Dr. W. M. Read [1940]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Frances Pendleton [1939] (Abt 1850 - ) [MRIN:668] Marriage: Bef 1884 Status: Children: 1. Nathaniel M. Read [1942] ( - )Herny B. Reardon [482]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Occupation 2495, Merchant, 1 Feb 1836 in Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA
Spouses and Children
1. *Eliza B. Manning [481] ( - ) [MRIN:189] Marriage: 1 Feb 1836 2495 Status:Thomas Red [3030]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Margaret Groves [3027] ( - After 1806) 168,171 [MRIN:1024] Marriage: 30 Jan 1806 - Norfolk Co., Virginia 1884 Status:Serena Catherine Reill [1885]
Sex: FAKA: Kate Reill 549 Sarah Catherine Reill «A HREF="sources.htm#3253"»«sup»3253«/sup»«/a»
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1843 - Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia, USA 3253,3254 Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Guardian account 3253, 1857 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
S. Catherine Reill Ward2. Guardian account 3255, 1858 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
1857 In Account with Robert B. Reill Guardian
Jany 31 Paid William W. Manning's store account $1.66
Febry 25 To paid V. C. Grant for velvet 4.00
March 17 " William P. Stewart & Co for dry goods 2.88
" " For belt $.25 gloves 12 1/2 cash $.25 .62
" " John N. Ashton for sundries 1.26
March 17 To paid store ac for trimmings 5.00
March 25 " William P. Stewart for Merchant 21.41
" " William P. Stewart for bleached cotton 5.63
" " Enoch R. Gayle for shoes 3.12
" " For blank book .12
March 28 Cash advanced at various times & carriage hire 1.66
" " Paid for trimmings & tape 1.13
" " Traveling expenses & ferriages etc 1.42
March 30 Signer Bera for music instruction 10.25
" " For books 1.87
April 5 " Mrs. Russell for clothing 3.50
" " Mrs. Chapman for making 3.32
" " Mrs. Gregley for sewing 1.25
" " For French book .75
" " N. B. Webster for board & tuition for month
of April 1857 & washing bill for 3. 18.00
May 9 " M. P. Young for shoes 1.23
July 15 " shoe bill 1.75
July 16 " Mrs. Mary B. Davis board .75
" " Traveling expenses to Washington to school 4.24
" " For mantilla and washing 5.12
" " Cash advanced 5.00
" " Henry Buff for sassafarilla .25
" " Board at hotel 3 months 1.50
" " S. Mercereau for Bennett 4.00
" " cash advanced .25
" " N. B. Webster tuition up to July 1st 1857 30.00
" " Milborn for board up to 21 September 1857 12.50
" " Margaret Milborn up to Dec 21 58 at $23
per mth and .50 for each said sum sent
By Adams & Co's express $76.50 your part 1/2 38.25
Nov. 17 To Paid Egans & sons dry good bill 1.38
" " For clothing for Ward 20.00
" " Robt Dickson difference of exchange $10.50 5.25
" " V. O. Cassell's professional bill 7.50
" " Commers allow guard on $105 at 5 per cent 5.25
" " Reserved Commissioners fees 5.00
1857 Clerks fees 3.00
March 9 By amount received from Tay Taylor $150..1/2 $75.00
July 19 Amount received from Tay Taylor $60 1/2 30.00
1888 By Balance due guard. card fowd per centen 150.00
$255.37 $255.37
Jany 1st To Balance due guardian per contra brought fow
bearing Int from 1 Jany 1858 $150.37
Commissioner's Office
Portsmouth February 30, 1858
To the County Court of Norfolk County
Your Commissioner reports to the Court that on the 7 day of January 1858 Robert Reill guardian of Robt. & S. Catharine Riell exhibited before your Commissioner a statement of all the money which he the said Robert Reill had received or became chargeable with or had disbursed together with the vouchers for such disbursements that the Commissioner embracted the said Guardian in the list of fiduciaries whose accounts were before him for settlement which was posted at the front door of the Court house of said County on the first day of January Court last and on the date of this report ten days having elapsed since the said account was mentioned in the said list made up and completed the foregoing account of the said Robert Reills guardianship of his said wards. The account is supported by satisfactory vouchers and is herewith returned. Your Commissioner further reports to the Court that he has examined whether the said guardian has given such bond as the law requires and whether it is in a penalty and with securities sufficient and finds the sum to be unobjectionable and fully sufficient. Given under my hand this day and year above written.
V. O. Cassell
At a Court held for Norfolk County on the 18 day of April 1859. The foregoing account of Robert Reill guardian of Robert and S. Catherine Reill filed in the Clerk's Office of Norfolk County Court on the 19 day of February 1859. By V. O. Cassell Commissioner of Court and no exceptions having been filed thereto the same was examined and confirmed by Court and ordered to be recorded.
LeRoy G. Edwards c.c.
Sarah Catherine Reill ward3. Census 3256, U.S., 1860 in Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia, USA
1858 In account with Robert B. Reill guard
Jany 1 To Balance due guardian as per report of record $150.37
" Interest on Balance from Jany 1st 1858 Jany 1st 1859 9.02
Feby 22 " Paid R. Cohens bill 3.75
" " Baurs & Mitchell dry good bill .37
May 29 : W. M. Shuster & Co. 2.49
" " R. C. Stevens bill 4.00
July 30 " R. W. Carter .45
" " A. Morrison 1.00
" " F. A. Magueter 1.12
Sept 7 " R. Cohen for shoes 1.75
Oct 23 " A. S. Newton for dry goods 3.37
" " R. Cohen for shoes 2.00
Dec 3 To paid Charles Ballentine for book 2.50
" " Charles Stott for medicine 1.00
" " For sundries as per schedule of ward 14.88
" " Margaret Milborn for board from Jan 21,58 Mar 58 25.00
" " Margaret Malborn board from Dec. 27, 57 May 58 12.50
" " " Mar. 21, 1858 to May 58 25.00
" " " July 21, 1858 Sept 21,58 25.00
" " " Sept 21, 58 Nov 21, 1858 25.00
" " " Nov 21, 1858 Dec 21, 1858 12.50
" " Difference of exchange 1.50
" " Commissioners fee 5.00
" " Clerk's fees 2.00
" " Commer allowed guard $5 at 5 per cent .25
January By Bal due guard this day carr'd paid per centrum $303.86
Amount received from Tay. Taylor $100 your pt 1/2 55.00
$358.86 $358.86
Margaret Willburn, age 58, female, value of real estate: 3,000; value of personal property: 150, born in Va.4. Deed 549, lots 18 & 19, 18 Jany 1870 in Gosport, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Margaret W. Willburn age 30, female, occupation: school teacher, value of personal property: 300, born in Va.
Kate Riell, age 17, female, born in D.C., attends school
Robert B. Riell, age 16, male, born in Va., attends school
Hollis Amidon, age 53, male, occupation: upholster, born in New York
Clarence T. Smith, age 13, male, born in Pennsylvania
That Kate Sawyer & Wm. C. Sawyer her husband by deed of B & S dated Jany 18th 1870 conveyed to D. J. Godwin & J. F. Crocker the interest of the said Kate Sawyer wife of Wm. C. Sawyer in the real estate above mentioned. (A copy of which deed is herewith filed as an Exhibit marked "I" and prayed to be taken as part of this bill)5. Deed 3257, 1885 in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia
....said Robert B. Riell and Serena Catharine Sawyer (who was before her marriage Serena Catharine Riell) from their mother Sarah J. Riell, who was Sarah J. Barclay, now dec'd and which was acquired by her under the will of Mrs. Sarah Wright Tatem Whittaker dec'd dated 24th June 1837 and recorded in 1838, the deed of James Tatem 20th August 1838, the deed of Robert C. Barclay & wife 9th February 1839, the deed of Solomon T. Barclay 31st August 1841 and the will bo Susan B. Barclay dec'd dated 10 February 1840, which is to be recorded in the Court of Hustings for the City of Porltsmouth at its next term--the hereinbefore mentioned Mrs. Sarah W. T. Whittaker, having acquired the same by the last will and testament of her father, Solomon Tatem dated 27 Jany. 1795, which was recorded 20 July 1799 who acquired the same from Sheldon Toomer & wife by deed dated 24 January 1794 who acquired the same from Thomas Toomer by deed dated 28 June 1793. Witness the following signatures & seals.
Father: Lt. Robert B. Riell U.S.N. [650] (1820-1869) 475,551,552 [MRIN:645] Mother: Sarah Jane Barclay [596] (1813-1849) 539,541,649
Spouses and Children
1. *Capt. William C. Sawyer [1886] (18 May 1845 - 10 Nov 1902) 117,118 [MRIN:646] Marriage: 21 Feb 1867 - Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA Status:
Birth Notes:
* est. of birth year due to guardian accounts of 1857 & 1858--child would have to be under age 21
Paul Repiton [491]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: of - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 2453 Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Amelia C. Manning [490] ( - ) 2453 [MRIN:194] Marriage: 11 Apr 1829 - North Carolina 2454 Status:Rew [1863]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Lizzie West [1860] ( - ) 1583 [MRIN:635] Marriage: Status:Mamie Rhodes [1045]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *John Lawrence Ellsworth [1044] ( - ) 1068 [MRIN:374] Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Jack Noble Ellsworth [1043] (Abt 1923- ) 1068Lydia Richardson [3058]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1617 - Virginia 17,1618 Baptism: Death: 1700 - Norfolk Co., Virginia 17 Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
1. Deed 3142, sells tract of land which was wife's dower from death of husband John Manning, 1672 in Norfolk Co., Virginia
Know all men by these presents that I Edward Norrington with the consent of my wife Lydia have alienated bargained and sould from me my heyres executors admin or assigns one deudent or tract of land where I now live being the land that my aforesd wife had for her thirds of her former husbands land John Manning decd lying and being in a creek commonly called or known by the name of Julians Creek together with all housing orchards farming and all other rights profitts whatsoever be me or my sd wifes now belonging or apertayning the present crop now on the ground excepted which I am to have the produce to.... and carry away att my owne discretion with out trouble hindrance or molestation and I doe further oblige my admin or assigns to the sd. John Manning his heirs that I and my aforesaid wife Lydia shall make him or that acknowledged court according to law between this and the last of December next and also make delivery of the premises always provided that I have liberty before or after to fetch and carry away my corn cattle whatsoever else is or may be myne in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale 1672
Edward T. Norrington
Lydia X Norrington
Spouses and Children
1. *John Manning # 1 [3057] (17 Dec 1615 - Between 1669 and 1672) 17,2472,2473 [MRIN:1034] Marriage: 6 Apr 1660 - Norfolk, Norfolk (city), Virginia, USA 1618 Status: 2. Edward Norrington [3092] ( - ) 3141 [MRIN:1047] Marriage: Bef 1672 3141 Status:Albert Riehl [2394]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Blanche Y. Osmond [2395] ( - ) 3149 [MRIN:810] Marriage: 1889 - Manhattan, New York, New York, USA 3150 Status:Andrew Riehl [2396]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Baptism: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN #:
Spouses and Children
1. *Carlotta Fiege [2397] ( - ) 1781 [MRIN:811] Marriage: 1871 - Manhattan, New York, New York, USA 1782 Status:
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