1. Lodowick MATHEWS , son of James MATHEWS and Unknown , was born circa 1790 and died between 1836-1838, about age 46.1
Lodowick married Barbary SMITH ,3 daughter of William Robinson SMITH and Martha TAYLOR , on 9 March 1814.2 Barbary was born on 13 September 1794 in Norfolk County, Virginia 2 4 and died on 15 March 1867 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 72.5
Children from this marriage were:
+ 2 M i. James William MATHEWS was born in 1815-1816 in North Carolina 6 7 and died on 15 November 1880 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA, at age 65.7
3 F ii. Maria Susan MATHEWS was born on 5 December 1825 in North Carolina,7 9 died on 24 October 1873 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 47,10 11 and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Burial Notes: Oak Grove Cemetery, next to husband.
Maria married John Edward MORRIS , son of Unknown and Unknown , on 21 September 1847 in Norfolk County, Virginia.12 John was born on 7 August 1825 in Portsmouth, Virginia 13 14 15 16, died on 22 August 1893 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 68 13 15 16 17 18, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.14
Lynn Hopewell
Noted events in his life were:
1. Census: U.S, 1860, Portsmouth, Virginia. 19
2. Census: U.S., 1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. 20
3. Residence: 1882, Portsmouth, Virginia. 21 Lived on South near Washington Street
4. Occupation: Between 1883-1884, Portsmouth, Virginia. 22 Was a carpenter living at 418 Second Street, next to Stephen B. Kenney
5. Residence: 524 South Street, 1889, Portsmouth, Virginia. 23 Listed in city directory, 1888, 1889 and 1890. In all, was carpenter, living at 524 South Street, Portsmouth.
Norfolk City Directory, 1888. Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co., 1888.
Norfolk City Directory, 1889. Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co. 1889.
Norfolk City Directory, 1890-91, Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co., 1891.
2. James William MATHEWS was born in 1815-1816 in North Carolina 6 7 and died on 15 November 1880 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth (city), Virginia, USA, at age 65.7
General Notes: The Yellow Fever epidemic of 1855 was one of the great tragedies of Norfolk's history. On 7 June of that year, the steamer BEN FRANKLIN, enroute from St. Thomas to New York, entered the Norfolk harbor for repairs. The ship was quarantined at anchor for nearly 2 weeks before being allowed into a Portsmouth shipyard on the condition that her bilge not be pumped, but the ship's captain disobeyed orders and broke open the hold, and in early July a crew member died of yellow fever. The fever spread quickly. Many panic-stricken citizens evacuated, until other cities began to refuse entry to Norfolk's refugees, in on case turning them away at bayonet-point. By August, business had ceased, church services were suspended, and the sound of the hearse rattling through silent streets could be heard day and night. The only commercial vessel to continue to call at the port was a little steamer bringing mail, medicine and coffins, and doctors and nurses from around the country who came to volunteer their services. As many as 80 people died each day, coffins stacked on the ground at the cemeteries with no one to dig the graves, and many victims simply wrapped in the bedclothes in which they had died and buried in mass, unmarked graves. The fever abated after the first frost in October and the editor of Norfolk's SOUTHERN ARGUS wrote "In the short space of ninety days, out of an average population of 6000, every man, woman and child, almost without exception, has been stricken ... and about 2000 have been buried. But the storm is over, and again our good ship lays her course ... her flag ... sadly at half mast".
Norfolk Library Web Site. http://www.npl.lib.va.us/history/history1.html
Noted events in his life were:
1. Note: He died instate, Portsmouth, Virginia. See deed of son.
2. Relatives: Henry Curtis, Portsmouth, Virginia. Kin to Henry Curtis. Need reference.
3. Residence: Gosport, 1850-1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. 24 "Gosport at that time was a fashionable place. The elite of the city lived there." Portsmouth People by John Forman, written in 1890.
From Portsmouth Star, March 14, 1911 and succeeding issues. Found in "Some Fugitive Items of Portsmouth and Norfolk County History," compiled by John C. Emerson, 1948; in Portsmouth City Library.
4. Property: house in Gosport, 2 April 1850, Portsmouth, Virginia. 25 Sells lot and house
5. Note: 1854, Portsmouth, Virginia. 26 No record of election to Portsmouth City Council
6. Election: Common Council, 9 April 1855, Portsmouth, Virginia. 27
7. Election: City Council, April 1855, Portsmouth, Virginia. 28
8. Present: Meeting of City Council, 1 May 1855, Portsmouth, Virginia. 29
9. Election: City Sergeant, May 1855, Portsmouth, Virginia. 30 Elected while serving on City Council
10. Employment: City Sergeant, 5 June 1855, Portsmouth, Virginia. 31 Posted security. The William Outten mentioned in the reference was probably his sister-in-law Margaret W. Manning's husband.
11. Employment: City Sergeant, 15 June 1855, Portsmouth, Virginia. 32 Posted $1, 000 bond for appointment as City Sergeant
12. Employment: Town Sergeant, 8 July 1855, Portsmouth, Virginia. 33 Enforced quaranteen of Steamship Ben Franklin that caused Yellow Fever epidemic in Portsmouth
13. Note: 6 May 1856, Portsmouth, Virginia. 34 Cary F. Grimes (Capt of Grimes Battery during Civil War) elected Town Sergeant
14. Election: City Sergeant, 17 November 1858, Portsmouth, Virginia. 35
15. Ended Law Case: Sued, 1 January 1861, Portsmouth, Virginia. 36 James sued over $150 debt for hire of negro Jeffery for 1861
16. Census: U.S., 1870, Portsmouth, Virginia. 37 He and his wife Mary Ann were living in the same househould with Mary Ann's daughter Rosa Kenney and her family; and her daughter Mary Cassell and her family.
17. Occupation: wharf builder, 1870, Portsmouth, Virginia. 37
18. Note: 1876, Portsmouth, Virginia. 38 Not on Council
19. Election: City Council, 2 July 1877, Portsmouth, Virginia. 39
20. Employment: City Councilman, 5 October 1877, Portsmouth, Virginia. 40
21. Employment: City Councilman, 1878, Portsmouth, Virginia.
22. Employment: City Councilman, 19 May 1879, Portsmouth, Virginia. 41 Also on June 18
23. Note: 1 July 1879, Portsmouth, Virginia. 42 Not elected to Council. He died 16 mos later
24. Occupation: carpenter, 1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. 43
25. Census: U.S., 1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. 44 James W. mathews, 60, born Virginia, carpenter, both parents born in Virginia. Mary Ann Mathews, wife, 67, born in Virginia, keeping house, both parents born in Virginia. James Mathews, son, married, 32, born in Virginia, carpenter, both parents born in Virginia. Martha Mathews, wife, 29, born in Virginia, keeping house, both parents born in Virginia. Willie Mathews, son, 2, born in Virginia. Maggius Manning, gnniece, single, 20, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia.
26. Obituary: 15 November 1880. Died November 15th, 1880, James W. Mathews at his residence on corner of Henry and 2nd St. [in the Gosport section of Portsmouth] Mr. Mathews was City Sargeant of this City during the yellow fever epidemic of 1855. He was also an active member of the Howard Association and rendered valuable service. He was, up to a few years before his death, a member of the City Council which as in everything required of him he performed his duty faithfully. His loss will be deeply mourned by many. He leaves a widow and one son, M. J. Mathews of this city. He was in his 65th year.
James married Mary Ann Amelia MANNING , daughter of Mathew MANNING, Jr. and Mary HODGES , in October 1847 in Norfolk County, Virginia.8 Mary was born on 4 September 1813 in Norfolk County, Virginia 45 and died on 4 April 1886 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 72.46 47 Another name for Mary was Her name is variously listed as Maryann Amelia or Mary A. A.
See this link for information on her family.
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Relatives: September 1847. His sister Susan married the previous month.
Birth Notes: Based on exact calculation of age as 72 years, 7 months given in obituary.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Property: 19 September 1849, Portsmouth, Virginia. 48 Sells lot and house in Gosport
2. Census: U.S., 1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. 49 Living with her son Mathew James Mathews.
3. Relatives: 1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. 50 Grandniece Maggius Manning living with Mary, age 20, according to 1880 census.
4. Obituary: April 1886, Portsmouth, Virginia. 47 Entered into death Sunday night, April 3rd, 1886, Maryann Amelia White Mathews, aged 72 years, 8 months, the last of a family of four brothers and two sisters whose fore-fathers settled upon Julians C reek in Norfolk County, Va. (17.00 inserted here) A good wife, mother and sister is gone. May we meet her in heaven.
5. Obituary: April 1886, Norfolk, Virginia. 51 Mrs. Mary Ann Mathews, grand-mother of Mr. Edward Cassell, who shot the saloon keeper of Norfolk, not long since, died Sunday night, it is thought from grief. Mrs. Mathews was 72 years old. Her funeral will take place from the residence of her son, Mr. Alex W. Cassell on Second street, today. [ Alex W. Cassell was her son in law, married to her daughter Mary Hodges White.]
Children from this marriage were:
+ 4 M i. Mathew James MATHEWS 52 was born on 14 November 1848 in North Carolina,53 died on 28 January 1909 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 60,7 54 and was buried on 31 January 1909 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
4. Mathew James MATHEWS 52 was born on 14 November 1848 in North Carolina,53 died on 28 January 1909 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 60,7 54 and was buried on 31 January 1909 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Census: U.S., 1870, Portsmouth, Virginia. 37
2. Occupation: carpenter, 1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. 49
3. Census: U.S., 1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. 49
4. Residence: 409 Harrison Street, 1889, Portsmouth, Virginia. 57 A carpenter.
5. Occupation: ship joiner, 1894, Portsmouth, Virginia. 58 Living at 1101 Dinwiddie Street.
6. Occupation: warf builder, 1870, Portsmouth, Virginia. 59
Mathew married Martha Elizabeth "Mattie" NEAVILLE ,60 daughter of John C. NEAVILLE and Elizabeth , on 18 December 1873 in Portsmouth, Virginia.55 Martha was born on 13 July 1851 in Portsmouth, Virginia 60 61, died on 20 April 1882 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 30 7 61, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Children from this marriage were:
5 M i. Walter Neaville MATHEWS was born on 5 August 1876 in Portsmouth, Virginia 62 and died on 20 November 1876 in Portsmouth, Virginia.7
+ 6 M ii. James William MATHEWS, II was born on 19 December 1877 in Portsmouth, Virginia,2 63 died on 25 February 1928 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 50, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 7 M iii. Edwin Elvington MATHEWS was born on 30 January 1880 in Portsmouth, Virginia and died on 18 December 1931 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 51.
Mathew next married Susan Payne JONES , daughter of Strother Seth JONES and Lucy Virginia STEWART , on 28 June 1887 in Portsmouth, Virginia.56 Susan was born on 8 April 1854 in Culpeper County, Virginia 66, died on 13 March 1909 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 54 67, and was buried on 15 March 1909 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Children from this marriage were:
8 F i. Mary Lucy MATHEWS was born on 23 June 1888 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died on 25 February 1890 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 1,68 and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Birth Notes: Born 12 Noon.
Death Notes: Matthew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Mathews. Funeral from their residence 409 Harrison St. yesterday interred Oak Grove. (Norfolk Virginian, Fri 2-28-1890)
General Obits and Marraiges
Page Nine
Submitted by: Susan Wilson <mailto:SueHummel@compuserve.com>
+ 9 M ii. Seth Waters MATHEWS was born on 5 June 1890 in Portsmouth, Virginia and died on 5 October 1949 in Suffolk, Virginia, at age 59.
+ 10 M iii. Mathew Stewart MATHEWS 70 was born on 18 November 1893 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died on 7 August 1974 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 80, and was buried on 9 August 1974 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
6. James William MATHEWS, II was born on 19 December 1877 in Portsmouth, Virginia,2 63 died on 25 February 1928 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 50, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Birth Notes: Portsmouth, VA births. 18 Dec possible alternate date
Death Notes: Possible alternative death date, 22 Feb. 1928. Check grave.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Census: U.S., 1880, Portsmouth, Virginia. Age 2. Called "Willie."
James married Mary Reata COOKE , daughter of John William COOKE and Fannie CONLEY , on 9 March 1907. Mary was born on 12 August 1885 in Baltimore, Maryland, died in 1961 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 76, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Birth Notes: Alternate date, 9th. Parents lived in Wilmington, Delaware.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 11 F i. Anna Marguerite MATHEWS was born on 6 January 1908 in Newport News, Virginia.
+ 12 M ii. James William MATHEWS, Jr. was born on 21 March 1910 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 13 F iii. Emily Francis MATHEWS was born on 12 August 1918 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 14 M iv. John William MATHEWS was born on 21 July 1918 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
7. Edwin Elvington MATHEWS was born on 30 January 1880 in Portsmouth, Virginia and died on 18 December 1931 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 51.
Birth Notes: Check alternate 31 Jan 1881.
Death Notes: Check alternate 25 Feb. 1928.
General Notes: Portsmouth, VA deaths
Mathews Family says 31 Jan and 19 Dec
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence: 8 January 1932, Portsmouth, Virginia. 71 319 Webster Avenue
Edwin married Laura Edwina POWERS , daughter of John C. POWERS and Mary J. DAVIS , on 28 October 1903.64 65 Laura was born on 3 February 1883 and died on 27 October 1919, at age 36.
Children from this marriage were:
15 M i. Edwin Elvington MATHEWS, Jr. was born on 4 September 1904 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died on 3 September 1990 in Sun City, Florida, at age 85, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
General Notes: Conversation with author.
Buried in Portsmouth.
Edwin married Margaret Virginius HANRAHAN , daughter of Virginus Carlton HANARAHAN and Annie BUTLER , on 3 October 1928 in Portsmouth, Virginia. Margaret was born on 31 August 1909 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died on 11 August 1997 in Sun City, Florida, at age 87, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Marriage Notes: Married at home of Presbyterian minister.
+ 16 F ii. Mary Elizabeth MATHEWS 72 was born on 18 June 1912 in Portsmouth, Virginia.72
17 F iii. Margaret Helen MATHEWS was born on 14 October 1919 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died on 31 January 1971 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 51, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
General Notes: Married only a short time. Her name on her tombstone is Mathews, not Snow. Took her own life
Margaret married Ernest Tatem SNOW . The marriage ended in divorce.
Marriage Notes: Mary Mathews Torrence: Marriage was wartime romance, very brief.
General Notes: From Murfersboro, TN
9. Seth Waters MATHEWS was born on 5 June 1890 in Portsmouth, Virginia and died on 5 October 1949 in Suffolk, Virginia, at age 59.
Birth Notes: Born 9 PM.
Seth married Nance Goodwin HART on 23 December 1912. Nance was born on 11 January 1884 and died on 15 September 1936, at age 52.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 18 F i. Isabel Payne MATHEWS was born on 9 January 1916 and died in 1998, at age 82.
Seth next married Helen Land SIMPSON ,69 daughter of Thomas McNider SIMPSON and Jocasta Land GRAY , on 27 July 1940.69 Helen was born on 6 April 1901 in Danville, Virginia, died on 16 July 1999 in Suffolk, Virginia, at age 98, and was buried on 20 July 1999 in Suffolk, Virginia.73
Burial Notes: Funeral service at Main Street United Methodist Church, Suffolk, Virginia.
At 2:30 am
Noted events in her life were:
1. Residence: 1991, Suffolk, Virginia.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 19 M i. James Simpson MATHEWS was born on 9 June 1941 in Suffolk, Virginia.
10. Mathew Stewart MATHEWS 70 was born on 18 November 1893 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died on 7 August 1974 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 80, and was buried on 9 August 1974 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Birth Notes: Born 8 AM.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Social Security Number: 229-10-3288.
Mathew married Jessie Ross PEDIGO , daughter of Charles Seldon PEDIGO and Lillie Louise ROSS , on 31 January 1914 in Roanoke, Virginia. Jessie was born on 5 June 1888 in Vinton, Roanoke County, Virginia, died in April 1984 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 95, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Marriage Notes:
Death Notes: 225-74-9991
General Notes: Interview with author in 1976,
She was born in Vinton, Virginia and moved to Roanoke and lived at 1617 Wise Avenue. Dr. Petticord lived next door. At age ten, she moved to the Edgewater section of Norfolk. Her father worked at the Norfolk and Western shops. Later they moved to Portsmouth and had a house on Prentice Place across from her future husband.
Then moved to park View. She tried school, but the boys were mean to her. At age 20 she attended business school in Portsmouth for three months. She became engaged to Stewart Mathews and went back to Roanoke to work for her brother Carl in the wholesale fruit and produce business. He was known as the "apple king." Jessie kept books.
Stewart wanted to move to Roanoke, but his boss gave him a raise to keep him from going. They were married in Roanoke at the Green Memorial Methodist Church. Her brother Carl gave the wedding.
They came back to Portsmouth and lived in an apartment at 700 Armstrong Street; then on B. Street; and then bought the house at 301 Webster Avenue. [the Northeast corner of Webster and Ann Streets in the Park View section of Portsmouth.]
After her children were born, her parents moved back to Roanoke. Her parents died on Ernest Mayhew's (her sister "Foofie's" farm near Fincastle. They are buried in the Vinton Cemetery.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Social Security Number: 225-74-9991.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 20 F i. Charlotte Ross MATHEWS was born on 6 November 1914 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 21 M ii. Mathew Stewart MATHEWS, Jr. was born on 10 March 1917 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died on 9 June 2002 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 85, and was buried on 13 June 2002 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
11. Anna Marguerite MATHEWS was born on 6 January 1908 in Newport News, Virginia.
Anna married Ralph Sasser HUNT in Portsmouth, Virginia. Ralph was born on 10 August 1900 in Goldsboro, North Carolina, died on 14 December 1944 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 44 74, and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.
General Notes: Conversation with daughter, Barbara Hunt Tevis
Children from this marriage were:
+ 22 F i. Ann Marguerite HUNT was born on 26 May 1930 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 23 F ii. Barbara Lee HUNT was born on 9 May 1931 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 24 M iii. Ralph Sasser HUNT, Jr. was born in 1941 and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.74
12. James William MATHEWS, Jr. was born on 21 March 1910 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
General Notes: Address: 2009 Wyoming Ave, Ports. VA 23701, 804-397-1756.
James married Rose Caroline THORNTON on 13 September 1952 in Portsmouth, Virginia. Rose was born in 1911.
Children from this marriage were:
25 M i. James Edward MATHEWS was born in 1954.
13. Emily Francis MATHEWS was born on 12 August 1918 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Birth Notes: Alternate date, 9th
Emily married Harry Goodloe GALLIDAY on 12 July 1940. Harry was born in 1907 in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 26 F i. Francis Elizabeth GALLIDAY was born in 1943.
27 F ii. Patricia Ann GALLIDAY was born in 1950.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Military: Patrica was in the Marine Corps.
Patricia married Stanley Clinton LEPPERT on 9 April 1980. Stanley was born in 1945.
14. John William MATHEWS was born on 21 July 1918 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
John married Ottilie H. WEITZEL on 7 May 1943. Ottilie was born in 1920 and died in 1973, at age 53.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 28 F i. Virginia Mary MATHEWS was born in 1944.
+ 29 M ii. Russell Charles MATHEWS was born in 1945.
16. Mary Elizabeth MATHEWS 72 was born on 18 June 1912 in Portsmouth, Virginia.72
General Notes: Met at Peggy Mathew's funeral. Now resides in Florida (2003).
Noted events in her life were:
1. Residence: 1990, Florida.
Mary married Alford Walker TORRENCE 72 on 6 April 1940 in Portsmouth, Virginia. Alford was born on 24 November 1909 72, died on 23 April 1996 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, at age 86 72, and was buried in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.
General Notes: Father was an air force Col. Both parents from Mass.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 30 M i. Alfred Walker TORRENCE, Jr. 72 was born on 10 September 1947.72
+ 31 F ii. Carol Ann TORRENCE 72 was born on 9 December 1950 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.72
18. Isabel Payne MATHEWS was born on 9 January 1916 and died in 1998, at age 82.
Isabel married Fred Adwell BOZE on 18 December 1937. Fred was born on 5 October 1909 and died on 19 May 1982, at age 72.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 32 M i. Fred Adwell BOZE, III was born on 28 February 1946.
19. James Simpson MATHEWS was born on 9 June 1941 in Suffolk, Virginia.
General Notes: James S. Mathews
James S. Mathews received his B.A. in 1963 from Randolph-Macon College and his LL.B. in 1966 from the University of Virginia (Phi Alpha Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Gamma Mu; Tau Kappa Alpha). Mr. Mathews® practice has traditionally concentrated in commercial, banking, bond issues and fidelity and surety defense. Mr. Mathews is a member of the Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia and American Bar Associations as well as the Virginia State Bar, The Maritime Law Association of the United States and the National Association of Bond Lawyers. Mr. Mathews has been active in several civic and business-related organizations. He is a member of the Norfolk Kiwanis Club, and Past Lieutenant Governor Division 16; member of the Board of Trustees, Randolph Macon College and a former member of the Norfolk Planning Commission. He has served as a member of the Norfolk Forum Board; Past President of United Methodist Pensions, Inc.; Past President of the Randolph Macon College Society of Alumni; and Past President, Urban League of Hampton Roads.
Areas of Practice: Banking
Commercial Law
Government Contracts & Construction Law
Commercial & Business Transactions
Commercial Litigation
Fidelity and Guaranty Surety Defense
IDB and Municipal Bond Issues
Phone: (757) 446-8604
E-mail: jmathews@vanblk.com
James married Melissa KINSEY on 28 November 1970 in Scarsdale, New York. Melissa was born on 1 June 1937.
General Notes: No middle name or initial
Children from this marriage were:
33 F i. Ann Helen MATHEWS was born on 26 February 1972.
34 M ii. James Simpson MATHEWS, Jr. was born on 12 April 1974.
General Notes: Twin
35 F iii. Melissa Wilson MATHEWS was born on 12 April 1974.
General Notes: Twin
20. Charlotte Ross MATHEWS was born on 6 November 1914 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Residence: 1997, Newport News, Virginia.
Charlotte married Harry Lynn HOPEWELL , son of William Robert HOPEWELL and Rachel Ann PARSON , on 30 January 1937 in Portsmouth, Virginia. Harry was born on 10 October 1910 in Bridgeton, Craven County, North Carolina, died on 26 November 1988 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 78, and was buried on 28 November 1988 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Marriage Notes:
General Notes: 225-09-3433
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alt. Death: Alt. Death. Maryview Hospital
2. Occupation: Portsmouth, Virginia. Businessman. Cofounder of The Circle Resturant in 1947.
3. Social Security Number: 225-09-3433.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 36 M i. Harry Lynn HOPEWELL, Jr was born on 19 December 1937 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 37 M ii. Robert Stewart HOPEWELL was born on 8 November 1941 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
38 F iii. Lou Ross HOPEWELL was born on 5 September 1945 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Occupation: Powahtan County, Virginia. Headmistress
2. Residence: 1991, Powahtan County, Virginia.
+ 39 F iv. Charlotte Nina HOPEWELL was born on 10 November 1947 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
21. Mathew Stewart MATHEWS, Jr. was born on 10 March 1917 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died on 9 June 2002 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 85, and was buried on 13 June 2002 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Death Notes: at home.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: Resturantur, 1947, Portsmouth, Virginia. With his brother-in-law Harry Hopewell, he cofounded the Circle Resturant which opened 10 November 1947, the date of the birth of Harry's younger daughter, Charlotte Nina Hopewell.
2. Occupation: Salesman, Portsmouth, Virginia. He worked for Old Dominion Tobacco Company.
Mathew married Mary Sophia SILBER , daughter of Ernest Linden SILBER and Blanche FRASIER , on 28 December 1943. Mary was born on 22 June 1916 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, died on 3 May 1975 in Portsmouth, Virginia, at age 58, and was buried on 5 May 1975 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
General Notes: Olive Branch Cemetery
Children from this marriage were:
+ 40 M i. Lt. Col. Mathew Stewart MATHEWS, III was born on 1 August 1944 in Lawton, Oklahoma.
+ 41 M ii. Richard Ernest MATHEWS was born on 25 September 1945 in Washington, District of Columbia.
+ 42 M iii. Reed Silber MATHEWS was born on 12 June 1949 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 43 F iv. Linden Ross MATHEWS was born on 7 September 1952 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
44 M v. Keith Dana MATHEWS was born on 13 August 1953 in Portsmouth, Virginia. (Twin)
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence: 1991, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Keith married Maureen Miller NIXON , daughter of Edward Winslow NIXON and Doris Norman MILLER , on 24 December 1986 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Maureen was born on 22 June 1951 in Elizabeth City, Hertford County, North Carolina. Another name for Maureen was NICKIE.
+ 45 M vi. Craig Darryl MATHEWS was born on 13 August 1953 in Portsmouth, Virginia. (Twin)
22. Ann Marguerite HUNT was born on 26 May 1930 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Residence: 1991, Portsmouth, Virginia.
Ann married Frank Joseph URABECK, Jr. on 19 August 1950. Frank was born on 2 January 1927. Another name for Frank was YRABECK.
Marriage Notes: Mathews Family
General Notes: Lives at 2000 California Ave, Portsmouth, Virginia.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 46 F i. Linda Ann URABECK was born on 22 May 1952 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 47 F ii. Catherine Ann URABECK was born in 1956.
48 M iii. Frank Joseph URABECK, III was born in 1965.
Frank married Carol Anne KESTNER on 21 September 1985. Carol was born in 1964.
23. Barbara Lee HUNT was born on 9 May 1931 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
General Notes: Lives at 121 Oregon Ave, Portsmouth, VA 23701
Noted events in her life were:
1. Residence: Portsmouth, Virginia.
Barbara married William Thomas TEVIS on 22 April 1950 in Elizabeth City, Hertford County, North Carolina. William was born on 6 March 1924 in Princess Ann County, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence: 1991, Portsmouth, Virginia.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 49 F i. Sandra Lee TEVIS was born in 1955.
+ 50 M ii. Robert Lynn TEVIS was born in 1955.
+ 51 M iii. Leslie Carroll TEVIS was born in 1958.
52 F iv. Brenda L. TEVIS was born in 1968.
24. Ralph Sasser HUNT, Jr. was born in 1941 and was buried in Portsmouth, Virginia.74
General Notes: Lives in Calif. with mother.
Ralph married Pattie Starr SUMPTER 74 on 8 March 1965.74 Pattie was born in 1944.
Children from this marriage were:
53 M i. Ralph Sasser HUNT, III was born in 1967.
26. Francis Elizabeth GALLIDAY was born in 1943.
Francis married William NEALIS in 1963. The marriage ended in divorce in 1971.
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Divorced: Divorced.
Francis next married William Henry CLEMENTS on 8 December 1973. William was born in 1943.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 54 F i. Deborah A. CLEMENTS was born in 1965.
28. Virginia Mary MATHEWS was born in 1944.
Virginia married Max JENNE on 16 July 1965. Max was born in 1944 and died in 1976, at age 32.
Children from this marriage were:
55 F i. Heid JENNE was born in 1966.
56 M ii. Eric JENNE was born in 1967.
57 F iii. Christine JENNE was born in 1972.
29. Russell Charles MATHEWS was born in 1945.
Russell married Janet A. CARLSON on 26 October 1968. Janet was born in 1949.
Children from this marriage were:
58 F i. Michelle J. MATHEWS was born in 1969.
59 M ii. Jeffery C. MATHEWS was born in 1973.
60 F iii. Jennifer L. MATHEWS was born in 1977.
30. Alfred Walker TORRENCE, Jr. 72 was born on 10 September 1947.72
Alfred married Jeanne SUPRENANT 72 on 6 August 1970. Jeanne was born on 26 July 1947.72
Children from this marriage were:
61 M i. Matthew Charles TORRENCE 72 was born on 31 October 1973.72
62 M ii. Ryan Gregory TORRENCE 72 was born on 11 December 1980.72
31. Carol Ann TORRENCE 72 was born on 9 December 1950 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.72
Carol married Joseph Michael TALONE, Jr 72 on 23 January 1971 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. Joseph was born on 27 September 1948 in Jacksonville, Florida.72
Marriage Notes: First Presbyterian Church.
Children from this marriage were:
63 F i. Jennifer Ann TALONE 72 was born on 25 July 1974 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.72
64 M ii. Jeffery Michael TALONE 72 was born on 16 May 1978 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.72
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence: 2001, Lexington, Kentucky.
32. Fred Adwell BOZE, III was born on 28 February 1946.
Fred married Linda Carol JONES on 8 June 1971. Linda was born on 20 October 1953.
Fred next married Susan Seagel STEVENS on 5 May 1984. Susan was born on 3 February 1946.
Children from this marriage were:
65 M i. Carolyn Elizabeth BOZE was born on 14 September 1977.
36. Harry Lynn HOPEWELL, Jr was born on 19 December 1937 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Birth Notes: Kings Daughter's Hospital in Park View. His mother was in the hospital for two weeks, typical of childbirth in that time.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: Warrenton, Fauquier County, Virginia. Investment Advisor
2. Residence: 2003, Warrenton, Fauquier County, Virginia.
Harry married Carolyn Jean LAWRENCE , daughter of Frank Dudley LAWRENCE, Jr. and Charlotte Ernestine CRAWFORD , on 19 October 1955 in Hodges Ferry, Norfolk County, Virginia. The marriage ended in divorce. Carolyn was born on 5 July 1939 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Marriage Notes: Marriage attended by both families. Afterwards Carolyn and Lynn left to travel to VMI and VPI. At the bride's residence.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Occupation: Artist
2. Residence: 1991, Washington, District of Columbia.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 66 M i. Harry Lynn HOPEWELL, III was born on 20 May 1956 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
+ 67 M ii. Frank Mathew HOPEWELL was born on 19 December 1958 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Harry next married Leslie Ann LINDSAY on 9 October 1976 in Oakton, Fairfax County, Virginia. Leslie was born on 2 September 1944 in San Francisco, California.
Marriage Notes: Oakton Unitarian Church, Rev. David Weissbard
Children from this marriage were:
68 M i. Stewart Lindsay HOPEWELL was born on 28 September 1979 in Annandale, Fairfax County, Virginia.
Birth Notes: Fairfax County Hospital.
General Notes: Stewart's father assisted birth.
37. Robert Stewart HOPEWELL was born on 8 November 1941 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: 2003, Portsmouth, Virginia. U. S. Navy retired. Works as antique dealer.
2. Residence: 1991, Falls Church, Virginia.
Robert married Shirley Ray ROGERS on 4 October 1969 in Brunswick, Maine. The marriage ended in divorce.
Children from this marriage were:
69 M i. Robert Stewart HOPEWELL, Jr.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: Marketing
70 M ii. John Lynn HOPEWELL .
Robert next married Mary Dorothy CHAMBERS , daughter of Richard Paul CHAMBERS and Margaret Alice CHAMBERS , on 8 December 1984 in McLean, Fairfax County, Virginia. The marriage ended in divorce. Mary was born on 12 August 1948 in Read Oak, Iowa.
Marriage Notes:
Children from this marriage were:
71 M i. David Chambers HOPEWELL was born on 18 June 1985 in Arlington, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Graduation: J.E.B. Stuart High School, 3 June 2003, Annandale, Fairfax County, Virginia.
39. Charlotte Nina HOPEWELL was born on 10 November 1947 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Occupation: Portsmouth, Virginia. court clerk
2. Residence: 2003, Portsmouth, Virginia.
Charlotte married Marvin Grey BARNES , son of Thurman Stacy BARNES and Lillie Rae TURNER , on 19 July 1969 in Portsmouth, Virginia. The marriage ended in divorce. Marvin was born on 8 October 1946 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence: 1991, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Children from this marriage were:
72 M i. Marvin Grey BARNES, Jr. was born on 9 January 1970 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
73 F ii. Rachel Ross BARNES was born on 11 July 1974 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Charlotte next married Richard LODGE in 1989 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
40. Lt. Col. Mathew Stewart MATHEWS, III was born on 1 August 1944 in Lawton, Oklahoma. Another name for Mathew was TREY.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: U.S.Army, Ret.
2. Residence: 2003, Poolsville, Maryland.
Mathew married Mary Alice MACON ,75 daughter of George Sidney MACON and Lila Lucille HOWARD , on 1 July 1972 in Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia. The marriage ended in divorce in 1978. Mary was born on 31 October 1950 in Statesboro, Georgia.
Marriage Notes: Ft. Benning Chapel.
Birth Notes: Bullock County Hospital.
Children from this marriage were:
74 M i. Marvin Luke MATHEWS was born on 18 February 1968 in Montgomery, Alabama. Another name for Marvin was LUKE. (Adopted)
Birth Notes: Maxwell Air Force Base Hospital.
General Notes: Adopted by Trey Mathews.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: Denver, Colorado. Executive with UPS at Denver International Airport
2. Adoption: 1973, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mathew next married Justina Faye MARCOS , daughter of Emilio MARCOS and Evelyn Katherine ILLGEN , on 30 April 1980 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Justina was born on 14 March 1950 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Alt. Marriage: Alt. Marriage, 30 April 1981, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Alt. Birth: Alt. Birth, 14 March 1950, Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.
Children from this marriage were:
75 M i. Sean Eric MATHEWS was born on 27 May 1981 in Frankfurt A Main, Germany.
76 M ii. Ross Ian MATHEWS was born on 4 December 1982 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
77 F iii. Brittany Joy MATHEWS was born on 1 May 1987 in High Wyecombe, United Kingdom.
41. Richard Ernest MATHEWS was born on 25 September 1945 in Washington, District of Columbia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: Portsmouth, Virginia. Resturantuer.
2. Residence: 2002, Cheasapeake, Virginia.
Richard married Charlean VERHAAGEN , daughter of Hubrecht Leendrick VERHAAGEN and Charlotte O'Lean CAFFEE , on 10 June 1984 in Portsmouth, Virginia. Charlean was born on 27 May 1952 in Norfolk, Virginia.
Marriage Notes: At the home of the groom's father.
Children from this marriage were:
78 M i. Cody Haagen MATHEWS was born on 24 August 1985.
42. Reed Silber MATHEWS was born on 12 June 1949 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: Carpenter
2. Residence: 2002. Lincolnville, Maine
Reed married Anne Catherine McCORMACK on 18 May 1985 in Brewster, Massechussets. Anne was born on 23 December 1952 in Dorchester Massechussets.
Children from this marriage were:
79 M i. Conor Clark MATHEWS was born on 25 December 1987 in Hyannis, Massachusets.
43. Linden Ross MATHEWS was born on 7 September 1952 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Residence: 2003, Wilmington, North Carolina.
Linden married James Sheldon BOONE, Jr. , son of James Sheldon BOONE and Lillie Christine ADAMS , on 26 March 1983 in Williamsburg, Virginia. James was born on 11 May 1950 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Children from this marriage were:
80 M i. Scott Thomas BOONE was born on 28 August 1985 in Wilmington, North Carolina.
81 F ii. Peggy Ross BOONE was born on 22 June 1988 in Wilmington, North Carolina.
45. Craig Darryl MATHEWS was born on 13 August 1953 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence: 1991, Midlothian, Virginia.
Craig married Susan Kay HEWITT , daughter of William Meyers HEWITT and Charlotte Loraine STOKSS , on 28 April 1978 in Winchester, Virginia. The marriage ended in divorce. Susan was born on 28 July 1951 in Washington, District of Columbia.
Children from this marriage were:
82 M i. Brenton Gage MATHEWS was born on 25 January 1983 in Richmond, Virginia.
83 M ii. Derrick Silber MATHEWS was born on 5 September 1987 in Richmond, Virginia.
46. Linda Ann URABECK was born on 22 May 1952 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Linda married Frank Anthony WALSKI on 19 June 1971. Frank was born in 1950.
Children from this marriage were:
84 M i. David A. WALSKI was born in 1972.
85 M ii. Joseph A. WALSKI was born in 1975.
86 M iii. Karyn A. WALSKI was born in 1979.
47. Catherine Ann URABECK was born in 1956.
Catherine married James Vernon CULPEPPER, II on 10 July 1976. James was born in 1955.
Children from this marriage were:
87 F i. Jill Marie CULPEPPER was born in 1982.
49. Sandra Lee TEVIS was born in 1955.
Sandra married Jerry STEPHENS on 14 September 1973. Jerry was born in 1951.
Children from this marriage were:
88 M i. Jeffrey M. STEPHENS was born in 1977.
89 M ii. Brian A. STEPHENS was born in 1981.
50. Robert Lynn TEVIS was born in 1955.
Robert married Christine JONES on 31 July 1982. Christine was born in 1958.
Children from this marriage were:
90 M i. Robert C. TEVIS was born in 1980.
51. Leslie Carroll TEVIS was born in 1958.
Leslie married Patricia Darlene ADAMS on 19 September 1980. Patricia was born in 1962.
Children from this marriage were:
91 F i. Amy L. TEVIS was born in 1981.
54. Deborah A. CLEMENTS was born in 1965.
Deborah married Danny Galen PENICK in June 1984.
Children from this marriage were:
92 M i. Danny Galen PENICK, Jr. was born in 1985.
93 F ii. Dianna Bethany PENICK was born in 1986.
Deborah next married Steven BECKER . Steven was born in 1866.
Children from this marriage were:
94 F i. Cassandra Emily BECKER was born in 1998.
66. Harry Lynn HOPEWELL, III was born on 20 May 1956 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence: Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia.
Harry married Jacqueline Ann-Noelle NANTIER in 1986 in Warrenton, Fauquier County, Virginia. The marriage ended in divorce. Jacqueline was born on 30 September 1958 in Leminester, Massachusetts.
Marriage Notes: St. James Episcopal Church
Children from this marriage were:
95 M i. Robert Lynn HOPEWELL was born on 8 March 1988 in Fairfax County, Virginia.
67. Frank Mathew HOPEWELL was born on 19 December 1958 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Residence: Washington, District of Columbia.
Frank married Christy BOSONE in 1984 in Vienna, Fairfax County, Virginia. The marriage ended in divorce.
Children from this marriage were:
96 F i. Courtney Ross HOPEWELL 76 was born on 4 January 1985 in Washington, District of Columbia.
1. Barbara Mathews Deed, 1838, Norfolk County Virginia Deeds, Barbara Mathews Deed, 1838, (August 22, 1838, deed book 63-30). She waives rights to father's property. She is widow of Lodowick Mathews.
2. Smith Bible, Smith Bible.
3. Barbara Mathews Deed, 1838, Norfolk County Virginia Deeds, Barbara Mathews Deed, 1838, (August 22, 1838, deed book 63-30). Cites Barbara Mathews as daughter of William R. Smith.
4. Census, Federal, 1860, Portsmouth, Virginia, Census, Federal, 1860, Portsmouth, Virginia. Barbara Mathews is 55. She was actually 65. Perhaps error.
5. Barbara Smith Mathews Death Register, Barbara Smith Mathews Death Register. Undertaker was Thomas Scott. She was born in Norfolk County.
6. Virginia, Portsmouth - 1850 U.S. Census, Portsmouth, Virginia 1850 U.S. Census.
7. Virginia, Portsmouth, Register of Deaths 1858-1896, Portsmouth, Virginia, Register of Deaths 1858-1896, (Clerk of the Court: Portsmouth, Virginia, 1896.)
8. Virginia, Norfolk County, James W. and Mary Ann Amelia White Marriage Bond, Norfolk County Virginia Marriage Records, James W. and Mary Ann Amelia White Marriage Bond, (Marriage bond dated __ October, 1847.), P. 13. The day of the bond is unreadable on the copy. James W. Matthews and William Outten made the bond. Mary is listed as Mrs. Mary A. A. White (a widow.) She was three years older than her husband. Willi am Outen was the husband of her sister Margaret. Norfolk County Virginia Marriage Records, James W. and Mary Ann Amelia White Marriage Bond, (Marriage bond dated __ October, 1847.), P. 13., The day of the bond is unreadable on the copy. James W. Matthews and William Outten made the bond. Mary is listed as Mrs. Mary A. A. White (a widow.).
9. Census, Federal, 1850, Portsmouth, Virginia, Census, Federal, 1850, Portsmouth, Virginia.
10. Virginia, Portsmouth, Register of Deaths 1858-1896, Portsmouth, Virginia, Register of Deaths 1858-1896, (Clerk of the Court: Portsmouth, Virginia, 1896.) Says her death date is 10 Nov. 1873.
11. Maria S. Morris tombstone, Maria S. Morris tombstone, (Oak Grove Cemetery, Portsmouth, Virginia). Death date is Oct. 24, 1873. Name is Maria S. vice Susan Maria in death certificate. Name is Susan Mariah in her marriage bond.
12. Susan Maria Mathews and John E. Morris marriage record, Norfolk County Virginia Marriage Records, October, 1847, Susan Maria Mathews and John E. Morris marriage record. James W. Mathews and John E. Morris make a bond, 21 September, 1847 concerning the pending marriage between John and Miss Susan Mariah Matthews. "The above bound James Matthews made oath before me tha t the above named Miss Susan Mariah Matthews was above the age of twenty one years." Both John and James sign their names.
13. John Edward Morris Will, Portsmouth Virginia Wills, John Edward Morris Will, (June 23, 1893, Book 2, Clerk's Office, Portsmouth, Virginia). will dated 28 June, 1893. Leaves home at 524 S. St. to daus Louisa M. and Virginia E. Morris ....son Louis J. Morris ....stepdau Elizabeth Hall, unmarried. Look for death records of Margaret and her first marriage.
14. John Edward Morris tombstone, John Edward Morris tombstone.
15. John Edward Morris Death Registration, Portsmouth Virginia Deaths, John Edward Morris Death Registration.
16. John Edward Morris family bible, John Edward Morris family bible. Martha Grant lived on Crawford Street, Portsmouth, Virginia
17. John Edward Morris Will, Portsmouth Virginia Wills, John Edward Morris Will, (June 23, 1893, Book 2, Clerk's Office, Portsmouth, Virginia), Book 2.
18. John Edward Morris Death Registration, Portsmouth Virginia Deaths, John Edward Morris Death Registration. Age 68 years, 15 days.
19. Virginia, Portsmouth - 1860 U.S. Censu, John E. Morris household, Microfilm Roll ____ , Pag 108, dwelling 898, family, 863, John e. Morris household. John e. Morris, 34, m, Carpt., personal estate value $50, b. Va. Maria S. Morris, 34, f, b NC; Martha S. Morris, f, 11, b Va., attended school this year; Maria V., 9, f, b Va., attended school; Atamicus, 6, m, b Va., attended school; Edward B., 4, m, b Va.; John W., 1/2, m, b Va.
20. John Edward Morris 1880 U.S. Census household, John Edward Morris 1880 U.S. Census household, (Source Information:
Census Place Portsmouth, Norfolk, Virginia
Family History Library Film 1255382
NA Film Number T9-1382
Page Number 581B
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birthplace OccupationFather's Birth Mother's Birthplace
John E. MORRIS Self W Male W 51 VA Ship Joiner VA VA
Edward B. MORRIS Son S Male W 23 VA Student VA VA
Lula E. MORRIS Dau S Female W 22 VA VA VA
John W. MORRIS Son S Male W 21 VA Grocer VA VA
Virginia E. MORRIS Dau S Female W 13 VA Attending School VA VA
Bettie H. MORRIS Dau S Female W 14 VA Attending School VA VA
Lewis J. MORRIS Son S Male W 3 VA VA VA
21. Chataigne's Portsmouth Directory, 1882, Chataigne's Portsmouth Directory, 1882. Morris, John E. carp h South nr Washington.
22. Chataigne's Directory of Norfolk and Portsmouth, 1883-1884, Chataigne's Directory of Norfolk and Portsmouth, 1883-1884. Morris, John E., carp, h. 524 South.
23. Chataigne's Portsmouth Directory, 1888, 1889, 1890, Chataigne's Portsmouth Directory, 1888, 1889, 1890. Norfolk City Directory, 1888. Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co., 1888.
Norfolk City Directory, 1889. Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co. 1889. Norfolk City Directory, 1890-91, Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co., 1891., (Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co.) Morris, John E. carp h 524 South.
24. Virginia, Portsmouth, Emerson Papers, John C. Emerson, Some Fugitive Items of Portsmouth and Norfolk County History, (1948). "Gosport at that time was a fashionable place. The elite of the city lived there." Portsmouth People by John Forman, written in 1890.
From Portsmouth Star, March 14, 1911 and succeeding issues. Portsmouth People by John Forman, written in 1890.
From Portsmouth Star, March 14, 1911 and succeeding issues. Found in "Some Fugitive Items of Portsmouth and Norfolk County History," compiled by John C. Emerson, 1948; in Portsmouth City Library.
25. J.W. & M. A. A. Mathews Mortgage, 1850, Norfolk County Virginia Deeds, J.W. & M. A. A. Mathews Mortgage, 1850, (April 2, 1850). J. W. & M. A. A. Mathews mortgage house to Portsmouth Savings Fund Society $700 [property described in Book 77-337] April 2, 1850
[Later deeds show son selling land July 18, 1887 to Lyons.].
26. Minute Book of the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1853-1858, Minute Book of the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1853-1858. No record of election.
27. Virginia, Portsmouth, Emerson Papers, John C. Emerson, Some Fugitive Items of Portsmouth and Norfolk County History, (1948), 1855, p. 8.
28. Minute Book of the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1853-1858, Minute Book of the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1853-1858, 133. Election of Council 1855. An election was held by the Sheriff of norfolk County, at the Court House and Town hall on the first Saturday in April, 1855 for thirteen Councilmen of the Town of Portsmouth , for the ensuing year whcih resulted in the election of the following gentlement, viz; ...James W. Mathews ... Absolom J. Manning [brother of James Mathew's wife Maryanne.]
On motion of J. V. Pratt, the appointments were left to the chair who announced the committees to consist as follows: Committee on Public Property- Jas W. Mathews. Minute Book of the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1853-1858, 133, Election of Council 1855. An election was held by the Sheriff of norfolk County, at the Court House and Town hall on the first Saturday in April, 1855 for thirteen Councilmen of the Town of Portsmouth, for the ensuing year which resulted in the election of the following gentlement, viz; ...James W. Mathews ... Absolom J. Manning [brother of James Mathews' wife Maryanne.]
On motion of J. V. Pratt, the appointments were left to the chair who announced the committees to consist as follows: Committee on Public Property- Jas W. Mathews.
29. Ibid, 134. Regular Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Portsmouth held at the Crawford Street hall on Tuesday evening, may 1, 1855 ...James W. Mathews [present].
30. Ibid, 139. [Date not recorded. Correct next time in Portsmouth.] J. W. Mathews elected Town Sergeant. The President announced as next in order the election of Town Sergeant, and on motion the Board went into ele ctions. Applications were read from Messers. S. Haswood, Jas. W. Mathews, Germiah F. Cherry, H Stoaks, Thos. L. Johnson and B.B. Warren. Mr. Mathews obtained leave to retire. There were elven ballot s cast, all of which Jas. W. Mathews received. He was thereupon declared duled elected.
31. Ibid, 139. Meeting Tuesday evening 5 June, 1855. Messers. Jas. W. Mathews Town Sergeant elect, and Wm. H. Williams ... submitted the names of their securities which were approved.
State of Virginia, County of Norfolk to wit: This 6th day of June, 1855 personally appeared James W. Mathews of the State and County aforesaid, before me Wm. Outten a justice of the peace of the count y and State aforesaid and made oath that he will perform faithfully the duties of his office of Town Sergeant of the Town of Portsmouth for the year ending to the best of his ability and capacity. Signed James W. Mathews. Minute Book of the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1853-1858, 139, Meeting Tuesday evening 5 June, 1855. Messers. Jas. W. Mathews Town Sergeant elected, and Wm. H. Williams ... submitted the nam es of their securities which were approved.
State of Virginia, County of Norfolk to wit: This 6th day of June, 1855 personally appeared James W. Mathews of the State and County aforesaid, before me Wm. Outten a justice of the peace of the count y and State aforesaid and made oath that he will perform faithfully the duties of his office of Town Sergeant of the Town of Portsmouth for the year ending t the best of his ability and capacity. Signed James W. Mathews.
32. Ibid, 139. Meeting, June 15, 1855. Town Sergeant Bond. William Outten, A[bsolom] Judge Manning and James W. Mathews give $1,000 bond for J.W. Mathews performance of duties of Town Sergeant. [Absolom Manning was his wife's brother and William Outen was his wife's sister Margaret's husband.].
33. Ibid, 139. Meeting-July 8, 1855. Yellow Fever. Whereas it has been represented to the members of the Council by several of the Physicians of our Town, that there is a case of Yellow Fever in Gosport caused by exposure while at work on board the Steamship Ben Franklin, lying at Page and Allen's warf- Threfore, Resolved by the Common Council that the Town Sergeant be directed to call on the Capt. of said steam ship and require her removal forthwith to the Quaranteen Grounds, and in default of such removal by her commanding officer, then to have her removed at the expense of her owners. On motion ordered, .. That no publication be made of these proceedings in the public newspaper, be made. On motion of Wm. Porter it was Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair to cooperate with the Tow n Sergeant in the carrying out of the resolution.
34. Ibid. Meeting May 6, 1856. [lots of new council members] Next in order being the election of Town Sergeant, Jas. W. Mathews present incumbent stated that he had made no application because his bond does no t expire until June. [This unclear.] applications were read from Mssers. John P. Minter, Cary F. Grimes, naming their securities and Messers. james Thompkins and Oney H. Edwards. Mr. Thompson moved th e vote be recorded. Agreed to- and the question being called for resulted in the following vote, viz: For Grimes 8, for Minter 2, for Tompkins1. Cary F. Grimes was declared duly elected Town Sergeant for the ensuing year. Meeting August 5, 1856. Police officer salary $33.33/mo + $1 per arrest. 4 officers.
35. Minute Book of the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1858-1863, Minute Book of the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1858-1863, 79. Poll of City Sergeant. "The president laid before the board the pole for City Sergeant taken on the 17th [of November, 1858] met: At the Jackson Ward the vote for Mathews was 15, at Jefferson Ward 2 3 no opposition.
36. James William Mathews Ended Law Case, January, 1861, Norfolk County Virginia Ended Law Cases, James William Mathews Ended Law Case, January, 1861, (January 1, 1861). W.H. Morris sues James W. Mathews and James G. Hodges because they did not yet pay the $150 owed him for the hire of the negro Jeffery for the year 1861.
37. Virginia, Portsmouth, 1870 U.S. Census, James W. Mathews family, Portsmouth, Virginia 1870 U.S. Census, James W. Mathews family, (Census date: 14 June, 1870. Jackson Ward, p. 12-13. Roll M593_1667. House 75, family 97.) James W. Mathews, 52, m, w, wharf builder, b VA
38. Portsmouth City Council Minutes, 1876, Portsmouth City Council Minutes, 1876. James W. Mathews not found in Minute Book.
39. Portsmouth Virginia City Council Minutes, 1877, Portsmouth Virginia City Council Minutes, 1877. [James W. Mathews elected Council Members].
40. Ibid. [Serving as Council Member.].
41. Portsmouth City Council Minutes, 1879, Portsmouth City Council Minutes, 1879.
42. Ibid. July 1, 1879 Council Minutes record elections. James W. Mathews not elected.
43. Virginia, Portsmouth - 1880 U.S. Census, Alexander Cassell, Virginia, Portsmouth, 1880 U.S. Cenus population schedule. Film 1255382, film no. T0-1382, page 615C
, (Washington, D.C., National Archives. On-line, www.familysearch. org
Source Information:
Census Place Portsmouth, Norfolk, Virginia
Family History Library Film 1255382
NA Film Number T9-1382
Page Number 615C
), Film 1255382, film no. T0-1382, page 615C. Birthplace, VA; age 60; occupation carpenter; married, white, head of househould. Alexander W. Cassell, head of household, 57, born in Virginia, sail maker, U.S.N., parents born in Virginia. Mary Cassell, wife, 44, born in Virginia, keeping house, parents born in Virginia. Edwin Cassell, son, 20, born in Virginia, sail maker. Dianah Wright, other, female, black, 45, born in Virginia, servant, parents born in Virginia.
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birthplace Occ. Father's Birth Mother's Birthplace
Alexander W. CASSELL Self M Male W 57 VA Sail Maker U. S. N. VA VA
Mary CASSELL Wife M Female W 44 VA Keeping House VA VA
Edwin CASSELL Son S Male W 20 VA Sail Maker VA VA
Dianah WRIGHT Other W Female B 45 VA Servant VA VA
. Alexander's birth is given as Washington, D.C. in other records.
44. Virginia, Portsmouth - 1880 U.S. Census, James W. Mathews, Virginia, Portsmouth, 1880 U.S. Cenus population schedule. Film 1255382, film no. T0-1382, page 615C, (Washington, D.C., National Archives. On-line, www.familysearch. org
Source Information:
Census Place Portsmouth, Norfolk, Virginia
Family History Library Film 1255382
NA Film Number T9-1382
Page Number 615C
). James W. mathews, 60, born Virginia, carpenter, both parents born in Virginia. Mary Ann Mathews, wife, 67, born in Virginia, keeping house, both parents born in Virginia. James Mathews, son, married, 32, born in Virginia, carpenter, both parents born in Virginia. Martha Mathews, wife, 29, born in Virginia, keeping house, both parents born in Virginia. Willie Mathews, son, 2, born in Virginia. Maggius Manning, gnniece, single, 20, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia. James W. mathews, 60, born Virginia, carpenter, both parents born in Virginia. Mary Ann Mathews, wife, 67, born in Virginia, keeping house, both parents born in Virginia. James Mathews, son, married, 32, born in Virginia, carpenter, both parents born in Virginia. Martha Mathews, wife, 29, born in Virginia, keeping house, both parents born in Virginia. Willie Mathews, son, 2, born in Virginia. Maggius Manning, gnniece, single, 20, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia.
Name Relation Marital Gender Race Age Birthplace Occ. Father's Birth Mother's Birth
James W. MATHEWS Self M Male W 60 VA Carpenter VA VA
Mary Ann MATHEWS Wife M Female W 67 VA Keeping House VA VA
James MATHEWS Son M Male W 32 VA Carpenter VA VA
Martha MATHEWS Wife M Female W 29 VA Keeping House VA VA
Willie MATHEWS Son S Male W 2 VA VA VA
Maggius MANNING GNiece S Female W 20 VA VA VA
45. Virginia, Portsmouth, Register of Deaths 1858-1896, Portsmouth, Virginia, Register of Deaths 1858-1896, (Clerk of the Court: Portsmouth, Virginia, 1896.) Aged 72 years, 7 months. Parents Matthew and Mary Manning. Born Norfolk County, widow, info by F. S. Hope H.O.
46. Maryann Amelia Manning Mathews Death Record, Maryann Amelia Manning Mathews Death Record, (Portsmouth, Virginia Deaths). This record says April 4. Obit says April 3. Recheck.
47. Isabelle Mathews Boze Newspaper Clippings, Unknown, Isabelle Mathews Boze Newspaper Clippings, (Clippings, undated, transcribed by Isabelle Boze). Entered into death Sunday night, April 3rd, 1886, Maryann Amelia White Mathews, aged 72 years, 8 months, the last of a family of four brothers and two sisters whose fore-fathers settled upon Julians C reek in Norfolk County, Va. (17.00 inserted here) A good wife, mother and sister is gone. May we meet her in heaven.
48. James W. and Mary Ann Amelia Mathews Deed as Grantors, Norfolk County Virginia Deeds, James W. and Mary Ann Amelia Mathews Deed as Grantors, (September 19, 1849). James W. and Mary Ann Amelia Mathews sell house and lot in Gosport to Barnard ONiell, "beginning at intersection of Lincoln and Second Sts, and running along 2nd st, North 60' to Samul J. Staples lot , thence along said lot West 50' to Barnard O'Neill's lot, thence along said lot South 60' to Lincoln st., thence along said st. East 40' to the beginning.
49. Virginia, Portsmouth - 1880 U.S. Census, James W. Mathews, Virginia, Portsmouth, 1880 U.S. Cenus population schedule. Film 1255382, film no. T0-1382, page 615C, (Washington, D.C., National Archives. On-line, www.familysearch. org
Source Information:
Census Place Portsmouth, Norfolk, Virginia
Family History Library Film 1255382
NA Film Number T9-1382
Page Number 615C
50. Ibid. Mary's granddnice Maggius [Margaret?] Manning, age 20, living with Mary.
51. Virginia, Norfolk, Norfolk Virginian newspaper, Mary Ann Mathews Obituary, (Norfolk Virginian newspaper, Norfolk, Virginia), Mary Ann Amelia Manning Mathews obituary, April 7, 1886, Reel No. 2005, September 25, 1885-May 21, 1886, Kirn Public Library, Norfolk, Virginia. Mrs. Mary Ann Mathews, grand-mother of Mr. Edward Cassell, who shot the saloon keeper of Norfolk, not long since, died Sunday night, it is thought from grief. Mrs. Mathews was 72 years old. Her funeral will take place from the residence of her son, Mr. Alex W. Cassell on Second street, today. [ Alex W. Cassell was her son in law, married to her daughter Mary Hodges White.]
. [Transcribed by Lynn Hopewell.] April 7th was a Wednesday. Sunday would have been April 4.
52. Chataigne's Portsmouth Directory, 1882, Chataigne's Portsmouth Directory, 1882. Mathews, Mathew J, mechanic h 2nd nr Henry.
53. Mathew James Mathews tombstone, Oak Grove Cemetery, Portsmouth, Virginia, Mathew James Mathews tombstone, Oak Grove Cemetery, Portsmouth, Virginia. Born 14 November 1848.
54. Ibid. Died January 28, 1909.
55. Mathew James Mathews Marriage Registration to Martha Elizabeth Neaville, Portsmouth Marriages, Mathew James Mathews Marriage Registration to Martha Elizabeth Neaville.
56. Mathew James Mathews Marriage Registration to Susan Payne Jones, Portsmouth Virginia Marriages, Mathew James Mathews Marriage Registration to Susan Payne Jones.
57. Chataigne's Portsmouth Directory, 1888, 1889, 1890, Chataigne's Portsmouth Directory, 1888, 1889, 1890. Norfolk City Directory, 1888. Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co., 1888.
Norfolk City Directory, 1889. Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co. 1889. Norfolk City Directory, 1890-91, Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co., 1891., (Norfolk, Virginia: J. H. Chataigne and Co.) Matthews, Matthew J, carp h 409 Harrison. [Not listed under carpenters or contractors in business section.].
58. Chataigne's Directory of Portsmouth and Berkley 1894, Chataigne's Directory of Portsmouth and Berkley 1894. Mathews, Matthew J., ship jointer, house: 1101 Dinwiddie.
59. Virginia, Portsmouth, 1870 U.S. census, Portsmouth, Virginia U.S. census 1870, Jackson Ward, James Mathews and his father both listed as "wharf builders.".
60. Virginia, Portsmouth - 1870 U.S. Census, John C. Neaville family, (Roll M593_1667, p. 60. Jackson Ward, house 374, family 374. 28 June 1870.)
61. Martha Elizabeth Neaville Mathews Tombstone, Lynn Hopewell, Martha Elizabeth Neaville Mathews Tombstone, Oak Grove Cemetery, Portsmouth, Virginia. Transcribed by Lynn Hopewell
62. Portsmouth, Virginia births, Portsmouth, Virginia births.
63. James William Mathews II Tombstone, James William Mathews II Tombstone.
64. Edwin Elvington Mathews entry, List of Heirs, Court of Hustings, Portsmouth, Virgina, Edwin Elvington Mathews entry, List of Heirs, (List of Heirs).
65. Edwin Mathews Laura Powers marriage registration, Portsmouth Marriages, Edwin Mathews Laura Powers marriage registration.
66. Jones Family History, Jones Family History.
67. Susan Payne Jones Mathews Tombstone, Susan Payne Jones Mathews Tombstone, (Olive Grove Cemetary, Portsmouth, Virginia).
68. Mary Lucy Mathews death registration, Portsmouth Deaths, Mary Lucy Mathews death registration. Age 1 year, 8 months; of meningitis; parents, M.J. & Susan P. Matthews; b. Portsmouth; information, Susan P. Mathews, mother.
69. Helen Land Simpson Interview, Lynn Hopewell, Helen Land Simpson Interview.
70. Jesse Ross Pedigo Mathews Interview, (Interview with Lynn Hopewell, 1975).
71. Edwin Elvington Mathews entry, List of Heirs, Court of Hustings, Portsmouth, Virgina, Edwin Elvington Mathews entry, List of Heirs, (List of Heirs), List of Heirs, Book 4-619.
72. Mary Mathews Torrence Interview, Lynn Hopewell, Mary Mathews Torrence Interview, (Interview with Mary Mathews Torrence, Nov 30 1976).
73. Lynn Hopewell, Lynn Hopewell, (Personal knowledge). Lynn attended funeral.
74. Barbara Hunt Tevis Interview, Lynn Hopewell, Barbara Hunt Tevis Interview, (1991).
75. MathewsIII-2.FTW, MathewsIII-2.FTW.
76. Author, Author.
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