Technical Notes

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Here are some technical things that might be helpful to viewers.


It is best viewed on a screen size of at least 800x600 or larger and using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later, although it will probably be usable with other browsers and screen sizes.


Set your browser to "full screen". The F11 key does this in Microsoft Internet Explorer.


When you see small thumbnail photos on a page, clicking on them will bring up a larger image.


The photographs have been reduced in size to display well on the screen without scrolling. If you want to make prints from the files on web site, right click on a picture and click "save picture as ....."


The images were scanned from original prints and cleaned up in Adobe Photoshop.

bulletSome of the files on this site are in the PDF format and require a special reader. To obtain an Adobe PDF reader, right click on to get their free reader.

Left clicking on PDF and MSWord file hyperlinks will generally load the files into their respective programs. It is usually better to right click and download the file to your computer before you open it.


 This is my first attempt at producing a web site. I kept it simple.


This page last edited: June 25, 2008 Copyright© 2006 by Lynn Hopewell.