Fauquier's Black Horse Cavalry

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Company H, 4th Virginia Cavalry, C.S.A.

The Black Horse Cavalry was part of Williams Carter Wickam's 4th Virginia cavalry,
Fitz Lee's Division, JEB Stuart's Cavalry Corps,
Army of Northern Virginia.

I have been researching the history of this company for many years. My great-great-grandfather, Strother Seth Jones, was a member.

This project has its own web site. Go to:

www.blackhorsecavalry.org. The most current draft of the history of the Black Horse Cavalry is available as a download.

Also see current draft of The Bravest Man
in Lee's Army
, the family history of
Bob Martin and his two brothers, Josh
and Dick.





This page last edited: June 25, 2008 Copyright© 2006 by Lynn Hopewell.