Woodrow Wilson

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Woodrow Wilson High School's ancestry has been traced back to 1885, when a high school was organized at The Academy on Glasgow Street, which had housed only grammar and elementary students from 1850 through 1884. The first high school class graduated that same year. In 1886 the Glasgow Street building was no longer suitable, so the city erected a new building on Green Street, known as the Green Street School. High school, grammar, and elementary students moved there from the Glasgow Street location in September 1886.

      In 1888, Portsmouth High School was formally established but continued to be housed in the Green Street building. Portsmouth High School moved to a brand new building on Washington Street in 1909. The new facility was the first one planned for the exclusive use of the high school.

      In September, 1919, Portsmouth High School was renamed Woodrow Wilson High School and moved to a new building on High Street. The vacated building became an elementary school called Washington Street School, and later F. T. Briggs School. In September, 1955, W.W.H.S. moved again to a new facility on Willett Drive, and the vacated building on High Street became Harry Hunt Junior High School. In September, 1993, Woodrow Wilson High School was moved to the Elmhurst Lane site formerly known as Manor High School. [The building on High Street was demolished and a new Norcum high school was built on the site.

(This brief chronology was compiled by Bob Ainsworth, [and Waterview Canasta Club member] W.W.H.S. Class of '55, from a booklet on the history of W.W.H.S. by a former teacher Lelia Deans: "A few Facts Concerning the Early History of the Portsmouth School System," compiled from School Board records and Superintendents' reports; and information supplied by Jane Garrett based on research in July, 1993 of old School Board minutes available in the Superintendent's office. )

This information came from the school's web page: http://pps.k12.va.us/~jtes/frontpage.html

This page last edited: June 25, 2008 Copyright© 2006 by Lynn Hopewell.