T. Barclay and Virginius Barclay. That Johnanna Barclay the widow of Sol. T. Barclay is now dead.
That the parties above named are entitled to the land assigned to Selina Dickson as and for her dower as widow of John Dickson dec'd as hereinbefore mentioned---as follows:
Geo. W. Dickson and Florence D. Voudy wife of Thomas D. Voudy are entitled to eight twenty fourths as heirs of George W. Dickson Sr., dec'd.
2. Wm. G. Pendleton is entitled to four twenty fourths as devisee of his mother Selina Christiana Pendleton deceased.
3. Laura Barclay and Virginius Barclay are entitled to four twenty fourths as devisees of Johnanna Barclay deceased.
4. That Robert B. Riell is entitled to one twenty fourth as heir to his father Robert B. Riell deceased.
4. That R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell (widow of Robt. B. Riell), John W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Sol. T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay, Rosa Pendleton wife of A. G. Pendleton and George D. Barclay are entitled to two twenty-fourths as the heirs at law of Solomon T. Barclay dec'd.
5. That Jno. T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old & John B. Jenkins Trustees are entitled to five twenty fourths as purchasers for valuable consideration from R. T. K. Bain.
That Selina Riell widow of Robert Riell is not entitled to dower in the one twenty fourth interest inherited by Robt B. Riell from his father, because Robt. B. Riell was not at any time during the coverture seised of an estate of inheritance, the life estate of Mrs. Selina Barclay being outstanding during his life time and during the coverture.
That Robt. B. Riell and Virginius Barclay are both infants under twenty one years of age
Your complainants allege that they believe that partition of the real estate aforesaid assigned to Selina Dickson for her dower in the Estate of John Dickson dec'd, before mentioned and described cannot be conveniently made, on account of the number of parties entitled, they therefore desire and request that the entire subject may be allotted to any party who will accept it and pay therefor to the other parties such sums of money as their interest therein may entitle them to, or if the interest of those entitled to the subject or its proceeds will be promoted by a sale of the entire subject or allotment of part and sale of the residue, they desire that the same may be sold and the proceeds divided among the adults and the infant parties according to their respective right; the shares of the infants to be held as directed by the statute in such case made and provided. For as much, therefore as your complainants are remediless in the premises save by the aid of a court of equity, they pray that the said R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell, John W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Solomon T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay, Robert B. Riell, John T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old and John B. Jenkins trustees from R. T. K. Bain may be made parties defendants to this bill and required to answer the same (an answer under oath is hereby waived). the said adults in their own proper person, and the infants by guardian ad litem, that a properguardian ad litem be appointed in this cause for said infants who shall also answer this bill, not under oath: that proper process issue; that the said real estate be divided between the parties entitled thereto, or else that it be sold and the proceeds divided, in case it be indiviseble in kind: that all proper orders and decrees may be made, and that all such other, further and general relief as in the premises may be just and right may be granted. And your complainants will ever pray etc.
V. O. Cassell & Son
Wm. G. Pendleton, Goerge D. Barclay, Rosa Pendleton wife of A. G. Pendleton and A. G. Pendleton, George W. Dickson, Thomas D. Voudy and Florence D. Voudy--plaintiff4. Cause 3242, Wm. G. Pendleton et al vs. Robert C. Barclay et al, Mar 1888 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell, John W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, and Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Solomon T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay, Robert B. Riell, John T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old and John B. Jenkins trustees from R. T. K. Bain--defts
This cause came on this day to be heard upon the Bill and exhibits therewith filed at Feby Rules 1888 by the plaintiffs, the joint and seperate answers of R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell, John W. Barclay, Louis Barclay, and Solomon T. Barclay, & Virginius B. Barclay an infant over fourteen years of age, the joint answer of Wm. C. Corbitt and Nannie Corbitt his wife, the joint and joint and seperate answers of Virginius Barclay and Robert B. Riell infants under the age of twenty one years by John W. Barclay their guardian ad litem assigned at rules to defend them in this suit, and thereupon at March rules 1888 the said infant defendants Virginius Barclay and Robt B. Riell to the bill of the plaintiffs, and the joint answer of John T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old & Jno. B. Jenkins trustees from R. T. K. Bain, all of which answers were filed at March Rules 1888, to which answers the plaintiffs replied generally, and the cause coming on to be heard upon the bill, the said answers, general replications thereto and exhibits was argued by counsel. On consideration whereof the Court doth adjudge, order and decree that partition be makde of the land in the bill mentioned as follows: "That certain lot of land with its appurtenances, situated in that part of Portsmouth called Gosport and bounded as follows: beginning at the north east intersection of LIncoln and Water streets, thence running northwardly along Water street seventy one (71) feet, thence eastwardly and parallel to Lincoln street to the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, thence southwardly to Lincoln street, thence westwardly along Lincoln street to the point of beginning--it being the same land that was designated in Ancient plan of Gosport as lots nos. "18 and 19" and was assigned in dower to Selina Dickson, the late Salina Barclay.
That the commissioners hereinafter appointed do assign to George W. Dickson and Florence D. Voudy wife of Thomas D. Vouday eight twenty fourths thereof--To Wm. G. Pendleton four twenty fourths thereof--To Laura Barclay and Virginius Barclay 4/24 ths thereof--To Robert B. Riell 1/24 thereof--To R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell, John W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Solomon T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay, Rosa Pendleton wife of A. G. Pendleton and George D. Barclay 2/24 thereof--To John T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old and John B. Jenkins trustees 5/24 ths thereof--and for the purpose of effecting such partition the court doth order that Virginius Butt, Fairlie P. Nash, A. S. Watts, D. W. Todd Jr. and Samuel P. Wigg who are hereby appointed commissioners for that purpose, any three or moreof whom may act, do assign and allot to the parties as above designated the respectiove shares and proportions above mentioned by metes and bounds. Or if in their opinion such partition of said real estate cannot be conveniently made, or if in their opinion the interests of those entitled to the subject or its proceeds will be promoted by a sale of the entire subject, or allotment of part and sale of the residue, then that the said commissioners report that fact to this court and the reasons upon which their opinion is based with the real value of the estate, and the said commissioners are directed to report their proceeding to the court, and any other matter deemed pertinent by themselves or required by the parties. The said commissioners are authorized to employ or surveyor to make or survey and plat of said land and return the same with their report.
Wm. G. Pendleton et al agt. R. C. Barclay et als
Decree for appointment of commissioners to partition etc.
To be entered---C. W. Murdaugh
March 21, 1888
Wm. G. Pendleton, George D. Barclay, Rosa Pendleton wife of A. G. Pendleton, A. G. Pendleton, George W. Dickson, Thomas D. Voudy and Florence D. Voudy--plaintiffs5. Cause 3243, Wm. G. Pendleton et als vs. Robert C. Barclay et als, May 1888 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell, John W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, W. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Solomon T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay and Robert B. Riell the two last named being infants, John T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old and John B. Jenkins trustees from R. T. K. Bain--defendants
This cause came on this day to be agina heard upon the papers fomerly read herein, and the report of commissioners Virginius Butt, Fairlie P. Nash and A. S. Watts filed March 31st 1888, to which report there are not any exceptions, and was argued by counsel. Whereupon it is adjudged ordered and decreed, that the report of Commissioners Virginius Butt, Fairlie P. Nash & A. S .Watts be confirmed; and it is further adjudged ordered and decreed that Norman Cassell who is hereby appointed Special Commissioner for the purpose, do proceed to sell the real estate mentioned and described in the bill & proceedings mentioned, a plat of which is filed with the report of said Commissioners, Butt, Nash and Watts, said land the said Norman Cassell Special Commissioner shall divide into lots & make sale, as follows:
First, that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated in that part of the City of Portsmouth Va. called Gosport, at the North East intersection of Lincoln street with First, Crawfor or Water street, thence northerly along the east side of First, Crawford or Water street thirty five feet and six inches, thence easterly and parallel with Lincoln Street one hundred and ten feet, thence southerly and parallel with First, Crawford or Water street thirty five feet and six inches to Lincoln street, thence westerly along the north side of Lincoln street one hundred and ten feet to the point of beginning.
2nd: that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sitated in that part of the City of Portsmouth Va. called Gosport, beginning on the east side of First, Crawford or Water street, thirty five feet and six inches northerly from the north east intersection of First, Crawford or Water street with Lincoln street, thence northerly along the east side of First, Crawford or Water street thirty five feet and six inches, thence easterly and parallel with Lincoln street one hundred and ten feet, thence southerly and parallel with First, Crawford or Water street thirty five feet and six inches, thence westerly and parallel with Lincoln street one hundred and ten feet to the point of beginning.
Third: that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in that part of the city of Portsmouth, Va. called Gosport, beginning on the north side of Lincoln street one hundred and ten feet easterly from the north east intersection of Lincoln street with First, Crawford or Water street, thence Northerly and parallel with First, Crawford or Water street seventy one feet, thence easterly and parallel with Lincoln street one hundred and ninety three feet ore or less to Port Wardens line of the Elizabeth River, thence southerly along said Port Wardens line seventy one feet to Lincoln street, thence westerly along the north side of Lincoln street one hundred & ninety four feet more or less to the point of beginning. The said land above described the said Norman Cassell Special Commissioner, shall sell by public auction, on the premises, after first advertising the time place and terms of sale, for at least ten days, in one or more of the newspapers published in the City of Portsmouth, Va., and in one or more of the newspapers published in the City of Norfolk, Va., upon the following terms to wit: one third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, one third payable in six months from day of sale, and the residue of one third payable twelve months from day of sale; for deferred payments, the purchaser purchasers will execute bonds with approved personal security payable to the special commissioner, bearing interest after the rate of six per centum per annum, and the title to be retained until the further order of the court: but before proceeding to execute this decree the said Norman Cassell special commissioner, shall enter into a bond before the clerk of this court, with security deemed sufficient by the clerk, payable to the Commonwealth of Virginia, in the penalty of eight thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such special commissioner under this, or any future decree in this cause. The said Norman Cassell Special Commissioner shall deposit the money recd by him from the cash payment of the terms of sale, in the Merchants & Farmers Bank of the City of Portsmouth, Va., to the credit of this suit & he shall file a certificate of such deposit with his report under this decree. And the said Norman Cassell Special Commissioner will report his proceedings under this decree to the court.
Wm. G. Pendleton, George D. Barclay, Rosa Pendleton wife of A. G. Pendleton, & A. G. Pendleton, George W. Dickson, Thomas D. Voudy & Florence D. Voudy--plaintiffs6. Cause 3244, Wm. G. Pendleton et als vs. Robert C. Barclay et als, Aug 1888 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell, Jno. W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Solomon T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay and Robert B. Riell the two last named being infants; Jno. T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old, Jno. B. Jenkins, trustees from R. T. K. Bain--defendants
This cause came on this day to be again heard upon the papers formerly read herein, and report No. 2: of Norman Cassell Special Commissioner, this day filed, made in pursuance of a decree entered herein on the 15th day of May 1888, to which report there are no exceptions and was argued by counsel.
Whereupon it is adjudged ordered and decreed that the said report No. 2 of Norman Cassell Special Commissioner this day filed, is hereby confirmed; and it is further adjudged ordered and decreed that the following named parties are authorized to check upon the funds now on deposit in the Merchants & Farmers Bank of the City of Portsmouth, Va. to the credit of this suit as follows;
Geo. W. Dickson or V. O. Cassell & Son his attorneys for the sum of seven hundred & eighty nine & 72/100 dollars and Florence D. Voudy, wife of Thos. D. Voudy or V. O. Cassell & Son, her attorney for the sum of seven hundred & eighty nine & 72/100 dollars, each of the above amounts being 4/24 ths of the fund to be distributed & to which the parties name are entitled. Wm. G. Pendleton or V. O. Cassell & son his attorneys the sum of seven hundred & eighty nine & 72/100 dollars, that being 4/24 ths of the fund to be distributed & the part to which he is entitled: Laura Barclay 2/24 ths & the legally qualified guardian of Virginius Barclay 2/24 ths or each the sum of three hundred & ninety four & 86/100 dollars that being the part each of the distributable fund to which they are entitled; the legally qualified guardian of Robert B. Riell the sum of one hundred & ninety seven & 43/100 dollars, that being 1/24 th of the distributable fund & the part to which he is entitled: the following named persons, each the sum of thirty nine & 48 1/2/100 dollars, R. C. Barclay or V. O. Cassell & Son his attorneys, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell (widow of Robert B. Riell), Jno. W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Solomon T. Barclay, the legally qualified guardian of Virginius Barclay, Rosa Pendleton wife of A. G. pendleton, & George D. Barclay, the above amount being 1/10 of 2/24 ths of the distributable share & being the portion to which the parties are entitled; Jno. T. Griffin , Wm. W. Old and Jno. B. Jenkins trustees from R. T. K. Bain the sum of nine hundred & eighty seven & 15/100 dollars, it being 5/24 ths of the fund to be distributed & the portion to which they are entitled. And it appearing to the court from the receipt of Watts & hatton counsel for Sarah Emma Boutwell herewith filed, that the notes mentioned and set forth in the petition of said Sarah Emma Boutwell filed in this cause on the 18th day of June 1888, have since the filing of said petition been fully discharged principal & interest to date; it is adjudged and decreed that the said petition be, and the same is hereby dismissed with costs to the said petitioner.
Wm. G. Pendleton, George D. Barclay, Rosa Pendleton wife of A. G. Pendleton, & A. G. Pendleton, George W. Dickson, Thomas D. Voudy & Florence D. Voudy--plaintiffs7. Inherit 1723, from mother, Selina C. Pendleton, Apr 1884 in Montgomery Co., Maryland
R. C. Barclay, Laura Barclay, Selina Riell, Jno. W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Solomon T. Barclay, Virginius Barclay & Robert B. Riell the two last named being infants; Jno. T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old & Jno. B. Jenkins trustees from R. T. K. Bain--defendants
This cause came on this day to be again heard upon the papers formerly read herein, and report No. 3 of Special Commissioner Norman Cassell this day filed, made in pursuance of a decree entered in this cause on the 10th day of August 1888, to which report, there are no exceptions and was argued by counsel.
On consideration whereof, it is adjudged ordered and decreed, that said Report No. 3 of Norman Cassell, Special Commissioner this day filed, is hereby confirmed and it is further adjudged ordered and decreed that the following named parties check upon the funds now on deposit to the credit of this suit in the Merchants & Farmers Bank of the City of Portsmouth Va., as follows: C. T. Phillips clk of this court for the sum of eight & 20/100 dollars, Jno. B. Jenkins, atty. for the trustees of R. T. K. Bain for the sum of one hundred & twenty one & 54/100 dollars being the amount due to Geo. W. Dickson & is 4/24 ths of the distributable fund; to Florence D. Voudy wife of Thomas D. Voudy or V. O. Cassell & Son her attorneys, the sum of one hundred and twenty one & 54/100 dollars, that being 4/24 ths of the distributable fund & the part to which she is entitled; to the following named parties or V. O. Cassell & Sons their attorneys, Wm. G. Pendleton for the sum of one hundred and twenty one & 54/100 dollars, that being 4/24 ths of the distributable fund & the part to which he is entitled; Laura Barclay & Virginius Barclay or his legally qualified guardian each the sum of sixty & 77/100 dollars that being 2/24 ths each of the distributable fund & the part to which they are entitled, the legally qualified guardian of Robert B. Riell & thirty & 39/100 dollars that being 1/24 th of the distributable fund & the part to which he is entitled; to Wm. W. Old, Jno. T. Griffin & Jno. B. Jenkins, trustees from R. T. K. Bain or Jno. B. Jenkins their attorney the sum of six & 08/100 dollars being the amt due to R. C. Barclay and is 1/10 of 2/24 ths of the distributable fund & the part to which he is entitled, to the following named parties or V. O. Cassell & Son their attorneys, each the sum of six & 08/100 dollars that being each 1/10 of 2/24ths of the distributable fund & the part to which each is entitled viz: Laura Barclay, Selina Riell, Jno. W. Barclay, Nannie Corbitt wife of Wm. C. Corbitt, Louis Barclay, Solomon T. Barclay, the legally qualified guardian of Virginius Barclay, Rosa Pendleton wife of A. G. Pendleton & George D. Barclay; to Jno. T. Griffin, Wm. W. Old, & Jno. B. Jenkins trustees from R. T. K. Bain, or Jno. B. Jenkins, their attorney the sum of one hundred and fifty one & 92.100 dollars, that being 5/24 ths of the distributable fund & the part to which they are entitled.
It appearing to the court that nothing further remaining to be done in this case, it is ordered that the same be dismissed from the docket.
I give, devise and bequeath to my son William G. Pendleton, all of my interest in a certain lot of ground located in Gosport, in the State of Virginia, said lot being located near the Navy Yard gate, this I give to my said son in rememberance of his many acts of generosity to me.8. Inherit 1723, from mother, Selina C. Pendleton, Apr 1884 in Montgomery Co., Maryland
I give, devise and bequeath to my son William G. Pendleton, all of my interest in a certain lot of ground located in Gosport, in the State of Virginia, said lot being located near the Navy Yard gate, this I give to my said son in rememberance of his many acts of generosity to me.
Father: Alexander G. Pendleton [2257] (Abt 1819-1865) 682,683 [MRIN:204] Mother: Selina Christiana Dickson [519] (Abt 1821-Between 1885) 650,682Danny Galen Penick [84]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Deborah A. Clements [70] (1965 - ) [MRIN:39] Marriage: Jun 1984 Status: Children: 1. Danny Galen Penick Jr. [85] (1985- ) 2. Dianna Bethany Penick [513] (1986- )Danny Galen Penick Jr. [85]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1985 Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Father: Danny Galen Penick [84] ( - ) [MRIN:39] Mother: Deborah A. Clements [70] (1965- )Dianna Bethany Penick [513]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1986 Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Father: Danny Galen Penick [84] ( - ) [MRIN:39] Mother: Deborah A. Clements [70] (1965- )Perkins [2022]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Deborah Davis [2021] ( - ) 1615 [MRIN:688] Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Kayley S. Perkins [2023] ( - ) 1615Kayley S. Perkins [2023]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Residence 1615, 1994 in Richmond, Richmond (city), Virginia, USA
Father: Perkins [2022] ( - ) 1615 [MRIN:688] Mother: Deborah Davis [2021] ( - ) 1615Marvin Luther Perry [443]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Alice Macon [162] (31 Oct 1950 - ) 2246 [MRIN:96] Marriage: 1967 Status:Plecker [1989]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Unknown [0] ( - ) [MRIN:676] Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Emma Plecker [1988] (Abt 1864-1944) 1195 2. Dr. William A. Plecker [1990] ( - ) 2648Emma Plecker [1988]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1864 - Augusta Co., Virginia 1195,1196 Baptism: Death: 9 Apr 1944 - Staunton, Staunton (city), Virginia, USA 1195 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Obituary 3245, 9 Apr 1944 in Staunton, Staunton (city), Virginia, USA
Mrs. Plecker Cassell, 80, recipient of numerous high honors in the Daughters of 1812, Daughters of the American Revolution, and United Daughters of the Confederacy, died at her home here today.2. Orgainzations 1195, member of Daughters of 1812, Daughters of the American Revolution, & United Daughter of the Confederacy
Mrs. Cassell was a sister of Dr. William A. Plecker, Virginia registrar of vital statistics, and the widow of Julius Ferdinand Cassell. For four years she was Lexington Presbyterial historian and for the same length of time, Virginia historian for the Presbyerians in the United States.
At the time of her death she held the highest honor in Virginia in the Daughters of 1812, being the only honorary national vice president for Virginia. Mrs. Cassell also was honorary State president when she died.
3. Organizations 1195, Lexington Presbyterian historian & Virginia historian for the Presbyerians in U.S.
4. Funeral 3246, 10 Apr 1944 in Staunton, Staunton (city), Virginia, USA
Stauton--Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Plecker Cassell, 80, who had been active in the collection of historical data for the Southern Presbyterian Church and was a leader in the Daughters of 1812 and other organizations of descendants will be held at the First Presbyterian church here at 4 p.m. Monday. She died at a Stauton Hospital, Saturday.
A native of Augusta County and a brother of Dr. William Plecker, Virginia registrar of vital statistics, she was the widow of Julius Ferdinand Cassell, former railroad construction engineer.
As Virginian historian for the Southern Presbyterian Church, she collected records of 400 churches for deposit in church archives in Montreat, N.C. She was honorary State president for Virginia. She also was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
Father: Plecker [1989] ( - ) [MRIN:676] Mother:
Spouses and Children
1. *Julius Ferdinand Cassell [1991] ( - ) 1195 [MRIN:677] Marriage: Status:Dr. William A. Plecker [1990]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Occupation 1195, Virginia registrar of vital statistics in Virginia
Father: Plecker [1989] ( - ) [MRIN:676] Mother:
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