1954 State Champions Photos

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You can order 12" x 18" photos suitable for framing.

These are very high-quality, professionally produced photos. They are the same ones that reunion attendees received. The photos below are low quality so they will not take all day to appear on your screen. They are to give you an idea as to what the high-quality photos will look like.)

The pair of team photos shown below are available (offered only in pairs) for the cost
of their printing: $15 including the cost of a tube mailer and postage.

They will make nice gifts to children and grandchildren. 

 Please contact Lynn Hopewell to order.

These photos are now hanging in the foyer of the Circle Restaurant in Portsmouth. A very large print of the team also hangs in Roger Brown's restaurant on High Street in Portsmouth.


This page last edited: June 25, 2008 Copyright© 2006 by Lynn Hopewell.